
Onward, into the new world [6]

The cold autumn air kissed Priscilla's nose as she took a whiff the tolerable village air. Unlike the Capital where you could often smell human excrement and other pollutants on the air, the village took a crisper - more farm-like - smell. Her mother often complained of the stench of villages, but she couldn't. It was a much more pleasing smell than everything smelling like one large chamber pot. She sat outside the tavern at one of its many outdoor tables, and a nervous barmaid swiftly came by. She didn't bother with anything fancy, and just ordered bread, cheese, and any fruit there was to be hand.

After Cyril had lifted their curses last night, and a small meal, everyone had slept like rocks. Not knowing when the curse was going to lash out again had been a weight lifted off their shoulders. Sleep was the best thing they could do afterward, and sleep they did. The dark rings that had haunted Priscilla had faded enough that a light coat of makeup could have easily done away with them. That was if she had any. She had elected not to bring any on the behest of her maids, one of them being a retired adventurer. She had told her that most women in the trade never wore makeup on their missions because the smell could attract monsters.

The tavern door swung open again, its iron hinges sang in protest as a pretty beast woman walked out. Priscilla looked to her with the hope that it was the barmaid with the food but became dejected when she saw it was only Mai. The vixen planted herself across from her with the grace that most beast folk from the bestial planes had; like a brute. She plopped down with a groan and ordered a mug of ale from the barmaid as she appeared after her with plates of food.

"You know." Priscilla began. "I would have thought that having spent so much time in our capital, you'd at least learn some of our etiquettes." Her voice was light as she teased her. Still in a good mood from a peaceful night's rest.

"Eh." Mai said. "I have, just it's a pain to act so strung up all the time."

"Oh?" Priscilla smiled and leaned forward. "Then why did you sleep in Desmond's room?"

"Why did you sleep in Cyril's bed?" Mai smiled back.

"N-Not fair!" Priscilla blushed, but the smile remained. "We're both girls!"

"And Randol is a man, yet he--" Mai covered her mouth. "Nevermind. Desmond and I sleep together a lot when we're on expeditions."

Priscilla's curiosity was peaked by her half stated sentence, but the latter half smelled too juicy to just leave well alone. Her eyes went wide, and they sparkled with a young noble woman's curiosity that often plagued them in regards to any aspect of romance.

"Have you--" Priscilla was cut off by a quick wave of Mai's hand.

"Nonsense!" Mai laughed. "As much as I cling to the man, Desmond hasn't laid a finger on me. Which is one of the reasons I like him." She leaned forward. "The chase is quite fun."

Her smile was ear to ear as she sat back just as the song of the door sounded. Both the girls turned to the door as Randol came out. He was flanked by Desmond and the barmaid. The girl held more mugs as the boys planted themselves at the table. Desmond on Mai's left and Randol on Priscilla's right. Unlike Desmond, however, Randol kept a more appropriate distance from the young girl; practically on the edge of the bench.

In a time before, if this had happened, Priscilla would have been bold enough to close the gap and pester the prince. Now with that brutal experience, she had wiped away that childish inclination. She still liked the prince, but more as a... Something... She didn't know, but it wasn't that infatuation that had afflicted her in the years before. She held a deep respect for the man, for what he was, and what he could do. Once thought upon, she didn't actually like him for who he was. Just who she believed he was.

She greeted the princes formally for once in the past two days. A good night's rest did well to put someone back into their right state. The boys, however, didn't care for it. Randol smiled at her, but not that fake smile - a real smile. He told her to just address him by name, as did Desmond.

"We've all gone through that horrible event, and lived," Randol stated as he pulled apart the loaf of fresh bread in front of him. "The way I see it, you've earned my respect. And more. If you will have it, I wish to count you as a good friend. Many would never rise to the call of battle, even when their lives are at stake."

Priscilla blushed and nodded. A testament to her sudden growth as a person, she didn't pretend to act embarrassed. It was expected for a noblewoman to act shy and adorable when complemented by someone they liked. If it was just someone on good terms, you were expected to act with grace and accept it. If you disliked them, you were to ignore it. Now? She openly blushed, rather than hide behind her hand, or a fan.

The thought had crossed her mind to follow these strange rules of gender interaction. She thought better of it and just allowed herself to live in the moment. She had stared down death and lived. Even if by the skin of their teeth.

"I agree," Desmond said as he slid Mai her mug and he took one for himself. "You are quite extraordinary. I won't lie, we both abhorred you on the journey, we never thought you'd be someone to rise to the occasion."

"I'm sorry about that." She deflated a little. The happiness from the compliment diluted by the truth of her previous conduct. "I've--"

"Don't take it the wrong way, Pricilla." Desmond cut her off before she could finish. "We're glad you rose to the occasion. If you hadn't, we all may have died on that mountain; but we didn't. You helped us live. You fought. We may have not won, but we survived!"

Desmond rose his mug in the air. Randol followed suit. Mai had her face in her mug as she chugged it and both the boys looked to her, waiting for her to join in. She finished the drink in seconds and was about to slam it down with vigor. Then she saw everyone's eyes on her. It took a second for her to process before she rose the now empty mug up with a toothy grin.

"To you, Lady Priscilla of House Hammel!" Randol said. "You survived. Revel in it."

Despite the intent behind the toast, she felt bad. She survived. Her friends did not.

"But my friends didn't..." She became small in her seat. She looked down at her food, then to Randol. "Is it okay that I survived, but they didn't?"

The joyous atmosphere that had begun to build between the four died quickly. Randol gave her a knowing look, while the other two took pity on her.

"As a Knight." Randol stopped and amended the thought. "As a warrior, I've lost countless friends. What happened up there... None of us could have known. Desmond and Mai have both delved into many of the ancient ruins in the country. From the reports, there was never anything worse than a few monster nests."

"It was something I've been wanting to ask Cyril." Desmond joined in. "Just what in the hell was that thing."

"Depends. " A soft angelic voice chirped. "What was this 'thing' you wanted to ask me about?"