

'Fuckin death case' Barry complained for the 30th time this evening and I breathed trying to ignore him and focus on what I was doing.

'I mean it's obvious that we're not gonna make it back, that's why he's making all those fake-ass promises, he's such a scam!

+ he mumbled and walked nervously about and I shook my head at him.

'I wane fuckin go home- Barry if you could just shut the hell up for a second and come help me with these files then we could both go home!' I yelled and Barry paused shocked for a while looking at me.

'don't fuckin give me that attitude!' he yelled back and I sighed.

Oh broda!

'if you had refused the case then we wouldn't be here in the first place- right, we would have been in a good-for-nothing training centre being dummies for some good for nothing agents! I'm sorry but I'm glad I accepted the case cause I am sick and tired of being called a rookie and I know you are too!'

'you're right I am but it doesn't mean I'd put my life in danger because of that, the town is cursed and haunted by fuckin ghosts! Going there would mean us starring in some fucked up horror movie'

'they're no such things as ghosts' I said laughing at his stupidness 'that's exactly what the unbelieving horror movie character always says and normally they're the ones that get their ass bitten off first' he said before scanning my body from my waist down to my ass as I sat.

I laughed quietly ignoring his stares 'okay you know what, I'm sorry just help me go through these files please' I begged ending our unimportant discussion.

'what's even there to go through? Fourteen missing! Five FBI, two CIA, the remaining citizens and if we do go, we'll make that list sixteen missing, I don't want to go missing Lindsay, I'm too beautiful to die' he said pushing his hair back and doing a model stance.

He was crazy.

'Barry, you haven't even gone through the files so how do you know all that information?' I questioned him but he just stood staring absent-mindedly at me.

For the first time he kept his big mouth shut!

'Barry, how do you know?' I asked again snapping him out of his cloud head.

'five years ago,' he started with a more solemn tone in his voice, the arrogance was gone.

'my dad was working in the FBI and just like me he was given the case ghost town; he went and never came back. he was part of the first people that went missing over there, I-I did all the research of where he could be and it all led to ghost town'.

'it took my dad and now it wants to take me too and I'm fuckin letting it!' he yelled then banged his fists on the table in anger.

So that's the reason why he's so stuck up about ghost town, he's just scared of sharing the same fate of his father.

Hysterical how I wish my father would've disappeared without a trace and here he is sobbing for his.

'listen Barry I know it's hard going to the same place who had taken your father but don't you think that he'd be proud if you solved the case' I said then noticed he wasn't vey convinced.

'I mean Barry he probably went there for the same reason we're going there, to solve the case so I just think it'd be good if you finished what he started' I finished and cramped at the silence around us.

He didn't say anything, he just stood and ran through his thoughts. the speech I gave was so weird especially to myself.

I'm not one to motivate someone when I lack the biggest motivation ever so like I said, so weird!

'I appreciate the speech Lindsay but nothing you tell me is changing my mind, we're fucked!'

Back to his self, yay!

He grabbed his wallet, pocketed it then took a grocery bag from the desk 'what are you doing?' I asked as he packed up. 'I'm leaving!' he said 'what?' I yelled and got up.

'I'm leaving' he repeated, I heard what you said the first time, the 'what' was rhetorical. 'you can't leave!' I told him but it didn't stop him he had already started walking away.

'watch me!' he said then stopped walking and turned to face me 'and good luck with the files because the only thing I'm gonna do is go to that town, try to get info and get out and anything else is on you!'

'Barry stop acting childish come back this instant!' I ordered but he laughed 'oh and my death is on you and your dumb-ass director. Peace!' that was the last thing I heard before the sound of his footsteps faded away.

He left even after my speech!

He really is a pussy!

I sighed and looked at the scattered papers in front of my desk, I shook my head in annoyance, I was the only person left in this whole room all the people had gone home including Barry!

My pussy hole partner Barry!




katriana_gwelenopacreators' thoughts