
Girl Wonders presents: Purple Valentine

Kira and Nate get paired up as sweethearts for the BLUE VALENTINE dance night. They must now get to know each other although the odds are not in their favour.......

Phate_Prebi · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Will you be my PURPLE VALENTINE'S ?

As the cheerleaders rounded up their dance routine they brought out a huge banner saying

"Will you be my PURPLE VALENTINE'S "

Becky Domingo was certainly smitten by this gesture. You could see the Joy in her eyes and hear the excitement in her voice when she shouted

"Yes! "


The annual PURPLE VALENTINE dance night was around the corner and people were literally getting asked from every corner of Ridgewood High. Samantha Welfreid from chess, Chloe Din from the drama club, even weird Wendy was asked. That left Olivia Ross and I, Kira Mills. Sure we weren't the only ones that weren't asked to PURPLE VALENTINE, but we were the only ones that affected me. It was a bummer really, A bummer that I'd seat out every PURPLE VALENTINE cause I couldn't get a date. And I couldn't Show up lonely...So I and Olivia go to Burger King instead....But I was very mistaken if I thought this year would be the same.

"We're doing this", Olivia slammed a flyer on my desk.

"Hush we're in the library ", I said before adjusting my glasses

"Forget that! ", she said impatiently "Look at this ".

"Alright Alright ", I agreed before scanning through the flyer.

"FIND YOUR PURLLE VALENTINE'S, A matchmaker's special "....

I looked straight at Olivia

"we're not that desperate " I scrowled

"No one's talking about desperation here, we just trying something new and different " Olivia grinned

I don't know how she talked me into this but I was here, waiting in a queue. Eventually we were called on by The Matchmaker.

Olivia could see the dissapointment in my face when we came out with Just a piece of paper with an adress written on it.

"So now what ", I said bitterly

"I'm heading to The Pizza Hut, and you ", she checked my paper, "The skateboard park?".

"Yeah, very romantic ", I said sarcastically.

"Oh Kira", Olivia said with a faded laughter....


So I met up, with a friend heading to the Timmy's tachos which was somewhere around the skate park. We went on his motorcycle and I really couldn't help but have the feeling that I was really wasting my time.

"I mean who really cares about PURPLE VALENTI-", My words were cut short as I abruptly bumped into someone....

"I'm sorry, I'm really really sor-",

"Watch your step, would ya please! ", The clearly annoyed voiced exclaimed.

I looked at him, Of course, none other than Nate Hollinda, literally the biggest jerk I've ever met. Faded Dark hair, pale skin, Thin lips and aqua blue eyes. His facial features were your typical bad boy kinda look, Square defined jaw line, Grecian hooked nose, narrow eyes and thick arched brows. He was wearing his skating outfit and in between his leg and left arm was his skate board.

"Excuse me for expecting an apology, that was really rude ", I queried

"I said please ", He said sardonically as he walked away.

What a jerk!

"Beep beep", I immediately gave my attention to my phone, unlocked it and received a text from 'Matchmakers PD. '

The message read, "To meet your PURPLE VALENTINE'S, you must follow this instructions".....


One thing led to another and I found myself in the center of the creek surrounded by the skate park.

"You don't see this in romantic movies ", I said as I saw the beautifully displayed swing by the creeks. It was adorned with roses, white in colour and just had this strange aura of relaxation. Of course I approached the swing, sat on it and began to delicately swing. I crossed my ankles and I wonder into my thoughts for a little while....

"Are you following me ", I heard a voice from behind.

I got down from the swing and turned around

"Me, follow a jerk like you? as if", I scrowled

"Yeah get lost! ", Nate said indifferently

"No you get lost ", I queried

"No I'm for real, I'm meeting someone here ", He said with all seriousness

And then it hit me


no no no no no



the notification tone from both our phones rang

