
Glamour and Gunfire

Viewers Discretion: This story contains themes of violence, crime, and mature content. Reader discretion is advised, especially for young adults. ************* "In the shadows of SanCasas, every whisper carries the weight of a thousand sorrows, echoing the tears of a town haunted by its own past." Returning to her hometown, Nia's quest to find her abducted friend turns into a deadly race against time. As she delves deeper into the shadows of SanCasas, she uncovers dark family secrets that threaten to consume her. Every revelation sparks a deadly countdown, and Nia must navigate the treacherous path to save her friends, all while her own survival hangs in the balance. Amidst the glitz of glamour and the echoes of gunfire, a fiery love story ignites.But with danger lurking around every corner, can love truly conquer all? Or will Nia be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice? Surrender is not an option—it means DEATH..

HiddenPearl · Thành thị
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65 Chs

The Promise of a New Dawn

Juan's POV

That evening, a loud bang on the door startled me awake. Extricating myself from Mencia's suffocating grip, I couldn't shake the surge of guilt and disgust flooding over me.

As I stood up, staring at her lying there, my conscience gnawed at me. "Juan, what have you done again?" I chastised myself silently.

Allowing Mencia to manipulate me once more was a foolish mistake. She was cunning; what if she decided to betray me and tell Nia what happened? What if she doesn't uphold her promise to take me to Nia? My mind raced with anxious thoughts, and I felt a pang of guilt wash over me.

I knew I could never intentionally hurt Nia, but I had allowed myself to be ensnared in Mencia's sly schemes.

It made me uneasy, the behavior echoed that of Matt, her cowardly ex-boyfriend who couldn't restrain himself from other women – the very reason she terminated their relationship. But I'm not a coward like him.

The guilt weighed on me, when I finally see Nia, I'll come clean about everything and explain what occurred between Sofia and me. She won't be upset because it only transpired once, even before I met her.

I tried to stay calm, assuring myself I wasn't doing this to hurt Nia. My sole intention was to see her. Nia was the only person I truly cared about, and the last thing I wanted was to cause her pain. As the knocking continued persistently, I angrily walked straight to the door.

¡¿Quién demonios...?! — I bellowed instinctively, ready to unleash my frustration at whoever dared to knock persistently. However, my tone softened when I saw Diego standing at the entrance of my room, looking eager to come in. Instinctively, I blocked his path with a raised hand. "What brings you here?" I asked, masking my surprise.

"I'm looking for Carmen. I heard she's back from the hospital after passing out that night. I haven't seen her," he explained, eyes scanning the room.

"Who told you she's here with me?" I countered, feeling a prickling sense of unease.

"I just need to see her," he persisted, while Mencia made some dismissive noises from behind me.

"Carmen's not here, Diego. She's out running some errands," I fabricated effortlessly, masking any hint of uncertainty. Although Diego appeared disheartened by the news, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with the lonely boy. I could relate to his situation, especially since Nia left without a second thought. It was a shared pain, one that I recognized all too well. Yet, unlike Diego, I couldn't openly display my emotions.

"Is she safe since you didn't go with her this time? You're usually always with her," he inquired, making my heart skip a beat.

Recalling Mencia's information that Nia hadn't left, I wondered about her whereabouts. Anywhere in SanCasas wasn't safe for Nia. Despite her rejection, my instinct to protect her lingered. What reasons could she have for avoiding me? I'm aware of the journal and X's pursuit, but there might be more to the story. I must find out.

"I'll be right in back; just wait here," I assured, closing the door behind me.

Returning to the room, I roused Mencia with a firm hand, tossing her clothes at her as she groaned, as if struggling to wake up.

"We've been asleep for a while. Get up and leave, Mencia. And don't forget our deal – you're taking me to Nia tomorrow morning without any excuses," I asserted, my voice dripping with authority.

"We're not going to talk about what happened to anyone? Okay," I said dismissively, cutting off any further discussion.

"Oh," she responded, nodding her understanding, clearly aware of the consequences of defying my orders.

"Take the back door," I instructed, leaving no room for argument, before striding out of the room to find Diego.

"Juan, wait," she called out, desperation lacing her voice. "Do you still hate me?I care about you a lot," she pleaded.

I gritted my teeth, suppressing the surge of anger that threatened to boil over. "You mean nothing to me. You take me to Nia tomorrow, and I might consider calling a truce," I retorted, my arrogance shining through as I walked straight to the door and slammed it shut behind me.

Outside, I found little Diego patiently waiting by the door, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Hey, let's go," I stated, and he obediently trailed behind me, curiosity etched on his young face.

"Where are we going?" he questioned.

"You'll see," I replied, offering him a soft, mysterious smile.

As we ascended the stairs, making our way to the rooftop, Diego's eyes widened with wonder, taking in the breathtaking view of the sunset.

"I know why you brought me here," he suddenly declared.

"Oh? Why's that?" I inquired, intrigued.

"I know there's a lady in your room. You tried to trick me into leaving so she'd go," he explained, revealing a surprising insight.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Carmen. It'll be our little secret," he promised, and I couldn't help but chuckle, tousling his hair affectionately.

"You're a smart kid," I complimented.

"I'm a man," he corrected proudly.

Lying on the rooftop, we gazed at the golden hues of the sunset in silence until Diego spoke up. "You're not much of a talker, huh? More action, fewer words?" he noted, his observant eyes catching more than I thought. I responded with a gentle smile.

"Why do you always come up here?" he asked, curiosity evident in his voice. "I've noticed you do it a lot. Is there some secret ritual you perform?" he prodded further.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his innocence, pulling up something within me.

"Diego, see the sunset? It's like life - beautiful but fleeting.. This rooftop is my sanctuary to find peace in chaos. It's a place to reflect, breathe, and appreciate the beauty around us. Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn."

"I want to be like you someday,you know ?All brave and tough. You're like the hero who looks out for everyone," he confessed with a hint of admiration.

"Me?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised, as he nodded in affirmation.

Turning my gaze to the little brunette, a genuine smile played on my lips. It was the first time anyone had ever expressed such admiration towards me. Despite the warmth that blossomed within, I had to ensure he understood that emulating my past actions wasn't the path to follow.

"You should strive to be a better man, Diego, better than me. I used to be bad, really bad. Now, I'm just trying to be a better person," I spoke, watching as he nodded in understanding.

"You're still fearless, and you protect everyone around you," he remarked.

"That's because the person I loved most died in my arms. Everyone hated me and accused me of murdering her. I lived with that hatred and wanted revenge so badly, but then it took me too long to forgive myself," I explained, the heaviness of the memory settling in. The smile on his face dimmed, replaced by a tangible sadness.

"That's a lot," little man murmured, dropping his head lower,the sound of sniffles audible.

"Little man," I called to him, and as he raised his head, tears streaking his cheeks, I could see the vulnerability in his eyes.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, I quipped, "But you just told me you're a man. Men don't cry," suppressing a smirk.

"It's okay, little man," I reassured, pulling him into a comforting hug. I could hear the sniffling sounds, and he used my shirt to wipe his nose.

I wasn't accustomed to dealing with emotions like this, but seeing the helplessness in him, I recognized the echoes of my younger self. In my past, I had engaged in illicit activities—drug trafficking, handling explosives at a young age, and later, trafficking girls—all because I had no guidance, no one who truly cared for me.

Even though Nia entrusted her brother to my care, I felt a newfound responsibility to protect him from the darker elements of SanCasas. He had already endured much from the past, and I aimed to shield him from the shadows that once consumed me.

"It's getting late, little man. You should head to bed," I advised him, noticing his nod as he began to rise. But just as he began to move, he froze, his attention diverted as his legs trembled beneath him.

"Diego, Diego," I called out to him, but he remained unresponsive, his gaze fixed on the darkness ahead. Following his line of sight, I squinted into the darkness, catching sight of a strange figure slipping away.

Intrigued and on high alert, I scanned the area. How had they managed to locate this secluded spot? Instinctively, I glanced down from the rooftop, my eyes widening at the sight below—a pool of blood staining the ground, one of my men lying motionless.

Reacting swiftly, I lifted Diego onto my shoulders and swiftly made my way downstairs.