
gin silk

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Kỳ huyễn
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108 Chs

Care or for the baby?

Hazel was going to discharge at night . It was almost noon . Sebastian paid the bills and told the nurse to get Hazel ready . Hazel wore her clothes with the help of nurse but she couldn't stand because of the painful sensation in between her legs .

She used restroom with the help of nurse too . Now everything was ready . Sebastian entered the room to call Hazel but saw her struggling. Nurse was not in the room . Hazel was on her feets but whenever she tried to take one step she felt the same pain she felt yesterday. She took one step and cried out in pain . Sebastian walked to her . Hazel looked at him and said " Seb-sebastian I-i can't walk". Sebastian slide his hand under her legs and lift her up in a bridle style . Hazel looked at him at her handsome husband. She was a lil fine when Sebastian was not treating her harsh because of baby . But baby will not stay forever in her . He will treat her again like this when baby will come out . The thought irritates her .

Sebastian made her sit in the car . He sat too and started driving . As Hazel was a pregnant lady now . Her cravings hit hard . She looked at Sebastian and said " Seb-sebastian". Sebastian said angrily " Stop stuttering"!". Hazel said again " Sebastian I'm ". Sebastian growled and said " What!?". Hazel said " I'm hungry ". Sebastian looked at her and suddenly Hazel was of Amber . He looked at his Amber aka Hazel and smiled . Hazel heart stopped and she moved her hand to Sebastian's face . Her hand touching his lips . That's how Amber used to do that . Hazel said in haze " You look so handsome smiling ".

Sebastian came out of his emotions and moved Hazel hand furiously away . It hit the car headboard. Hazel let out an " Ah" clenching her hand . Hazel looked at Sebastian. Her eyes filled with tears and Sebastian said " Don't ever touch me again !! ". Hazel looked at Sebastian and said " Sebastian why do you hate me so much !? ". Sebastian mind stopped processing . She finally asked the question. How can he tells her what she did .

Hazel emotion got more high and cried and asked " Tell me ! Tell me why do you hate me so much ?!". Sebastian said " You will know soon . You just remember that you are a snake . A bastard ".

Hazel gasped and Sebastian stopped the car at drive thru to get her food .

She forgot all that and ate . Sebastian looked at Hazel and thought is she really not like that .

He can't trust anyone. They are all fake . For now he just have to take care of baby so in this way he have to provide Hazel every comfort .

He have to order Stefen to call maids for chores but cooking . Food will always be cook by Hazel . A taste exactly like Amber gives to food .

He looked at her and saw her sleeping with a hand on her bump .

Her light snores were echoes in the car .

They finally reached home . He took Hazel to his room where he saw Skyla packing . Sebastian asked her and she said she is going for a friend's trip . Sebastian nodded he didn't care .

Skyla was going for 3 months . The trip was too long but the relationship between Skyla and Sebastian Infront of people eyes is husband wife but in reality it's just for a purpose .

Sebastian took his shirt off . He lay and hug Hazel sniffing her scent . Placing a hand on her belly and saying the baby " No matter what happened I will protect you ".

He slowly fall in a deep slumber . The night was quiet . Hazel in his arms . Her body against his . Their baby in their deep slumber .

What was going to happen!?

Are they going to be normal now !?.

Is the baby a boy or a girl !?

Is Hazel gonna be free!?