
Part 2

Five months ago I started working in a Restaurant not far from Gianni's house. I was going crazy inside the house with nothing to do. It might have been better if Gianni paid any attention to me when he gets home but he barely talks to me. He leaves for work at 7 and comes home late. On the weekends it's either he's out for a business trip or his working non-stop at his home office. The only conversation we get to have is when I ask him if I should prepare food for him. All my attempt for small talks were ignored. 

I learned a lot of skills over the years with Ricardo. I studied culinary arts in Singapore and had the chance to actually work in a Restaurant before moving to Italy. Ricardo supported everything that I wanted to do when he was alive. "As long as your happy and As long as you marry Gianni then I'm happy" he'd always say.

Outside Gianni's house I removed my wedding ring from my hand and placed it in my bag. All of my friends from work don't know that I'm married. I didn't want to tell them. Gianni wanted as few people as possible to know that he was married to me. 

"Happy Birthday Joy" Jonie greeted me with a smile and hugs me tightly. "I'm so excited for our night out tomorrow" she says with a wink. Jonie arranged a night out for my birthday but we won't be celebrating tonight. I told them my relatives would be celebrating my birthday tonight-- this was not true. Though it's highly unlikely that Gianni would remember it was my birthday and our wedding anniversary I wanted to be home just in case he remembered though I doubt that he would.  


9:00 am

I look at the sandwich that is now on my desk. Joy had always tried to win me over since day one and I can't help but hate her more because of that. I did not always hate Joy. In fact to me she was once someone whom I wanted to protect. I knew that Joy had a crush on me she was not very good at hiding it as a matter of fact I didn't think she tried to hide it at all.

"Gianni! You're home" she exclaimed during one of my trips of home with face turning all red and her ever wide smile. 

"Gianni, I like you and I know it's not yet time but grandpa said I'll be your wife someday. So, please wait for me. I'll try to grow up really fast and be really beautiful so you could have a wife you'd be proud of" 16 year old Joy says with a box in one hand and a letter on the other. It was Christmas Eve and Joy came to my room to give her gift. I was already 24 back then. It was Joy's first Christmas in Italy. Grandpa brought her along from HongKong.

"Joy, you know Brian from the other class wants to meet you. Should I arrange you on a date?" I remember over hearing one of her friends one time.

"Hmmmm... I don't think it would be fair... I already have a man in my heart after all" Joy said in between giggles. Her friends giggled with her. It seemed that it was not a secret to her friends too. And somehow I found myself smiling at the memory of how Joy can't keep her feelings to herself. I had to remind myself of what Joy did that led them into this loveless marriage.

I was now on my way home. Running a company is really not easy. Specially if that company employed more than 10,000 employees. Two years ago the company this very company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Grandpa, I love you and you know that but I will not let you dictate my life. I'm sorry" I walked out from the heated argument I was having with my grandfather. I think the idea of suffering in a marriage because of an outdated promise is just stupid. My grandfather warned me about the consequences of my disobedience but I didn't care. So what if he doesn't give me my inheritance. I was a self-made man. I am the founder of a successful company. I guess I was too confident. I underestimated what my grandfather could and would do.

A week after that confrontation two of our suppliers backed out on us , clients backed out on us. Suddenly, the successful company that I worked so hard for was slowly falling apart and behind all of this was my grandfather and my now wife-- Joy. 

"Do we have any overseas schedule this month?" I asked Fernando who was currently driving me home.

"Not for this month but first week February you have a business meeting in Singapore with the new client" Fernand my personal assistant says.

"Gianni, I think your wife might have prepared something for your anniversary" 

my wife  I still feel uncomfortable when I hear the words though it's been a year since I've gotten married. She deserves it. I thought to myself; After conniving with my grandfather to get me marry her. When I got inside the house. I noticed the table with the food and wine  then I saw her. She was at the sofa. Lying back. Like she always does but tonight she wasn't wearing her usual pajamas, tonight she was wearing a little black dress which I won't deny looks really good on her it showed her two tiny but well shaped legs. Her dress didn't have any straps so the contrast between her dark hair and her skin looked amazing. I normally preferred tall girls with long legs but I can't deny the fact that Joy affected that preference very much. 

I wanted to take her on the sofa but I want to respect her. She has gained it afterall.

"Everything you need to know is in that folder. Including that pill. "  

The folder did have everything I needed to know. It was like a summary of why he had married her. I wanted her to know that I only married her to save my company and I would be her husband in paper and inside the bedroom but she cannot demand any emotional support as we didn't marry because of love. I also wanted her to know that we were to divorce on the third year. 

"Have you signed the papers?" I asked her the morning after.

"I have. I already know you did not marry me because of love but to have it written down hits different." I could almost taste the bitterness in her voice as she said this and I almost wanted to withdraw the contract from her hand but I reminded myself that this woman had brought it upon herself.  

"Three years is still a long way.." I hear her say "Why are you so sure you'd want a divorce in three years?" I almost laughed at what I heard from her "Joy, If you're expecting anything from this relationship. I'm sorry to disappoint. I don't feel anything for you and don't hope it'll change." I said firmly. She turned her back at me sharply "We will see Gianni. I'll do my best to let you fall for me so you better try your best to hold your position too" I could have sworn her voice cracked she started walking away before halting as if she remembered something. "And by the way. I won't drink this." she said and threw something on the floor which I figured was the pill because of what she said.