
Part 4


"What are you doing here?" the question from Joy snapped me back to reality I was overwhelmed with emotions earlier that I could not think properly. The only thing I thought about was Joy with another man. 

"Let's go home." I said instead of answering the question, tightening my hold on her arms. She's right. What was I doing here?  I didn't know why either. The car was smoothly sending me back home but my head was here with the woman in my arms. It was aggravating.

"Hi, the name is Lucas" a deep voice says

"Hi. My name is Joy" I hear Joy respond in a voice that reminded me of her when she was in highschool.

"Jonie asked me if I could keep you company tonight." I hear the same deep voice again.

The voices kept running through my head. I just had to know who she was with. "Fernando, let's go back to the restaurant." I finally said.

"Ahh.. Err. Lucas. Ahh.. Thank you so much. It's okay. I know him. Ahh. I have to go home now. I'm sorry." Joy managed to say before walking towards Fernando who was waiting for us outside the car parked not too far from where we were. She was like a small child who got scolded by her parents for wandering too far and I couldn't help but smile from the thought. That's right. Even though I didn't want her as my wife she was still my responsibility. Hence, making sure that she was safe was upon me. I felt a little better with the excuse I came up with.

"What are you doing here?" she again asked but now smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asked in return. "Well. I'm happy to see you here. You've never taken me home before and though the first time could have been better I ..." I waited for her to finish what she was saying but instead she chose to end it with "Never mind".  

"You didn't introduce me to your friend" I asked  in the most neutral tone I could utter.

"He's not exactly my friend. My friend arranged a blind date for us."

"Your friend arranged a blind date for you? And you went to meet a complete stranger and not to mention the fact that you're married. "

"I didn't know it was a blind date. My friend doesn't know that I'm married so she probably thought it would be a good idea." 

"Was it?" 

"If I wasn't married  it would have been. I think Lucas is a grea----"

"Are you going to meet him again?"

"I don't know but he said he'll drop by the restaurant one of thes-


 I couldn't finish what I was saying because Gianni kissed me and is still kissing me. I think my heart might have stopped beating for a few seconds. Am I dreaming? I must be.  I've imagined for this day to come a hundred times. The first time we kissed was at the wedding ceremony and though that was my first kiss I know it wasn't the proper kiss. It was a peck. Sad. 

This kiss could've been gentler though. His tongue forced it's way into my mouth. I gasped. I tried to push him but he deepened the kiss even more. Then he let my lips go.

He was panting as I was.

I wanted to act angry because I think that's what normal women would do if they get kissed like that but  I've always imagined getting a kiss from him. So I wasn't able to . . 

Instead I asked "What did you do that for?" I was almost smiling.

"I'm just reminding you that you're married to me just in case you forgot. I don't want this to happen again while you're my wife you're not allowed to be around other men. I don't like other people touching what's mine so don't ever think of meeting up with him"

"How I wish you'd remind yourself that when you go out with models and when you get to be the talk of the town. No one knows we're married so I don't see why I shouldn't meet other men while you're free to meet other women. All I did was go into a blind date I had no idea about and you're already like this. What do you think I felt when I read about you and you're women?" Yes. I liked Gianni but this was just plain unfair. I don't have any intentions of dating other guys while we were married but for him to demand it from me like this while he does it himself is just annoying. "If I'm yours because we're married doesn't that make you mine too?" .

I heard him take a deep breath and before he could say anything the car came to a stop. I got down the car and walked straight to my room "We're not done yet. Come back here this instant Joy." I ignored him.  Before I could reach I felt him grab my wrist. "I'm sorry if you felt that way but Joy. . Remember I gave you a choice a year ago. I wanted to be loyal to you but you wanted more than I could offer."

"I wanted more because I know you could afford to give more."

"You seem to be forgetting something Joy. I didn't want to be married to you" 

That was it. I want to cry. His words are too harsh. I know my eyes are now watery and I didn't want him to see me cry. I removed his grip from me using my free hand and went inside my room. This time he didn't follow me. He

I cried myself sleep that night I cried because my first kiss magic moment turned into a confrontation and I had myself questioning if I should continue hoping that our marriage could actually work. 

I awoke very early the next day. I decided I'd go for a jog this morning so I could clear my head. I bought some breakfast muffins and coffee on my way home. I did not want to cook for Gianni because of what happened yesterday but I was also worried that he won't have any breakfast so I bought him sandwich and coffee too. I arrived just before Gianni could leave for the office. I still didn't want to  face him so I left his breakfast on his car. 

I know Jonie would ask me about my date with Lucas and I hope Lucas didn't tell her about what happened that night If he did I knew Jonie wouldn't stop pestering me with questions. I had to come up with an excuse. Hmmm.. brother? No. He looks so Western and I look Asian we won't pass as siblings. What if I tell Jonie the truth? NO. "You seem to be forgetting something Joy. I didn't want to be married to you" I repeated what Gianni said. If I tell Jonie I'm married to The Gianni Ricci and He was schemed by his grandfather with my help into the marriage AHHHH. Nope. No, thank you. 

Surprisingly, Jonie was not at work today. It was not supposed to be surprising but because I forgot that it was her exam week it was so. She took a leave for the whole week to focus on her exams she's a Senior after all.