

Cyril's eyes shimmered with delight. Mischief and payback were one and the same right now; Priscilla highly disagreed though. They stood in the tavern's hall as they argued.

"This is madness!" Priscilla protested quietly.

She looked over her shoulder to Mai. Both her and Priscilla had been roped into this by Cyril. Priscilla being the objecting one. Mai had strangely been willing to do it.

Cyril was a madwoman!

"It's not!" Cyril giggled sweetly, like a devil trying to trick a mortal into a deal. "It's just a little payback."

Mai grinned at Priscilla.

"It's harmless," Mai said. "We're just going to throw leftover food on him."

"Yeah, and its fresh," Cyril rolled her eyes." And, I made sure to make sure the food wasn't hot or disgusting. Look! It's mostly just leftover bread and vegetables!"

Cyril showed her the bucket full of garbage.

"I would like to state for the record that this is the worst payback ever." Priscilla groaned.

"How?" Cyril asked.

"For one, isn't this to tame of a prank, or payback?" Priscilla said.

"No? I'm not trying to get him too dirty." Cyril stated matter of factly. "He's training and he's going to have to bathe afterward; or is it not a custom to bath after getting sweaty?"

"He bathes after practice every time," Mai stated. "Desmond told me."

"For one, aren't you suppose to use real garbage?" Priscilla asked. She felt the thought process here wasn't lining up.

"Of course, but I don't hate him," Cyril said. "It's just a little payback for yesterday."

"You're still mad about him yelling at you?" Priscilla asked and grasped Cyril's arms. "Please, let it go. I swear he--"

"Psh, no. " Cyril said. "I got over that, and he had a point. No, I'm mad about him saying we were leaving yesterday."

"Wait..." Priscilla paused. "How is that a good reason to do this?!"

"Tis the only reason we need!" Cyril gloated and raised the bucket.

"Err..." Mai looked troubled.

"What?" Both the girl turned to her and asked.

Mai pointed to the front, and both the girls looked. There at the door to the tavern's courtyard, Randol stood - shirtless and sweaty - with a rather displeased expression. Mai began to slowly retreat. Priscilla's face began to turn beat red. Cyril's expression cramped up as she tried to slowly hide the bucket behind her.

"H-Hey!" Cyril gave a weary chuckle.