
Ghost Town Anxiety

"Maka, what's this all about?" "D-Don't worry about it! I can do this, Le!" "This is stupid." "Whatever. You're just mad that you were too afraid of the ghost." "What'd you say?! I don't think I heard you clearly, through your s-st-stuttering" "It's an anxiety issue! Don't pick at feelings! Anyways, a friend of mine has decided to share our adventure tales, and hopefully people from the internet will like the story and will try to help and support the author! So she can get off her lazy butt and do some actual work with the motivation." "Speaking of which, wasn't the whole reason the author chose to create this story was actually 'cause of a school project?" "What'd I tell you. Lazy. But at least she did the work, and was smart enough to use it to her advamtage." "Well, the readers are in for a treat when they hear about you- mphmmmhphmmm..." "No spoilers!" "Mm K... Or about that time we snuck into a- MMmmphmmph-" "SHHhh- But maybe I shouldn't have cut you off with that last sentence. It's gonna sound like a romance storyyy~~" "Heh- That's what you get. Don't mess with the Le." "..." "Wha-" "Anyways! How you enjoy the story!" "Wait, that was all recorded?" "Took ya long enough~~" Wait, Maka- MAKA!"

Average_Peep · Thành thị
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4 Chs

You tried: Wrong step?

"Oh thank goodness." Maka said, feeling relieved. She sat below the window sill, gripping the grass beneath her. Uhm- It clicked. Maka was outside.

While she was figuring out how to hide herself, she thought, "Why am I trying to hide when I can run??" And so she stored all of her belongings away and hopped out of the window. But that's as far as she thought.

"What now?" Maka asked herself, staring at the shrubs ahead of her. After a bit of thinking, she decided to let them steal from the house while she hid somewhere safer. It's what the Bidelspach household deserves.

As Maka snuck around the leaf hedge, she made a dash towards the sidewalk.


An emo looking teenage boy stood there glaring at Maka, who had crashed into him.

"Watch it." He snarled, muttering through his teeth.

Maka closed her eyes and pulled her hands in front of her face, afraid she was going to get the worst of it. "Ah!" she barely had enough time to scream before the boy had grabbed the pocket watch hanging around her small neck. Maka stood there coughing, terrified that he was going to crush her grandmother's gift in his hands.

"Give it back!" She said fiercely, throwing herself at him, before he swiftly moved out of the way.

"Do you know who I am?!!" His dark brown eyes peeked from behind his black bangs. His hand reaching up towards the sky with the pocket watch intertwined in his fingers.

Maka started to shake so much that she collapsed to the ground.

"My name's Le."

No! "Calm down, calm down! Stop shaking, Maka!" She told herself.

"And NO ONE messes with me!" Le tossed the watch into the air before snatching it again, then sprinted out of sight.

Maka sat on the ground, petrified. "Hey… Hey!"