
Glamour and Gunfire

Viewers Discretion: This story contains themes of violence, crime, and mature content. Reader discretion is advised, especially for young adults. ************* "In the shadows of SanCasas, every whisper carries the weight of a thousand sorrows, echoing the tears of a town haunted by its own past." Returning to her hometown, Nia's quest to find her abducted friend turns into a deadly race against time. As she delves deeper into the shadows of SanCasas, she uncovers dark family secrets that threaten to consume her. Every revelation sparks a deadly countdown, and Nia must navigate the treacherous path to save her friends, all while her own survival hangs in the balance. Amidst the glitz of glamour and the echoes of gunfire, a fiery love story ignites.But with danger lurking around every corner, can love truly conquer all? Or will Nia be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice? Surrender is not an option—it means DEATH..

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65 Chs

Here Comes Destruction

 Nia's POV  

"This is it," Aunt Cari's voice broke through the silence, her words pulling me back to the present moment. I felt her eyes on me, waiting for my response.

"Are you ready?" Aunt Cari's question pulled me back to the present, but I couldn't find the courage to respond. Was I truly ready for this? Could I carry on my father's legacy, knowing the darkness that tainted it? The thought gnawed at me, filling me with doubt and fear.

He had taken a life, shattered a child's innocence, and left a scar on our family that would never fully heal. The weight of his deeds hung heavy on my shoulders.I couldn't help but wonder if it was the right path for me. Was I truly prepared for the consequences of following in his footsteps?

Protecting others was noble, but at what cost? Losing the ones I loved in the process?

I knew I had to keep this secret from Juan, no matter how much it pained me. The fear of his rejection, of him hating me for what my father had done, gnawed at my insides. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, of him turning away from me in disgust.

Aunt Cari's voice pierced through my thoughts, calling my name and jolting me back to reality. "Nia, Nia," she repeated, her gaze searching mine for confirmation.But amidst the background voices and the chaos of my thoughts, her words felt distant and I was having a hard time to focus. I nodded in response, but inwardly, I felt a surge of anxiety and apprehension. The road ahead was uncertain, and I wasn't sure if I was prepared to face the challenges that awaited me.

"Your emotions are heightened ,come with me," Aunt Cari's voice broke through the silence, her tone urgent as she gestured for me to follow her. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what awaited me, but curiosity won over, and I trailed behind her.

As Aunt Cari led me into another room, a sense of unease washed over me. Unlike the room where Matt awaited, this one was filled with eerie objects and strange symbols that sent shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grab me from behind, causing my heart to skip a beat. Whirling around, I came face to face with a frail, elderly woman.Panic surged through me at the unexpected encounter.

"Danger surrounds you," the old lady spoke, her voice grave yet oddly comforting. "Unlocking your guardian's gift will demand much from you, but it will also awaken something within you,something that blooms inside of you," she continued, her words sending a shiver down my spine.

Confusion clouded my mind as I exchanged a bewildered glance with Aunt Cari.

"Who is she?" I inquired, turning to Aunt Cari, who wore a knowing smile.

"Everyone calls her Nana. She's the oldest member of the agency," Lucian explained.

"And what does she do?" I pressed, my curiosity piqued.

"A psychic," Aunt Cari replied, her words sending a chill down my spine as they only added to my confusion.

"My child," Nana addressed me, her tone gentle as she clasped my hands in hers. "Do not be daunted by the journey ahead. Follow your heart, even if the path is fraught with challenges. Seek peace above all else," she advised, her words resonating within me.

With a serene smile, Nana departed, leaving Aunt Cari and me in a state of astonishment. 

Her words echoed in my mind, stirring a mix of curiosity and anxiety. I couldn't comprehend its meaning, but I knew that time would eventually reveal its significance.

"What if I make my own decision to end the legacy and break the guardian's curse?" I blurted out, my heart racing with uncertainty as Aunt Cari turned to face me, gasping. Lucia, walking in, stopped at that point, her expression serious.

"I want to drop everything. I want to find X,to get answers," I continued, feeling a surge of determination mixed with fear.

"That's actually not a bad idea, but don't forget, the universe always creates a balance in nature," Lucian remarked, her tone grave. "You have to balance it or replace it with someone who's going to make a big sacrifice."

"Who's that going to be?" Aunt Cari questioned, her brows furrowed in concern.

An idea suddenly popped into my mind, and a mischievous smirk spread across my face. "I have a plan. Get your strongest psychics or witches or whatever you call them. We have a replacement to end the guardian's legacy. It's going to end tomorrow. But first, let's get that tattoo."


     JUAN's POV 

As I descended the stairs with Diego on my shoulder, a sense of dread washed over me when I spotted bloodstains scattered across the floor and a chilling message scrawled on the wall: "HERE COMES DESTRUCTION-Love,X." Panic surged through my veins, and I felt paralyzed, unsure of what to do next.

"D-Diego," I stammered, my voice trembling with fear as I looked into his terrified eyes. "Call me Isabel and go to bed immediately. I'll take care of everything."

"Isa? I haven't seen her for two days now," he replied, his voice tinged with concern.

"Really?" I questioned, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Yes," he confirmed. "Lately, I noticed she's been sneaking around. I was going to tell you, but I forgot."

"It's okay," I reassured him, though my mind raced with worry. "Just go to bed now. I'll find Isabel."

Turning to the doorway, I watched as my other men laughed and chatted, oblivious to the danger that lurked nearby.

As soon as they spotted me, their expressions shifted, and they quickly adjusted their positions. "You, you!" I bellowed , my voice filled with frustration.

"How did he get in?" I demanded, seizing Ivan's collar in a tight grip. "Yes, boss," he stammered fearfully. "You let an intruder in!" I accused, my anger boiling over.

They looked at each other in shock as I continued to berate them. "Boss, not even a single fly could get past us, I swear," one of them protested.

"Cállate" I shouted, my frustration mounting. "You almost put a little boy's life in danger! Do you think I would spare you if anything had happened?"

"Damn it, I really miss Guzman and Omar," I muttered under my breath, feeling a pang of longing for my trusted associates.

"Who left the back open?" I demanded, my voice laced with irritation.

"No one, boss. I swear no one's entered today," they insisted.

"Oh, Miss Nia," Ivan mumbled, trying to recollect Nia had visited earlier ,receiving nods of confirmation from the others.

"Yes, Miss Nia did come by today," one of them affirmed.

A surge of panic coursed through me as realization struck. "Fuck, fuck," I cursed under my breath, remembering that Mencia had left earlier, and I had instructed her to lock the back door ,which she probably left unlocked, allowing the intruder easy access.

"Seems like you all need glasses," I remarked sharply, my frustration evident. "I haven't even scolded you for allowing Mencia in."

"Mencia?" Ivan questioned, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"You also let one of X's men break in," I clarified, watching their faces contort with fear as my words sank in.

"X is trying to threaten me," I continued, my voice tinged with anger. "But I'm not scared of his cowardly tactics. He can't even show his face."

"If he thinks this will scare me, he's dead wrong," I asserted, my determination shining through."I'm not afraid of death. Because if protecting Nia is the last thing I do, I swear on my life I won't regret that decision. I would die to watch her live."

"Pack up, guys. Load the weapons," I ordered, determination blazing in my eyes. "We mount tomorrow morning. We're bringing an end to this mess. X, here comes your destruction."

"Turn the page if you dare, for beyond lies a realm where secrets unravel, destinies collide, and the brave are rewarded with answers that will leave you breathless."

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