
Gift to the devil

King magnus decides to seek the devil for help, after going to his realm and was brutally injured, the devil showed up asking what he wanted by coming there. King magnus explained to him and as the devil he was, there wasn't anything he could give for free. He would have to collect something in return. What happens when the devil asked for the first daughter of the king, which was the king's precious daughter out of all, he loved the child that the devil just asked for, would he be able to give out his precious child when she turns eighteen or would he let his people suffer in the war and what if he dies, his child would end up suffering. This got King magnus contemplating on what to do and finally, he struck the deal with the devil.

Liz_Zenny · Lịch sử
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

"Papa" Luna called as she came out of the hole her father had pushed her in, she was covered with dust that made her cough. Her grey eyes were tired and sad and it looks like she was holding herself back from crying.

Magnus turned to look at his daughter that was walking over to him and he hastily enveloped her in a tight hug while he caress her back, "Luna are you okay?, don't worry everything is going to be alright" He promised as he tightened the hug.

"Papa, mama... mama is gone and so is Camille, we are the only ones left" She said as she started sobbing hard, it was so painful seeing her sister being beaten by those hefty men with belt, her mother was raped right before her eyes and it took all the courage in her to free herself from those animals and go save her mother but at the end- everything was all in vain. Her mother, her dear mother is dead!

"No she isn't, I believe Alice didn't leave me and so did Camille, they would be fine" He said as he pulled away from the hug to look at her in the eyes, he held her cheeks with both of his hands and gently pressed his lips on her forehead to reassure her that everything is just a bad nightmare and they are going to wakeup from it.

"Your majesty" Miles with the rest of the armies and guards bowed down to Magnus, Miles was terribly injured in order to protect the queen he had lost his right arm.

"How is everything? Have you started clearing everything up?" Magnus asked while he rose from the ground to look at them, he couldn't meet their eyes because he knew he failed as their king. He lost so many people but most survived thanks to the help from Lucas and his armies.

"Your majesty" Someone called from behind and Magnus turned to see who it was, it was the general from Hora. "We've cleaned up everything and we believe this is yours" General Yan said as he presented the Sleasea seal to him with a bow. After that, he left with his armies to the kingdom of Hora.

"Listen up everyone, we have both our seal and the seal of torrid so from today onwards, we are all one, there would be no restrictions to go into the land of torrid and so should he the case of Sleasea to people in torrid" Magnus revealed to them and with that, "Miles, take both the queen and Camille to the castle"

"Are they still alive your majesty?" Miles asked.

"Yes, very much alive I believe" He responded as he looked at his wife and his child, Camille being carried away. He gave Luna a bitter smile while holding her hand gently to lead her to the castle. There would be much work to do as from today.


12 years later...

A young beautiful lady stood in the garden as she picked up her brush to paint on the white sheet in front of her while looking at the butterfly that landed on the daisy flower. Her silver hair had been tied into a high ponytail and her grey eyes focused fully on the insect in front of her.

Luna's soft pink lips twisted in displeasure when she felt a drop of rain from the sky land on her painting, oh this rain again!. Luna had grown fond of painting and each time she brought her sheet out to paint, the rain was always stopping her.

Twisting her lips in disgust, she took the white sheet and her brushes inside before the rain ends up beating her. As she was walking through the halls of the castle, she halted in her pace when she saw Evan standing in front of her room.

"Love , what brings you here?" She asked him as she flashed her sweet smile at him, she walked forward to give him a light hug and placed a peck on his lips.

"Uhm... actually I want to show you something, do you have time for me? or if you're busy I can come back" He asked her.

"Yes I do, but are we going in this rain or we'll wait until the rain stops?" She questioned him in return as she looked outside the window that was being closed by the servants because of the wind that was throbbing in, He shook his head with a smile before replying, "We'll wait, I don't want you falling sick again, it's quite tough to take care of you when you fall sick, you just don't wanna eat or do anything but just lay down on your bed" He said while smiling. He had known Luna since he was six and they both became friends, but now their friendship had turned into love and he was planning to marry her as Luna was the only nice, caring and loving person he had met.

"Okay, let me drop these brushes and change my dress" She spoke as she gave him another peck on his cheeks while she dashed inside, she dropped the brushes on the table and dashed to the bathroom to have a quick bathe, Luna had rejected the offer of having maids to serve her, she insisted that she could do everything on her own and her father agreed to it only if they would help her if there was an important occasion.

When she finished bathing, she dried herself up with the towel and put some scented oils on her skin before siding into her pink strapless gown that had slits at both sides and it complimented her pale skin, she braided her hair into two and held it with a silver pin, after that she applied a red paint on her lip that made her beauty stand out more. When she was satisfied enough, she went out to meet Evans.

"Wow, you look beautiful in that dress, is it the same one I got for you or which is this?" Evans asked as he gazed at her, another thing that attracted him to her was her beauty. she was Extremely beautiful, she could be considered as the most beautiful in their kingdom, her silver hair and grey eyes made her stand out more.

"Yes it is, I have never worn it but today I just felt like, come let's go to the dining I'm sure father and mother and Camille also would be glad to meet you" She said as she grabbed his arm and began pulling him to the dining area. They met a few servants on their way who bowed to them as they were talking and laughing.