
Girl In The Dark by Sarah Jane

A shy,introverted girl moves into the city to realise she doesn't belong there untill she meets this cheeky,deity young man.

Sarah_Jane_1122 · Thanh xuân
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Chapter 9-Love is in the air

Giaaaa...Giaaaa!The guy screamed her name so that she does not go and then Elliott tap on his shoulder.Elliot said.I think you should tell her the truth and not by pretending to be me.Who knows if she knows it was you the one she saw at the company that day maybe she would have fall in love for YOU.The guy replied.You are telling me that the dye on this hair was all a waste?I do not want to show my real self to her because she is still new to the place and if I do,it would made me look like a desperate person and I do not want other's in the company to know avout this love affair.Just tell that you have a high ego brother.Elliot said to his twin brother Archie.Morever,you made me look like an absolute annoying and cringe guy.She probably thinks I have changed to be worse by flirting with her when I have said to her I will never fall in love with her because I only see her as my bestfriend or sister.Good job Archie for switching ourselves.I am sorry Eli but I thought this would help.Help by what Archie?I know she has a bit of hint that I am your twin brother because you told her before as what you said to me.I did not specifically told her instead I told the whole class Archie.Forget it Archie what is done is done.I need to go to sleep because I cannot stand this jet lag anymore.

Archie,Archie..what did you just did?It is okay,let it go for now,tomorrow she will be coming to the company.Gia,what was Elliott doing.I really do not think that was Elliott but who could that be,his cousin,best friend,but who would look exactly like him unless he is his twin brother.Boom..the answer to my question.Oh my,I forgotten he had a twin brother let me recall his name.His name is...Gia is thinking so hard.I think his name got to be Archie if I am not mistaken.But why is Archie hitting on me oh maybe he is the guy I saw at the company.OH MY GOD,it is that guy,maybe he just dyed his hair for tonight.Let see if tomorrow he still has that hair colour.Now it is to sleep.What a day.Gia yawned and then she closes her eyes and fall asleep.

The next morning,Gia got dress up neatly and went to the place on time because first impression means everything as what all the elderly people say.Noah approaches Gia.Gia,right?Yes,I am.Remember me,I am Noah.Yes I do.Alright so your job would be easy.You will be following our owner Archie for when he shows the client their house or apartment.Did he just said the name ARCHIE?My gut feelings are always right.So he was the guy I saw that day and yesterday night.It was not Elliott.Archie walked closer to Noah and Gia.Hi,there.I am Archie the owner of this company.Dang,he did not even remove his hair dye.I knew it.It was him.Archie whisper to Noah.Noah left the room and it was only Archie and Gia.Well,well look who was the one pretending to be Elliott.Archie,twin brother of Elliott.Gia said in a sarcastic way.You knew it didn't you.

I thought you're an introvert but it seems you have a big mouth to talk things about me.Look I do not what I saw in you that day but I am here to make you my girlfriend.I know it sounds stupid for a person like me to just ask you to be his boyfriend but it is what it is.What if I say I do not want.Gia showed some attitude to him.So you are teasing me?To be honest,you got into this job because of me.The CEO did not want anyone without experience but you know they got to listen to me even if they say no but if I said yes then it is a yes for the final answer.What if I leave this job?Will you still hold me back? I cannot be your girlfriend if I do not need this job.Archie aggressively grab her neck and he made her to suffocate a little bit.While Gia used her hands to slap and hit him,it did not work cause he was strong.Those hitting from her did not even hurt him even a little.

Do no be stubborn little girl,you do as what I say or at least for your friend Elliott.Archie asked Gia aggressively.You would do that won't you.Gia was scared,she did not know what to do but just to say "Yes,I do".Now get your things,we have an appointment.Your job is nothing but just to be beside me alright.You get it?I do,Gia replied nervously.

Gia was told not to ever tell Elliott what was happening or he will do something to Gia that would make her to regret.Archie brought her to every of his meeting with his clients and hold her hands everywhere he goes.When the client asked who she was,he always replied to them she is my girlfriend.He got her things she did not want for instance an expensive bag,watch and fancy clothes.She did not like them but she had to wear them because she said she would do anything for him

He even hired a driver to take her around where she needed to go.She attends school like normal but this time with someone who drops her and fetch her.She did not have to think of transportation.Food was all prepared for her.She even had her own tutor for her studies.Everything was given to her by Archie just so that she would do something in return which was being his girlfriend.Every weekend she would follow him to finish his business meeting.He made her like his own property.She is not allowed to go anywhere wondering around unless it is with him.He made sure she gets everything she wanted but he never realised the fact she was missing was real love from him.

One day,Gia tried to tease him.He was sitting at his office.Gia went and sit on top of his lap.She was tempting him but it did not work and he push her down hard unitl she hurt her legs and was crying the whole time.Archie did not even check up on her.She wondered was he an an opposite to Elliott.Elliott was a real angel while Archie only has bad tempered,no sympathy and all those words used to describe someone who has no heart and feelings.Gia was wondering who made him like this?Does his parents knows what he is doing and I bet Elliott does not know what he is doing and I guess Elliott would just wash hands on him because he is unchangeable.On that day where he pushed her down,Gia decided to stay at his place.

She wanted to sleep on his side of the bed to see what he would do.Would he push her again,will he hurt or do something that she would imagine him doing?Gia waited until he came to his bed to sleep.When he entered,he saw Gia and he did not do anything to her but to sleep beside her without even saying anything to her or even touching her.Gia was surprised but she waited the whole night and still he did not do anything.This when she gave up and fall asleep.Gia slept without blanket and it was freezing,it was so cold that in the middle of the night Archie woke to see this and he took his blanket and covered her.In the morning,Gia saw Archie was not there as she remembered it was weekday and she was supposed to go to school.It melted her heart to see his blanket was covering her.That is when she realised someone made him like this and not that he wanted to be someone mean.

Should I confess to Archie about how I feel towards him?I feel like he has never had a person who loves him truthfully I think.Like why he do everything for me just for me to be his girlfriend.I wonder what would he do if he has a real girlfriend and that person loves him for him and not for the things she gets.I think he needs to know and find someone else.I do not want to be this kind of person he made me to be and I do not think he deserve this kind of treatment.He might look aggressive and abusive but we do not the real reason so I do not want to judge.I think it is the best if I confess my feelings to him.Gia begins to think deeply.Eventhough what Archie has done to her,she still wants to be nice to him because he is her friend's twin brother.Things are either going to be good or complicated for both of them.Do they really love each other?