
find that person

After that Aditya welcome karia and his team

Sam telling about them palace

Then two ladies come one was middle gae other was young

Karia teem was shoo

Jakr: chef , she.... Is...

Jake about to speek

Kaira : shut up i know

Young ladies shook to see karia and his teammates

Young ladies: aditya ...why they are hare

Aditya: you know them

Young ladies: yes ...no ...yes ...o ...l mean

Aditya : what rita

Rita: i have no relationship between them

Kaira : hehehe (lough witn sacaram) princess of singhaniya family does nor remember his biological sister

Aditya and sam : what..

Kaia teammates: what...

Jake: she is your sister chef

Rita : why are you here ??

Karia : mission

Rita : what mission? I can't go back

Kaira: you donit want meet your parents

Rita : no

Kaira : fine but you know your condition body

Rita : what happened to my bodies

Kaira : nothing but you can't save your baby in this condition

Aditya : what baby

Karia : she is pregnant

Aditya : really

Rita:how do you know? And what happened to my baby

Kaira : he is bound to card ? He need energy that present in acraa. So he is sucking energy from your body

And you can't go back you and your baby died in 6th month of your pregnancy

Rita: this is not truth

Kaira: believe it or not its your choice

Rita : jim ... May..

(Rita speak loud then a lady and a man came)

Rita : catch them

Kaira : hehehe (lough witn sacaram)

Kaira : rita you are really idiot

Rita : what...

Kaira : thesa are my people

Jim and may : chef kaira..

Rita : how it is possible

Jim and may: you know about one of the chef 's identity .so give us mission to protect you . We are hera because aur mission

Rita : now i understand why you save me all the time

Kiara : your mission is complete .

Come back with us

Jim and may : ok chef

Kaira : rita , Aditya and akash you have to came with us

Rita: why them

Jake : because they also bind eith card

Akash and Aditya: what?....

Sam : well before that we have to find cards

Sia: we have location but they to came with us

Aditya: how can we go with you . What about our country

Jake : mr. King you have othet brother and we can give you clone of three oyou that have your memory and feelings

Sam: you have decided whatever you want

Sia: you want save your wife and child you have to came with us

Jake : and you can't handle power of cards without training.

Also this card kill your country now choice is your

Rita : ok we came with you

Aditya : buy rita ...

Rita : they are telling the truth we can't handle power of cards

And without them you can't live now

Akash: brother they are right

We were saved because jim and may

If we can't go our country can't ne saved

Aditya ok we can go

Sia : tomorrow we can start journey

All other: ok


In room og Aditya

Akash: who are they? Sister in law

Rita : i don't know them

Aditya: but she say she is your sister

Rita: i really don't know them . This truth she my sister but today is our larges conversation .

Akash: what?

Rita: yes no one in my family know about her

Aditya : what about your father and mother

They don't know anything about her

Rita: no they d'not know anything about her

Akash : why

Rita : well i only know when she one year old our family send her far place after about eight year she came back her self she wanted to tell something to my father. I don't know what happened she go back herself without telling anything to my parents then never came back. Second time i see her she became country number one scientist that decovery shock our whole planet . I accedently decover that her identity . That Time i was really shocked . Then when aked my parent s question about her they said she lived in very ruler area . We send her money for her living. Then i secretly investigation about her . I decover she never live in place that my father telling about. The money that my father giving her for living actually in account of palace bulter snd servent. I asked questions about her from them she never come back from five year .

Akash: what ?..... Where she lived .....

Rita : i don't know

Aditya: what about your parents. You asked her about her missing

Rita : yeah i told them.

They investigation about her results cane out no one knows about from that day she come back from our palace. Then i tell them about her being scientist. They said its impossible. They said she don't have any core how she became scientist without any education. That time i really disappointed with them .

You know the money they send to her is very little.

Akash: then how she became scientist

Rita: by herself, when i decover her room. her have secret places in which her calculation and discovery are present wheb she about to five to six

You her first discovery is artificial intelligence Humans robot.

Akash: what....

Rita : she discovers when she was five

And our family scientist tried for last thirty years know one make it

Then i go to hime with allk discovery of her to tell them . My father say she can't decover it even its her decovery . We can not get her back . Know matter what happened she are not in part of our family

Aditya : but why

Rita : my mom say that we did something

Trible to her thailt she can't accept us

Then i secretly Start investing her meet jim and may

When investigating her she making some secret lock for something important

You know through her in complete secret lock i come here with jim and may

With us something also come here i think that are that cards.

Akash:she can go back

Rita : for her she make this possible

I don't know about her but i kown onr thing about her she powerful if she want she can distroyed my family with in hours