
gin silk

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Kỳ huyễn
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108 Chs

Thanking Roman

Sebastian entered the hospital and When towards Hazel's cabin . He saw Roman in hazel's cabin doing something unexpected .

There was nurse present in the room too. Hazel belly was uncovered . Nurse was again telling him something . Sebastian saw Roman roman hands massaging Hazel's belly . Sebastian felt anger in him and immediately opened the room door .

The nurse saw him and her happy face was replaced by shocked face . Nurse said " Omg what is happenin.... haaaaa Are you both tw- twins!!". They both looked at her and she said " That's why you are having twins!! ". Roman looked at Sebastian and said " Brother are you having twins!!? ". His face excited yet emotionless to see his nephew and niece.

Sebastian nodded and said " Yes boy and girl". His stare still focusing on Hazel's belly . Roman followed his gaze to her belly and he smirked looking at his brother .He said "O sorry brother". He took his hands off the belly and Nurse giggled . Sebastian moved towards Hazel pouring oil on his hand and saying nurse " Guide me how to do that!!". Nurse nodded and said " First you have to apply oil to belly to make it wet and smooth". He followed how nurse instructed and after 30 minutes nurse said " That's how you do it . And ..... yeah remember you have to do it twice ".

Roman who was sitting on room's couch . Roman became curious and asked " Nurse ! When is she going to wake up!?". Sebastian looked sad again when negative thoughts invade him . But nurse told him " There is chances that Hazel will wake up after 1-2 months".

Sebastian mood lit up . Roman smiled at his brother.

Both brother got out when nurse said " Now you two man go out !!". Sebastian said defending " But im her husband I can join!!". Nurse smiled and said " No! No". Sebastian sigh and Roman asked

" So what did you do with Skyla brother!!?". Sebastian told him what he did . Roman looked at him and said " Brother Idk If Hazel killed Skyla child then she is not a women who can leave easily". Sebastian nodded and Roman said "Brother I think Hazel didn't killed anyone". Sebastian agreeing with him and said " Roman I think Hazel is same as .. ". Roman said encouraging him to speak " As.. ". Sebastian continued " As Amber ". Roman nodded and Sebastian asked " So when are you going to get married". Roman wanted to tease Sebastian and said " I don't know brother just find me a girl like Hazel . Maybe a twin of her . I like women's like her or can I get her". Sebastian straightened himself in jealousy and said " No she is my Hazel now!!!. I gave you a chance but you didn't took it". Roman said smiling " Chill bro! ".

Sebastian felt fire in him slowly going down .

Roman got up " Ok brother I'm going now! ". They both hug and he left .

Sebastian again looked at Hazel and pat softly her belly . The twins kicked and Sebastian smiled and kissed hazel forehead as well as twins in her belly .

Then he sat on the room's couch and closed his eyes . Hoping for a new day to come.