
Chapter 3 : Fine I can take it

The rest of the day was delightful. I packed my bag and headed for the bus station. I wish I could get a stable job and buy a small portable car ,I so hate this waiting thing .today I chose to wait for the bus am tired of the taxi's. The bus arrived, when I got inside I didn't feel like sitting so I stood and held on reminiscing about our little moment with Alley.The more I try to forget her is the more I feel like I need her .

I'm surely bewitched this has never happened someone is practicing witchcraft on me . I've never been on the chasing side ,I get chased instead. I sighed in annoyance as I stared out of the window as I looked at the nature and the lovers holding hands I felt my heart closing in, I've longed for that feeling .

And I know perfectly well that am playing with trinity's heart ,and she's obviously playing with mine ,"bitter truth ",I know when one wants something from me ,but I guess a little toxic fun ain't bad ,a girl needs to be happy.

When I got to my drop off point, I walked slowly well the usual way , that's wen trinity called me , she's a vibe and sometimes she sounds genuine but I can't keep my guard down .

By the time I got home it was already late . Today no one was in the kitchen cooking . After finishing everything I headed for the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal when I found "Deb standing in one place looking into space,she looked stressed ,lost or troubled I guess  .I even felt a bit sorry for  her but then I thought whatever she's going through she deserves it.  The emotional damage she puts me through sometimes is just too much too handle .

I didn't greet her ,I decided to make my cereal quietly but I could heavy eyes watching my every move which is something I hate the most . On my way out I stopped in my tracks and said " staring is rude next time take a picture it lasts longer " I said while maintaining a smug grin on my face.

" Then pose right there and let me take the picture" ....oeky I didn't expect that I just said it to brush her off  .

"I don't have time for your drama honestly. I told her

" Do you really hate me that much huh..she said as she moved close to me,in no time she was standing right in front of me staring right In my eyes , that's when I noticed she had captivating grey cat like eyes , straight eyebrows , flawless skin , fine jawline and her signature scent of expensive perfume hitting my nosestrill . Her dominating presence made feel suffocated,she had this intriguing magnetic demeanor whenever she's around people. I kept looking in her eyes as if am trynna find something.

"What do you want Deb "I finally asked letting out a huge sigh

"I want you " okay I didn't see that coming, honestly I don't have time for lame jokes so I pushed her to the side and looked at her glooming eyes screaming sincerity.

Lord this can't be ,it certainly can't be ,I kept shouting and screaming in my mind .

"You know what Deb stop acting like a possessed lunatic,go straight to the point,if you can't ,then please leave me alone and let me go to my room in peace.

" Fine you want me to go straight to the point ,I will ...I love you and I've loved you since ...you think I wanted to leave my father's mansion to come and leave in this dump with three girls invading my space "? ... Urgh so much arrogance she never hides her true colours .

"I came here for you ,all the anger and rudeness was all a mask because I didn't want you people knowing or even you to know that am into you. I even had to wear these ridiculous skirts and all ,I don't want much .j want you .j could have asked my dad to help out but it wouldn't turn out well"

Ohh she's such a spoilt brat and just by the click of her finger her dad can make it happen.

" But I don't want you " I told her

"I know but that can't stop me from loving you , maybe I will stop when I find someone who acts just like you. So hence forth you now my best friend I would rather die inside and be in the friends zone than lose you and not have you completely..."

" But I .... " I didn't get to finish talking when I was pulled into a tight hug ,I couldn't hug back even though I wanted to I had a bowl in my other hand ,but it was the most comforting hug ever .we hugged for a bit longer when I felt my pajama top getting wet on the shoulder .. she was crying,my heart broke .

I pulled out of the hug and held her hand .she looked at me ..."I'll be your best friend nothing more nothing less " I said it with a serious face expression

She smiled ."fine I can take that ." ... Deb is such a baby sometimes . Funny how the mighty have fallen I thought as I walked to my room

"Ain't we gonna share a room as besties " Deb said it quite loudly

"Urgh shush will you ,pull yourself together and head to your room " I said it with a stern voice .

She's annoying and am so gonna regret it. And the revenge I wanted to serve her ten folds cold all the plotting gone to waste I got so annoyed urgh .....