
Glass Hearts

So, there's Mia, head over heels for her bestie and billionaire, Xavier Harris. And it seems like half the planet's on the same page, considering how often Xavier's in the tabloids with a new date. You'd think admitting it would be the first step, right? But Mia can't spill the beans because Xavier just sees her as a buddy. She's not about to make things awkward between them. So, it's strictly platonic for Mia and the sexiest man alive. That's how she rolls, or so she says while wiping away "onion tears." But with them about to work together at the same company, will Mia ever find the guts to spill the beans to Xavier?

jigoloooo · Hiện thực
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6 Chs


Stella's backyard resembled a miniature woodland, with holly trees and native shrubs meticulously trimmed like green flames. It exuded a serene beauty. Inside her home, a different charm awaited. The open door welcomed guests into a wide hallway adorned with photographs of Stella and her brothers, radiating warmth and affection. The floor boasted an old-fashioned parquet, blending deep browns reminiscent of home. The walls, painted in the lush greens of summer gardens, met bold white baseboards, creating a striking contrast. The banister, crafted to resemble a twirling branch, showcased the artisan's skill, its grain flowing like gentle waves in woodland hues. Bathed in the soft glow of lamplight, it became nature's art—a sight that calmed the soul.

The sight in Stella's home was lovely, but what truly stole the show was the sight of the boy carrying Mia on his back.

He guided her to the living room, carefully lowering her onto the sofa. With the ease of a seasoned host, he left briefly, returning with a first aid kit. With meticulous care, he tended to her wound, cleaning it with antiseptic and skillfully bandaging it. Throughout the process, he checked in with gentle questions like, "Are you okay?" and "Does it hurt?" His reassuring words were like a comforting touch, easing her discomfort.

In that moment, nothing else seemed to matter. Mia felt like she was in the presence of her very own Prince Charming. He was stunningly beautiful, his sea-blue eyes filled with genuine concern as he tended to her.

"I should call uncle; he can take you to the hospital," he suggested.

Mia recoiled slightly. She wasn't sure if it was from his words or the sudden twinge of pain.

"Are you alright?" he inquired, his concern evident.

"I really don't want to go to the hospital," Mia confessed.

"Why's that?"

"Because hospitals give me the creeps."

"Yeah, I'm not a fan either."

Could he be any more perfect?

"Do you want some ice cream?" he offered.

"Yeah," Mia grinned through her lingering tears, and Xavier chuckled as he headed to the fridge. He returned with two bowls of her favorite vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips – whether it was random or he knew her well, she couldn't decide. They settled in the living room, quietly enjoying their ice cream while watching his favorite TV show. Stella arrived home not long after, and the girls hugged it out while Xavier rolled his eyes.

The sound of the blow-dryer pulled Mia back to reality.

"What's got you grinning like a maniac?" Stella quizzed as she approached the bed.

"Nothing, really."

"Come on, spill!"

"It's just a silly memory. Remember when we argued about who got to ride the bike down Hamilton Street?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember," Stella chuckles. "Especially your little rendezvous with Xavier."

"Stop it," Mia protests, though she can't help but smile.

"Okay, okay," Stella says, raising her hands in surrender. "But seriously, what's the deal with you two? It's obvious you both like each other, so why the hold-up?"

Stella's question strikes a nerve. Mia knows she's right. The attraction between her and Xavier is undeniable, yet it feels like they're stuck in some kind of limbo. Sometimes she wonders if he's just not into her the same way she's into him, or if he's simply being a "good friend." But then he'll do something that makes her think maybe there's more to it. The whole situation is so frustrating. Mia recalls the day Xavier got into a fight for her. Even Stella couldn't figure out why he punched that Caleb kid. But Mia remembers it vividly. Her parents were out of town, and she'd been staying at Stella's house for weeks. Xavier was home from boarding school for a break, and Mia couldn't help but notice how he'd grown – taller, more muscular, and even more attractive now that he was a high schooler. He'd just gotten his driver's license, and it seemed like he was always behind the wheel. Stella and Mia took full advantage, making him their chauffeur to school every morning. But on that particular day, when Xavier noticed how quiet Mia was during the ride, he couldn't help but ask what was wrong.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Mia hesitated, unsure how to respond. "What do you mean?" she deflected.

"You've been quiet lately. Lost in thought. I've seen you shaking and jumping at the slightest noise. Something's up, isn't it?"

How did he notice? Mia wondered. "Oh, it's nothing," she replied, trying to brush it off.

But Xavier wasn't convinced. He pulled the car over and took her trembling hand. "You look scared. It's like you're avoiding something. Is it school? Do you not want to go?" he probed gently.

"It...It's nothing."

Suddenly, her phone beeped, and Xavier caught the horror on her face before she could conceal it. In a swift motion, he grabbed her phone.

Reading the message aloud, Xavier's voice dripped with anger: "Don't wear a bra. I want to see your nipples."

Mia felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she watched the fury ignite in Xavier's eyes. She wished he had never seen that text.

"Who is this guy? Are you dating him?" Xavier demanded.

"I'm not!" Mia sniffled.

"Then why is he telling you he wants to see your nipples? Is he some kind of perv?"

"Xavier, he's an asshole. He keeps tormenting me," Mia explained, her voice quivering with emotion.

"How long has this been going on?" Xavier asked, his tone becoming more serious.

"So, since that 'Seven Minutes In Heaven' thing happened..."

"What? Is he always sending you these creepy messages?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. And sometimes he even tries to get handsy."

Without skipping a beat, he wrapped her in a tight hug. He smelled like fresh mint and soap, making her feel safe and secure.

"I've got you. I'm right here," he whispered into her hair. "You don't have to be afraid. I'll deal with this guy. He won't bother you again."

After dropping Mia off at school, Xavier used her phone to message Caleb, asking him to meet behind the school. Making sure Mia stayed put in the car, Xavier confronted Caleb as soon as he showed up, ready to set things straight.

Driven by her curiosity, Mia abandoned the safety of the car and sneaked to the back of the school to see what Xavier was up to. When she arrived, she witnessed Xavier losing control completely. He unleashed his fury on Caleb, hitting him with a ferocity that seemed almost primal, each strike finding its mark with precision.

"Xavier, please stop!" she cried out, her plea halting his next blow in mid-air. He turned to her with eyes reddened with emotion. Was he crying?

"Stop... please, just stop," she pleaded, her heart aching at the sight.

Avoiding her gaze, Xavier glanced at Caleb, his face now a mess of blood and bruises, and uttered with chilling resolve, "If you even think about looking her way again, I won't hesitate to end you."

With a nod of submission, Caleb fled, leaving Xavier to wipe away the evidence of his outburst with a rag from his pocket. Mia rushed to his side, embracing him tightly.

"You foolish, foolish boy," she sobbed into his Spider-Man hoodie.

"He won't trouble you anymore," Xavier assured her, holding her close.