

Gladius: Enhanced super soldiers created by the star folk. They wear strange iron armor that covers their entire person and wield strange weapons which spit out fire and thunder. The world is vast with countless stories beginning and ending at this very moment. With political upheavals, secret organizations, magic, racial discrimination, monsters and people from beyond the very stars also let's not forget the apocalypse that's knocking on the door. But this book follows the tale of one particular man. A man who gets dropped into the midst of countless tales, follow as we watch countless tales collide in a struggle to determine the future of their world.

flowing_lightning · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


Harold all powered up from his vial, looked down at the Gladius with a wide grin.

"How's that devil," Harold laughed as the balls of fire formed in his hands. The Gladius quickly made a dash for his weapon he had dropped earlier but Harold sent a fire ball to stop him.

"Nope, why don't we leave that right there eh" Harold brought the other ball of fire before himself releasing a breath which transformed the flames into a wave forcing the Gladius even further back.

The people manning the ballistae took advantage of this, releasing their bolts as the Gladius was focused with Harold.

The bolts flew in instantly leaving little to no time to react. The Gladius barely managed to avoid one as the other grazed his shoulder leaving a visible dent for all to see as well as sending the Gladius to the ground back first.

"Yes!" the people manning the Ballistae screamed out in joy, meanwhile Harold gained a frown as the temperature of the flames which now surrounded him quickly grew.

He wasn't as naïve as the people below, he had faced the Gladius before. The was a reason they were called devils and unfortunately these men were about to find out.

The Gladius leapt unto it's feet now spotting a faint blue glow on its armor, all the men's attention was drawn to this new feature as the Gladius heard a voice it in its ear, [ 3% unleashed].

In the next instant the Gladius was before one of the Ballistae, "run!" the men had barely heard Harold's warning screams when the Gladius had sent it's hand through one of the men's chest.

The men watched stunned, their brains unable to process the sudden shift. They were not given any time to react though as the Gladius began to mow through them, all with no effort.

"Shit!" Harold cursed as he jumped and propelled himself towards the Gladius screaming, "those close to it get away, the rest of you load and fire, you hear load and fire!" as he did so.

*Boom* Harold arrived at their location punching down causing a short burst of flames to come out. The Gladius managed to perform a back flip getting out of his range.

Harold looked around to see he only managed to save one person whose mind was already lost to fear. *Thump* *boom* the other ballista let loose a bolt but the Gladius was done playing, taking the pistol still strapped to it's leg it fired a shot *BAM*

It was deafening causing Harold's old heart to stop for a second. The shot released from the pistol had reduced the bolt to splinters and continued to eradicate the Ballista and the people surrounding it.

At this moment the courage Harold had gathered for this battle vanished like snow in spring.

*BAM* the pistol was fired once more but Harold had luckily shot himself into the sky managing to avoid the blast which now left a gaping hole in the building.

"What the fuck was I thinking, fighting this devil? Haha I'm truly about to die aren't I" Harold muttered to himself as his eyes moved to look at the damage caused from that one shot.

"No what are you thinking, Jeor needs to escape for our freedom" gritting his teeth Harold pulled out another vial, giving the purple vial a quick glance, Harold made up his mind and sniffed the entire vial.

His eyes immediately gave of a bright purple glow as the veins in his on his arms, neck as well below his eyes began to give of the same purple glow.

At this point the Gladius had grabbed his rifle of the ground and placed his pistol back into it's holster. Armed with his rifle once more the Gladius took aim at Harold who is now covered in bright blue flames.

The Gladius began to fire his rifle but Harold managed to dodge the gunfire pulling himself closer to the Gladius to release a punch at it's jaw.

The Gladius took a step back just in time to avoid the attack and attempted to shoot at close range but Harold pushed the gun down and jumped driving both his feet into the chest of the Spartan, delivering a burst of blue flame darkening the silver chest plate.

Harold continued as fell on his back spinning on his head with vigor only a young man could possess, as he did so, he released flames from his feet creating a curtain of flames that disrupted the Gladius gunfire.

Now on his feet Harold and the Gladius had a stare down. Seeing his ranged attacks weren't working the Gladius charged in to engage in close combat but was forced to jump aside as Harold parted his lips to spit out a stream of blue flame, Harold continued to spit out flames eventually forming a barrier between he and the Gladius.

*Tsk* the Gladius clicked his tongue as the glow on his armor grew. [5% unleashed]