

LEVI ACKERMAN 30 years old and the eldest grandson of Ackerman third generation. He is the Managing Director and the CEO of Ackerman Travel & Entertainment also the future heir of Ackerman Group, one of the largest companies in France. He is known as the strongest, smartest, most famous and handsome in the Ackerman Family. Everyone admires him and will fall in love with him except for one person which is Haruka Charles Auclair. HARUKA CHARLES AUCLAIR 28 years old, came from the noble family bloodline, Auclair. He works as Levi's secretary for over 2 years but never find Levi attractive in his eyes. Known as one of the most genius person in the world that people will do anything to make him work for them. People often called him a handsome guy with pretty face. Levi has been in love with his secretary, Haruka Charles Auclair since the first time he met him. He never expresses his emotions and confesses after two years, only to discover that his secretary is in love with someone he actually knows. But Haruka's love for that person didn't remain for that long after his heart was shattered into pieces by the person he loves. "I like you." "You know I don't like you." "I do. In fact, I love you, and you'll fall for me. I don't need the words 'I like you' from you. One day, I'll make sure you'll say the words 'I love you'." "You really shouldn't be hoping for something like that." Will his secretary like him back, or will his feelings be unrequited love forever?

raynelev17 · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
72 Chs


-Haruka POV-

"What is this? Where did you get this?" I asked in shock, looking at the brand new car in front of me, and he had already opened the door for me.

"What do you mean? Where do I get this? I bought it, of course." He said that calmly.

"I believe you're aware we're not going to live here for a long time, right? Or do you perhaps stay here for a year?" I said that sarcastically.

"Well, I wish I could, but I still have so much work to do at the company." Levi replies to me with his flat voice.

"Then why would you buy a new car when you can just rent a car for a day instead? I believe you have about ten cars already. You want me to list each of the brands? Two Bugatti, Mercedes, Ferrari, Audi Sport, Porsche, two Rolls-Royce, BMW and McLaren." I listed all the car brands he already has. 

"Great. So there's no Tesla on the list. This car brand has been popular lately, so I guess I should just buy one. It's not that expensive, so it's worth it, I guess." He said that with a grin. He doesn't even care about what I was just blabbering about earlier.

"Well, I should already know that talking to you about that is useless." I glare at him, and he still has a smile on his lips.

"Right. You shouldn't. So, why don't you hop in the car now, or else we'll not have enough time for the activities I've planned for us today." He said that while giving me the signal to enter the car this instant.

"I don't care about the activities you've planned. It's none of my business, and you know I'm just doing this because of my mother." Without wasting time, I entered the car, and he closed the door.

"Right. It doesn't matter to me as long as you're with me. So, let's go." He closed the door and started driving.

-15 minutes later-

"Here we are, sir." Levi said that and got out of the car. He opened the door for me before I could open it myself.

"Aqua Lait Cafe." I mutter it with a low voice, but Levi can still hear it.

"Yeah. I heard it's the best cafe here." Levi said that with a smile. He's right. Aqua Lsit Cafe just opened about three years ago, and I've never come here before because it's been five years since the last time I came to Perth.

"Let's go." Levi grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him to enter the cafe.

Once the two of us entered, all eyes were on us. Or should I say Levi, actually? Well, of course they are. I hate to admit this, but he's looking extra good today.

"Welcome sir. A table for two?" A waitress asks.

"Yeah, not too close with the others, perhaps." Levi replies.

"Sure sir. Let me show you." The waitress led us to the table. Just like Levi asked, a bit of distance from the others.

"Alright, thank you." Levi thanks her and pulls the chair for me before taking his own seat.

"What would you like to eat, sir?" The waitress asks with a smile.

"What's the popular dish you got here?" Levi asks straightforwardly. He didn't even look at the menu first. Tch. This guy.

"Levi, why don't you look at the menu first?" I said that to him with a glare.

"But I just want you to eat the best dishes here, what's the problem with that?" He pouts. What's with him right now? I can see that the waitress is trying her best not to smile. She's probably got the wrong idea in her head right now.

"Please don't mind him. I'll have a Nutella cheesecake waffle with vanilla ice cream, a fried egg and bacon bagel, and an iced latte." I tell the waitress without even waiting for Levi to say anything.

"What about you, sir?" The waitress asks Levi. He looks at her with an irritated face.

I'll have smoked salmon egg benedict and premium Earl Grey tea. You can leave now. Thank you." Levi said that with a cold voice. Now, he's angry. What is he? A kid?

"Why didn't you let me choose the food for you? I want you to only eat the best things." Levi spoke to me without even making eye contact.

"Levi, everything I picked is the best dish here. Look here. That's why I told you to look at the menu first." I show him the menu and point at the thumbs-up emoji beside the dish names. He looks at me, looks at the menu, and then looks back at me.

"Alright, then." After saying that, he looks at his phone. This guy. I bet he didn't look at the menu often and just ordered what he wanted to eat every time he ate out.

"Then, where will we be going after this?" I ask him. I'm not used to him being quiet so suddenly. 

"Petting zoo." He answers excitedly, totally forgetting about earlier.

"Huh?" Putting aside his excited expression, I asked him with a confused look. Petting zoo? Why, though?

"What do you mean, huh? You know what a petting zoo is, right? We're going there." He tells me. Of course, I know. But why are we going there?

"Why there?" I ask him to kill my curiosity. 

"You don't like animals? I've been wanting to go there once in a while, but I don't really have enough free time to go there. I even want to have a cat or dog, but I'm too busy to take care of them." He said that, still with an excited and sad expression. Wow, I never thought Levi was this kind of person, despite his usual cold face.

"It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I never thought to go to one before." I told him. Since I don't really like to go out, I never thought about it.

"Well, you'll have to see that later. It's going to be interesting." This time, his usual cold face turns into a very bright smile, like a little kid who just got candy. I guess he really likes animals.

"I'm sorry, sir, your meals are here." Before I could say anything back, the waitress came, bringing the food to our table and putting everything there.

"Thank you." Levi replies with a smile. I guess he's in a good mood right now. The waitress smiles and bows before she leaves.

"Dig in, Haruka. We still have a lot of places to go." He says that and sips on his Earl Grey tea. Hearing him call me Haruka makes me a little bit awkward, but it's not that bad after all. Without wasting time, I started to eat mine too.


- Farm In the City Petting Zoo-

"She's so cute. What's her name?" Levi is holding the baby koala right now with a very bright smile. He seriously looks like a kid right now.

"Her name is Bella." The koala's caretaker answers Levi.

"Omg, even your name is pretty. Here, eat this." Levi feeds the baby koala. He's laughing like he's in his own world with the baby koala. I seriously never thought I would see this side of Levi's character. Not even once. To think that something like this would make him this happy, he really is a kid on the inside.

"Haruka, you should try feeding her too." Levi shoves the leaves in front of me, waking me up from my thoughts.

"No, I'm good." I refused him softly.

"You should try. Try holding her, too. She's a good girl." Levi tries to put the baby koala in my arms. Honestly, I'm a bit scared. I closed my eyes, and a few seconds later I could feel the baby Koala trying to wrap her hands around me. I opened my eyes and saw the baby Koala, who is now in my arms.

"See. It's not bad, right?" Levi asks me with a smile.

"I guess you're right." I reply to him with a smile without realising it.

"Right? I told you. Now, try feeding her too." He takes the baby koala from me and gives me the leaves. He really wants me to do this. I took the leaves from her and started to feed the baby koala, and she immediately ate them.

"Please take a picture of us." Levi asks the animal caretaker, who hands him his phone.

"Haruka, come on, say cheese." Levi says this excitedly and smiles, looking at the phone. I can't help but smile too.

"Thank you, and thank you for letting us pet Bella too." Levi tells the animal caretaker and takes his phone back.

"Thank you, sir. Please feel free to come again." The animal caretaker said that politely, and I just smiled.

"Come, Haruka. Let's take a look at other animals too!" Levi grabs my hand, or, should I say, he intertwined our hands together, and I'm a bit shocked.

"Ahem. Levi, your hand."