

Jimmy, will we ever get adopted? ( snore's). JIMMY! AH, i am up. why did you wake me up. never mind, but anyways we have been in this adoption center for 5 years and the lady that takes care of us is always angry. uh Jimmy, what are you doing on the iPad? i am contacting the ghost. what ghost? the little kid that never got adopted and died because of a accident and now haunts the adoption center so no kids get adopted. uh Jimmy ghosts are not real. shh, i feel the ghost coming. ugh, who contacted me!!? g-ghosts are real!!!?? uh ghosts are real alright but never contact me again! o-okay we wont!! good, now i can finally leave. ( ghost disappears ) Jimmy was that a real ghost!??? Miya i saw it with my 2 eyes but i have to contact the ghost again. Jimmy why? i need to know more about ghosts. i don't know if that's a good idea. too late i already did it. ugh, what now! we wanted to know more about you. ugh fine, my name is ally and i have been here for a while. KIDS YOUR TOO NOISY!! ugh, ally do you think you can send this adoption lady somewhere far away. uh no, i like to mess with that lady when i am bored and now i want to mess with you! please no, how about this, if we get adopted you can come with us and be our little sister. hm, well.....okay!! your neck less its a different color!! i know, my neck less changes colors depending on my mood. right now i am happy. that's good to hear. ( door knocks ) hello? i am here to adopt a kid. hi, come with me we have 2 angels here. did she call us angels? hi there kids, what are your names. hello, my name is Miya and this is my little brother Jimmy. well i think i will adopt you both. anyways your the only kids here so why not. REALLY, THIS IS AMAZING!! i will go sign some papers. okay, we will wait. ally did you hear that you can now come with us.