

Destruction.That was all that could describe what the Titans were looking at right now.The Titans Tower was destroyed and fire sprouted from the many windows as if letting them know it had claimed the building as its own.Raven panted as she slowly got to her feet, the bodies of some of her closest allies lay decimated upon the ground.

Demons had attacked without warning, without mercy.Dick Grayson stood over Raven with anger in his eyes, "You...this is all your fault." Raven shook her head, "No it wasn't me I swear!" Kori placed her hand on Dick's shoulder, she too looked angrily at Raven, "You said these demons are that of Trigon.You are equally to blame."

"I AM NOT MY FATHER!" yelled Raven.Beast Boy staggers to his feet, "She's right.She's not her father.I think what's happening is that you two can't handle that we lost and are blaming her." Garfield glares at the two leaders, "You are both to blame."

Damian limps over to the remaining Titan's, "I checked the building for stragglers.They seem to be gone.Javier is dead, so is Wally, basically we are all that is left of the Titans." Dick sighed, "I don't know what to do."

"I don't care about what you want to do but I am leaving," says Garfield, "You two were ready to blame Raven and accept none of the blame yourselves.Who wants to have team leaders like that?"

"I agree with Logan," says Damian, "I will return to Gotham.But I am also going to inform father of your inability to lead this team Grayson.Seriously blaming Raven because you two couldn't even come up with a battle strategy?That is pathetic.If it wasn't for Raven we would all be dead, it was her who was able to send the demons back to where ever the hell they came from.She save all our asses."

"I'm leaving too," says Raven quietly, "I want a normal life.I don't want to be anywhere near this team or this place." She turns and walks away from them not looking back, Garfield gives Dick a glare before transforming into an eagle and flying off into the sky.Damian says nothing but limps away from the duo heading in the direction of the tower, moments later he is seen speeding away from the tower on one of Dick Grayson's bikes.Dick and Kori look to each other and both know that they messed up, because now it was truly the end of the Titans.


Meanwhile John Constantine is sitting in a pub in Liverpool enjoying a pint with Zatanna.The door to the bar opens and a familiar looking girl enters.Raven.She looks around until she spots John and Zatanna laughing at the bar.Slowly she approaches with her hood up covering most of her face and her cloak drawn tightly around her.

John was about to order another pint when he spots her, "Raven love, is that you?" he asks drawing the attention of Zatanna.Raven pulls down her hood and there are visible tear stains on her face, "I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer to stay with you?"

John looks at her surprised, "Love what happened?" Raven says nothing but more tears begin to fall and she only utters one word, "Please?" she sounded so small and fragile in the moment.John sends a look to Zatanna who gives and encouraging smile.John looks back to Raven with a smile, "Of course you can stay with us.Z and I were getting a little bored by ourselves ain't that right Z?"

"Oh yeah you would be doing us a favor," says Zatanna, "I mean John can be a pain in the ass most of the time but you get used to him."

"I am not a pain in the ass," mutters John as he pulls out a cigarette from his jacket and lights it, "Hey Danny I'm heading on here with these two lovely ladies.Close off my tab would yah?" The barman, Danny, nods and takes the fifty pound note from John's hand, "See yah later Johnny boy."

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"Right now let's go get you settled," says John as he and Zatanna head out of the bar with Raven closely following behind them.They turn off down an alley and stop half-way.John mutters some strange language under his breath and holds out his hand creating a portal in the alley, "Alright let's go lass."

Raven and Zatanna enter the portal taking them into a cozy lookin living room.John enters after them and closes the portal, "Jeez I forgot my fags back at the bar," he mutters before shrugging and sitting down on the sofa, "So Raven love.What's made you come to me after two years?"

"I'm not ready to talk about it," says Raven quietly."Of course," says Zatanna before John can say anything further, "Why don't I show you your room and John can put on a pot of tea for us." Raven nods and Zatanna leads her out of the living room and up a rather large staircase, "This place is nice," comments Raven as she takes in all the beautiful paintings and a few photographs of John and Zatanna.But she stops when she sees a particular one of John and Zatanna on their wedding day.

"You two are married!?" she exclaims."Yup," says Zatanna popping the p, "He and I are husband and wife.Have been for the last two years." Raven says nothing else of it and follows Zatanna to a large bedroom with oak paneled walls and rustic looking furniture, the whole room screamed Victorian grandeur but the only thing that was within the 21st century was a flat-screen television that was on the wall.

"This will be your room," says Zatanna, "If you need clothes let me know and we can go shopping." Raven nods not really hearing it and sits down on her new bed, "Is it okay if I have some time to meditate?"

"Sure thing John and I will be downstairs if you need us," says Zatanna kindly as she leaves the room closing the door gently with a soft click.Zatanna enters the living room to see John taking a sip of his tea, "How is she Z?" he asked as she entered."Something bad happened to her I know it but whatever it is I am sure she will open up eventually," answers Zatanna as she sits down taking the cup John had left for her on the coffee table and gratefully taking a sip.

After an hour Raven enters the living room.Zatanna nudges John who was dozing off gaining his attention, they both look at Raven as she slowly sits down on a single recliner, they take notice of the fresh tear tracks on her face.John stands up and approaches her kneeling down so he was at her eye level, "Listen love.I know there is something hurting you.It's better to get it out in the open.Z and I we'll listen and we won't judge.But if you're not ready then that is fine."

"The Titans hate me," says Raven as she begins to cry.John doesn't hesitate and wraps his arms around the young woman, "Hey easy there love.Let it all out." She continues to cry and holds onto John a little tighter than before.She tells them everything, the battle, the deaths of her teammates and the blame that Dick Grayson and Kori were pinning on her.Once she finishes Zatanna and John held onto her in a group hug hoping to calm her down.Eventually she falls asleep and John oh so carefully carried her to her room gently laying her in her bed and tucking her in.He pauses looking down on her young peaceful face and very softly he places a small kiss on her forehead , "Don't worry love I am going to protect you till the day I die," whispers John as he slowly leaves her room closing the door.

Zatanna is standing outside with a smile on her face, "Who knew you could be such a good dad." John raises an eyebrow, "What are you going on about now Z?" She gave a small laugh, "The way you are with her.She's only been here a day and now she's daddy's girl." John rolls his eyes, "Whatever Z. I'm gonna have a whiskey and give that Grayson wanker a talking to.You coming?"

"Oh I so do not want to miss you kicking that prick's ass," says Zatanna as they both descend the stairs.Little did they know Raven was awake and for the first time in a long time she smiled, maybe John could be the father she always wanted.


John opens a portal right in the middle of the Watch Tower's meeting room.The entire Justice League watch in surprise as John Constantine and Zatanna step out looking angry as all hell."Where the fuck is that wanker Dick Grayson!?" shouts John as he glares around at the Justice League.Batman stands up, "What is going on here John?" he asks calmly in his deep voice."Stuff it Bats," yells John as he points at the Batman angrily, "Just answer my fucking question where the fuck is Dick Grayson and that Kori lass!?"

"They're here in the watchtower training in section B dash 6," answers Superman, "Is there a reason you are looking for them?" John doesn't answer Superman but marches out of the meeting room with Zatanna following closely.John doesn't even notice the Justice League following them.He doesn't have to search long as Dick Grayson exits the training area with a towel around his neck.

"OI GRAYSON YOU WANKER!" shouts John gaining his attention, "How fucking dare you blame Raven for your fucking cock up!She's fucking torn up about it!" Dick rolled his eyes, "She is to blame, those demons only came to the tower because of her."

John lets out a roar and punches Dick in the face breaking his nose.Dick staggered backwards holding his broken nose as blood trickled down his fingers, "What the fuck!?" Superman stands in between John and Dick to prevent a brawl from breaking out, "Nightwing go clean yourself up.NOW!" Dick grumbles and walks away."I'M NOT FUCKING DONE WITH YOU GRAYSON YAH HERE ME!?I'LL FUCKING RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" yells John angrily as he tries and fails to get past Superman.

"John honey please calm down," says Zatanna as she places a hand on her husband's shoulder.John shakes his head before pointing at Superman, "You keep that prick on a short leash.He comes anywhere near my Raven I will end him." He notices the Justice League muttering about Dick having a point so he shouts out, "YOU KNOW WHAT IF ANY OF YOU WANKERS COME ANYWHERE NEAR MY DAUGHTER I AM GOING TO PERSONALLY SEND YOU TO HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY GOT IT!?"

Batman steps forwards, "She is the daughter of Trigon.She needs to be monitored and contained.I believe those demons that attacked the Titans only did so because she was there.She should be turned over to the League to be contained."

"You are off your fucking nut if you think I am going to give her over to you wankers," growls John angrily."You assholes are not getting anywhere near our daughter and if you try we will destroy you," says Zatanna with suppressed rage in her voice.She opens a portal and steps through with John following.Superman makes to follow them but is thrown back with a crash.The portal closes and the League stand there uncertain of what to do.

"Flash I want you to begin searching for Raven," says Batman, "Bring Superman with you." Flash nods and walks away with Superman following.Wonder Woman approaches Batman, "Do you think it wise to attack John Constantine's child?It would be like declaring war on hell Bruce." Batman nods, "She needs to be kept under control and away from people.She could potentially be the most dangerous person in the world Diana.We need to find her before any more lives are lost."

Wonder Woman nods and like that the entire Justice League are hunting for Raven.Good thing she has John and Zatanna Constantine in her corner.

It has been two years since that day and things had dramatically improved for Rachel Constantine a.k.a Raven.John and Zatanna had really taken to Rachel and when they were able to they signed the adoption papers making her their official daughter.

To take things even further John had searched through ancient tombs and scrolls and managed to find a new way to imprison Trigon without Rachel having to keep him on her forehead freeing her from her burden.Now she no longer has the gem as John had given it to 'an old friend' and refused to comment more on it.

But she didn't care she was finally happy in her life.She got to experience high school and now she was in college.She moved into an apartment not too far from the campus and under the name Rachel Roth she signed the necessary documents, she would have signed Constantine but her adoptive father thought the Justice League may still be after her so she signed Roth instead.

Now she was sitting in a coffee house not too far from her apartment sipping on a flat white and reading through her notes from class.There was a ding of the door opening and Rachel barely even noticed it, she just kept reading.

"Hey you're Rachel aren't you?" says a voice.Rachel looks up to see a young man in a biker outfit with windswept black hair."Yeah that's me," says Rachel slowly, "Do I know you?" she asks uncertainly."I'm Dylan Blaze.I'm in the same literature class as you," he says awkwardly, "Um could I join you?" Rachel nods and clears a space for him, "So what's up?" she asks off-handedly.

"Well I don't really have friends," began Dylan, "I saw you a lot sitting by yourself and thought why not get to know you?" Rachel raises an eyebrow, "Maybe I didn't want to get to know people." Dylan freezes, "Oh...right..."

"Wow you should have seen the look on your face," says Rachel with a smirk, "Priceless." Dylan smirks back, "Okay you're good I'll give you that Rachel."

"Raven," she corrects him, "My friends call me Raven."

"Okay Raven," says Dylan as if testing the name out, "How about I buy you a coffee and you can explain to me what I missed in today's class?" Raven looks at him surprised, "You weren't in class?" Dylan chuckled, "No I had some family problems I had to deal with."

"Is everything okay?" asked Raven in concern."Yeah everything is fine," nods Dylan as he holds up his hand gaining the attention of the barista.She approaches their table with a polite smile, "Everything okay?" Dylan nods, "Yeah all good.Can we get two more flat whites please?" he asks while giving her a flirty smile.The barista nods and rushes off to make their drinks.

"Wow ladies man much?" jokes Raven."Nah not really," says Dylan in repsonse, "So wanna go over today's work?" Raven nods, "Sure." Before lifting out her notebook and beginning to go over the lesson with Dylan.As they progressed she couldn't help but notice how he kept chewing on the end of his pen when in thought, or how he would run his hands through his hair to keep them from his eyes.He would occasionally glance at her and ask her opinion on what he wrote down which she would answer honestly.She enjoyed his company, he was her first real friend, she actually found herself wondering if he would like to hang out more.

"Okay that's everything," says Dylan triumphantly as he set down his pencil.Raven smiles at him, "You really understand Dickens." Dylan nods, "Well I relate to him more than any other author.He's got a thing for ghosts and so do I."

"Dylan would you want to hang out sometime?Not work related?" says Raven uncertainly."Sure that'd be awesome," says Dylan happily, "How about the movies tomorrow night?"

"Y-Yeah that'd be awesome," says Raven in response, they both exchange numbers and part ways with smiles on their faces.Dylan gets on his bike and starts the engine speeding off into the setting sun.He couldn't keep the smile off of his face at the prospect of hanging out with Raven again, he loved how open minded she was.It was amazing.

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That was until a truck slammed into him from the side.His bike was send flying across the road breaking to pieces and Dylan was tossed into the air, everything seemed to slow down as he flew.Images of his mother crossed his mind, her illness.How would she cope with him dead?Then an image of Raven flashes across his mind, the girl he had a crush on.How would she feel knowing that just moments after they hung out that he died?Then he hit the street, pain erupted through his whole body as he hit the asphalt.He lay there his limbs in odd angles his breathing labored.He was coming to the end.

People stood around him some calling 9-1-1.Others staring at him horrified at what had happened.Some were even looking to see where the truck had went.But as he lay there the blood pooling up around him he could see someone in the crowd.It was her.Raven.She was pushing through the crowd to get to him.He tried to smile at her but all that happened was blood gurgled up and out of his mouth.

"Oh my god Dylan!" she practically screamed.She pushed through the bystanders and knelt down next to him, "H-Hurts," coughed Dylan.Raven slowly and gently placed his head on her lap, "It's okay.Everything is going to be okay Dylan." He could feel a coldness enveloping him, his eyes grew heavier and heavier."You just need to hold on a little longer Dylan," says Raven as tears pool in her eyes, "Help is on the way."

"At least...I die...in the arms...o-of an a-angel," gasped Dylan before he took a shuddering breath and he was gone.Raven sobbed out, "D-Dylan?Dylan please.DYLAN!" The paramedics arrived and practically had to drag Raven away from Dylan.Moments later the police arrived and began questioning everyone at the scene.

Everything was numb.She watched the paramedics try to bring him back and fail over and over.They worked his heart over and over and pushed air into his lungs but Raven knew he was no longer on this earth, she felt his spirit pass.He was gone.

"Excuse me miss?" said an officer, "Did you know this man?" Raven blinked out a tear and nodded, unable to produce words as she was in shock."Did you see what happened?" asked the officer slowly."T-Truck," was all she managed to sob out.Her eyes were transfixed on the paramedics and Dylan's broken body.She could hear them clear as day, "Time of death seven forty-two pm."

Raven felt all air leave her chest, he was truly gone.She felt tears well up in her eyes but then something miraculous happened.He started breathing again.It was a loud pronounced and staggering breath.The paramedics were in shock one even proclaimed, "HOLY SHIT HE'S ALIVE!"


Darkness pressed in on Dylan from all sides.It consumed him.He knew he was dead, the moment he was in Raven's lap he knew.She was sent to guide him to the afterlife.But something was different.Shouldn't there be something in the afterlife?

"Dylan Blaze," came a voice through the blackness.

"Who's there?" asked Dylan with fear evident in his voice."I am Zarathos...I am the Spirit of Vengeance and of Justice.I have chosen you above all others to obtain my power," says Zarathos, "Do you accept?"

"What power what do you mean?" asked Dylan cautiously."You will return to the land of the living and become a powerful entity that will seek out justice and vengeance for the innocent of the world.An immortal spirit.Do you accept this responsibility?"

Dylan thought about all the people that suffered everyday at the hands of the damned.He felt the need to help them all so without any hesitation and with great determination Dylan answered, "Yes.Hell yes."

"Very well Dylan," answered Zarathos, "Return to the mortal world and take with you the great power of vengeance and justice and the knowledge I bestow upon you."

Dylan could feel the darkness dissipating.He was going back.He was going back to his mother.Back to Raven.


Raven sat by Dylan's hospital bed with her notebook in hand.He had been in a coma for two weeks but everyday without fail she would turn up and begin reading over everything that was covered in class in an attempt to keep him up-to-date.She told her parents about Dylan and what happened.John had come the whole way to Gotham from Liverpool just to be sure she was alright and was currently staying in her apartment.

Dylan groaned and she noticed movement.His hand twitched and then without much more warning he sat bolt upright."DYLAN!" screamed Raven in surprise.He looked over to her, "RAVEN!" he made to get out of bed and fell on his face instantly but got up with a smile on his face, "How goes it?" he asked happily as if nothing happened.

"How goes it!?" she repeated, "You were hit by a fucking truck!How the hell are you still standing?" He shrugs, "Luck of the devil probably." A doctor opened the door and instantly stopped in surprise, "Mr Blaze!How are you out of bed!?"

"Well it doesn't matter now," says Dylan playing it off, "I promised you a movie date and I also need to see my mother so if you'll excuse me I'd like my clothes please."

"You can't leave we need to run tests on you," says the doctor with great concern, "You were dead for ten minutes Mr Blaze and in a coma for fifteen days.You need to be checked over and stay in bed."

"You can check me over if you want but I ain't staying," says Dylan stubbornly, "There is too much to do and not enough time to do it." The doctor called in a few nurses and asked Raven to leave.She waited out in the hall for an hour before the doctor and nurses left heading off down the corridor.Dylan walked out moments later in his leather biker gear and was strapping on his glove before he turned to Raven, "You coming?"

"They cleared you?" she asked apprehensively."Nope," he answered popping the p. "MR BLAZE PLEASE HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" yelled the doctor."Welp Imma head out," says Dylan as he rushes off down the corridor.Raven doesn't even hesitate as she too runs after Dylan.The duo run out of the hospital and Dylan is laughing as if having the time of his life, "Okay you gotta admit that was kinda fun."

"We knocked over a nurse," says Raven, "How is that fun?"

"Well it was for me," says Dylan as he approaches an awaiting bike."Wait Dylan your bike was destroyed," says Raven."Yeah and this is my bike," says Dylan taking out a key from his pocket and turning on the engine, "See." Raven nods, "Okay then."

"You getting on?" he asks, "I can drop you off at your place."

"You know I am not too comfortable with that idea," says Raven, "The last time you were on that thing you got hit by a truck." Dylan nods, "True but I will be extra careful this time a swear." Raven hears the security guards in the hospital yelling and she makes up her mind rather quick, "Yeah I'm in." She gets on the back of the bike and wraps her arms around Dylan as he drives off into Gotham traffic.

She couldn't believe he was this casual about getting killed.Now he is driving around like nothing happened.She held on a little tighter as he picked up speed, but she had to admit he had really nice abs.Now that she came to think on it he was very well defined.She could feel his muscles as she slowly leaned her head on his back.

He turned off past the coffee house where they met and he approached the apartment building.Slowly he pulled up and stopped the bike kicking out the stand, "And here we are." Raven detaches herself from him and gets off the bike, "Thanks Dylan for the ride." Dylan nods, "No problem Raven.How about I meet you tomorrow morning for coffee before class?"

"Shouldn't you be taking it easy?" she asks softly."I will but I need to do some important things.I promise to be very careful," says Dylan gently as he got off the bike, "Thanks for coming by everyday by the way.You helped my recovery."

"I-I did?" she stammered as he came closer.She felt stuck as if she couldn't move, he was inching closer, "Yeah you did," he murmured.It was like their lips were magnetic and slowly they connected a spark between them.Raven wrapped her arms around him as he placed both hands on her waist.When they broke apart they both had dopey smiles on their faces, "I'll see you tomorrow Raven," he whispered."See you tomorrow Dylan," she whispered back.

She watched as he got on his bike and drove away into traffic and disappearing.She let out a sigh as she entered her building and made her way up to her apartment.As she opened the door she could smell the acrid smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol.She gazed in to see John sitting on the couch with a smile on his face, "So tell me was that your first kiss?"

Dylan rode his motorcycle the whole way to the outskirts of Gotham, he pulled into a small house with a large garden and a cobbled together garge in the yard.The house itself was a little worn down and looked to be in desperate need of a coat of paint.

Dylan gazed at the house and instantly he felt as if something was wrong, there were no lights on in the house.Normally his mother would be sitting in the living room reading her favorite books.They were a little too girly for Dylan's liking but they made his mother smile so he bought her over forty of these books.

He kicked out the stand on his bike and got off, his boots crunching the gravel underneath him as he approached the front door.He paused.The door lay open just slightly.He clenched his fists and entered the house slowly.He listened intently and there was not a sound.Slowly and carefully Dylan closed the front door taking great care not to cause any noise.

"Do you think anyone is gonna come by here?" asked a voice through the darkness, it was deep and gravelly and definitely didn't belong to his mother.Dylan gulped, it felt like an iron hand had grasped his guts and were twisting it."Nah no body ain't gonna come by here.The lady said her son was in a coma after getting hit by a truck," answered another voice, this one was female and slightly higher in pitch.

"Did you have to kill her?" asked the female.The moment those words were uttered Dylan felt the iron hand grasp his heart.His mother couldn't be dead!No they were lying they had to be!He took a deliberate and heavy step forwards not caring about being silent and opened the door to the kitchen allowing it to slam off of the wall.There were two people sitting at the table both eating the food that was in their fridge, the moment he entered they both looked at him with surprise on their face.

"WHERE IS MY MOTHER?!" yelled Dylan as he slammed the kitchen door shut.The man slightly fat and wore a black turtle neck jumper with a matching pair of jeans.He grabbed a gun from the waist band and aimed it at Dylan, "Look kid, we did what we had to do!"

"I AM GONNA RIP YOU APART!" yelled Dylan as he took a step forwards.There was a loud bang as a bullet pierced his chest.Dylan looked down at the wound and back up at the man, his eyes glowing a with fire, "Now you die."

The man and woman stared in horror as the flesh burned away and a burning skeleton stood before them.Ghost Rider held out a hand and chains made of hellfire appeared, he slung them forwards like a whip and wrapped the man in them making him shriek in pain.Ghost Rider let out a roar and the man turned to ash.The woman let out a scream and cowered in the corner of the kitchen in fear, Ghost Rider took slow and deliberate steps forwards, "You don't have to end up like him.Tell me where my mother is and I will let you live."

"He put her in the basement," sobbed the woman as the Ghost Rider stared at her.He growled and punched the woman in the face knocking her out.Slowly the Ghost Rider looked over his shoulder at the basement door, his flames wavered as he slowly transformed back into his human form.Dylan gulped and approached the door opening it, the stench of blood assaulted his nose and made him want to throw up.

He turned on the light and descended the stairs into the basement.He let out a choked sob as he saw his mother's body laying in the corner of the basement in a pool of blood.Dylan approached her as tears fell from his eyes.He crouched down and saw she looked peaceful.He couldn't contain his grief any longer and clutched onto his mother's body and cried out.His mother was gone.She was murdered.Taken from him unjustly.

After an hour he managed to stagger to his feet.He carried his mother up the stairs and into the kitchen.He cast a vengeful look in the direction of the unconscious woman before exiting the kitchen and climbing the stairs.Dylan opened the door to his mother's bedroom and laid her gently on the bed taking care to lay her down in a peaceful position.She was cold, so cold.She was dead for a while.

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He sat there for a moment and brushed the hair from his mother's face, "I'm sorry mom.I should have been here to protect you.But I promise...I will not let anyone else go through this again." Dylan placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead before standing up and approaching the landline.He dialed 9-1-1 and awaited the operator to answer.

"911 What is your emergency?" asked the kind female voice on the other end."My mother has been killed by burglars," choked out Dylan as fresh tears fell from his eyes."Where are you?" asked the operator urgently."1245 Fleetwood Street," says Dylan, "I have one of the burglars subdued in the kitchen."

"Help is on the way," says the woman.Dylan didn't listen he just hung up the phone and sat down next to his mother and began crying once more.It didn't take long for the ambulance and the police to arrive.The Commissioner came, he was kind to the boy.He took him out of the house and gave Dylan some coffee whilst trying to piece everything together.

The woman who he knocked out was being carried out of the house screaming that the devil killed her husband.Dylan clenched his fists in anger.He stood up and Commissioner Gordon looked at him with empathy, "Look kid I know that look.You're fixing to get some good ol' fashioned revenge.But that woman is being taken to Arkham tonight.She admitted to the killing of your mother and several others.She's going away for a long time."

"My mother deserves justice," says Dylan as he watches the car with the woman drive away, "She deserved better than to die in the basement." Gordon laid and hand on the boys shoulder, "Things will get better kid."

"No they won't," says Dylan as he shrugs off his hand.He approaches his bike and gets on with one place in mind.Arkham."You can't go anywhere yet kid.We have to take a statement," says Gordon."Here's a statement for you," snarls Dylan as he starts his bike, "Vengeance will be served tonight."

In a burst of flames the wheels on the bike ignites and Dylan's flesh burns away revealing the burning skeleton of the Ghost Rider, "VENGEANCE WILL BE DELIVERED!" Gordon had to dive out of the way as a flaming motorcycle flew past him and sped off in the direction of Arkham.Gordon knew there was only one person who could stop a demon like this one.So he picked up his phone and dialed one number, "Batman.We got a problem.You may want to intercept at Arkham."

Ghost Rider could still smell her scent in the air, the blood on her hands.That man may have killed his mother but that woman was equally as guilty.He regretted not dealing with her there and then, something he was about to remedy.The flaming hell-cycle dodged between cars and trucks as it sped off towards Arkham.Nothing would stop vengeance from being served tonight.

That was until a black armored vehicle crashed into the side of his bike sending the Ghost Rider into a wall with a crash and his bike lay on the street discarded.Slowly Ghost Rider got to his feet and his gaze fell upon the Batman."Stand in my way the punishment I shall inflict upon you will be biblical in scope," says Ghost Rider as he points at the Bat."I understand your pain Dylan.But killing that woman will not bring your mother back to you," says Batman as he slowly approaches the Ghost Rider, "Go home Dylan and let justice take its course.I promise I will make sure she never sees the light of day again."

The Ghost Rider pauses and looks towards the building of Arkham in the distance his flames dull down and some blue sparks in them, "Justice...not vengeance." The Ghost Rider nods his head and his bike rolls up to him.Ghost Rider gets on and looks at Batman once more, "Next time don't get in my way." Ghost Rider speeds off into the night, leaving behind the Batman and Arkham.He only has one mission on his mind.The promise he made to his mother.He was going to seek out the sinners, he was going to make them all see vengeance.


The smell of bacon and eggs woke Raven in the early morning.She yawned and stretched her limbs before rolling out of bed.She grabbed her robe from the chair in the corner of her room and pulled it on to cover her scantly covered body.Raven walks into the kitchen to see her father John Constantine plating up bacon and eggs.

"Mornin' love," says John with a smile, "Thought I'd make a spot of breakfast for yah." Raven smiles and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek, "Everything looks perfect thanks Dad." John gives her a little bow, "Twas my pleasure."

The body of Olivia Blaze was discovered by her son Dylan Blaze late last night after her returned home from the hospital after being in a coma for two weeks.The details are not clear but according to inside sources in the GCPD she was found in the basement of her own home with two gunshot wounds in her chest.

Raven looked at the TV with her mouth open in shock, "Dylan." John looks at her, "Isn't that the bloke that you snogged last night?" Raven sends him a glare before answering, "Yes that was him." John nods, "Looks like he could use a friend right about now."

"Yeah it does," mutters Raven.She stands up and goes to her room grabbing her leggings, boots, t-shirt and leather jacket pulling them on.Raven exits her room quickly, "Dad I'm gonna go find Dylan." John lights another cigarette, "Have fun!"


Dylan stares at the grave of his mother, it's been a week since she died and he has spent that week dishing out vengeance to the wicked of Gotham.He barely stays in one place, but the place he frequents the most is his mother's final resting place.He stood over her grave and simply stared at the headstone as if it were talking to him.

The first signs of winter had begun to make themselves known, the light dusting of snow upon the ground and the headstones in the graveyard was its calling card.Dylan crouched down in front of her tombstone and brushed off the snow before pulling out a single red rose and laying it on the grave.

"I thought I would find you here," says a soft voice from behind him.Dylan looks over his shoulder to see Raven standing there in her usual leather jacket, jeans and boots."What're you doing here?" he asks, his voice is hoarse and scratchy from lack of use.

"I've been searching for you all week," admits Raven, "I was worried." Dylan walks past her, "I'm fine." Raven latches onto his wrist making him stop, "Look me in the eye and tell me that you're okay then maybe I'll believe you."

Dylan doesn't move he doesn't even turn to look at her.He only closes his eyes and tries to stop the flood of emotions from breaking through.He feels her slowly wrap her arms around him as she hugged him, providing him the comfort he needed.He couldn't help it.He couldn't hold back anymore and he cried.He held onto her and cried, his grief that he suppressed finally coming to fruition.But that was okay, she held onto him and allowed him to sob, allowed him to grieve.She would be there for him...she always would be.

When Dylan had finally finished crying he let go of Raven, she gave him a look to show she was there for him."Thank you Raven," says Dylan hoarsely, "I needed that." Dylan makes to get on his bike before Raven speaks up, "Where are you staying?"

"What?" he asks sounding a little confused.Raven coughs a little before answering, "I went to your house and saw that it was taped off by the GCPD...so where are you staying?" Dylan sighs but doesn't answer the question.

"Have you been staying on the streets?" she asks whilst coming a little closer.He looks at her and says nothing not sure of what to actually say.But she can see the truth in his eyes, "You're coming home with me," she says in a voice that suggests that arguing would be useless."Raven I can't do that to you," says Dylan awkwardly, "I'll be fine.I'll figure something out."

"Dylan...come on.Christmas is a few weeks away and I don't want you to be laying in some alley somewhere freezing in the snow," says Raven as she grabs his hand, "Come home with me and stay at my place.Please."

"Okay you win," says Dylan with a sigh, "Why don't you hop on.It's a hell of a lot quicker than going back to your place by foot." Raven didn't hesitate and got onto the back of his bike wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning onto his muscular back.Dylan revs the engine a little before taking off, he weaved in and out of traffic effortlessly.

Raven couldn't help but smile a little as they sped through the streets of Gotham, Dylan was a really nice guy and was a damn good sight to look at.She held onto him a little tighter and after a short period of time they eventually pulled up to the front of Raven's apartment.As she got off the bike she she noticed he wasn't moving, "Dylan you alright?"

"I don't think this is a good idea," says Dylan, "I'm dangerous." Raven was extremely confused by this statement, "What do you mean you're dangerous?" she asked slowly as if the answer were a bomb waiting to blow.He gazed at her for a moment wondering if he should tell her the truth, tell her about his burden.But no he realized it would be better if she never knew so he stayed silent."Dylan...you can trust me," says Raven softly as she places a gentle hand on his shoulder.He nods and gets off the bike engulfing her in a hug.

After what felt like an eternity they break apart and Raven grabs his hand, "Come on I'll make some tea." He allowed Raven to steer him through the building and into her apartment.The moment he entered he was hit with the sent of cigarette smoke and alcohol.Raven sighed as she walked further into the apartment, "Dad really needs to remember to spray some air freshener or something after he smokes and drinks."

She sees a note taped to the fridge and unfolds it.


Sorry love I needed to head back to Liverpool.An old mate of mine is having some problems with a demon in his basement.Stupid bastard summoned it and doesn't know how to get rid of it.Can you believe that bollocks?

Anyways I'll see you hopefully around Christmas.Love you like crazy and I am sure Z is missing you as much as I was.


John Constantine a.k.a Dad

She smirks as she folds the note and puts it in her pocket.Raven notices Dylan standing in the doorway looking awkward and rolls her eyes, "You know you can come in.I won't bite." Dylan chuckled before walking into the apartment closing the door behind him with a soft click.

Raven shrugged off her jacket and threw it over the couch before returning to the adjoined kitchen and putting the kettle on.Dylan took this moment to actually take in her appearance, she had an amazing figure that honestly would remind most people of super models.Her hair was black and had purple dye on the tips.She had a naturally pale complexion but it just seemed to highlight her features more.

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She finished making the tea and passed him a cup.He gratefully accepted it and they both sat down on the couch taking in deep sips of the warm beverage.It was welcoming in the cold weather.This time it was Raven's turn to take in Dylan's appearance.

He was tall, that was certain most definitely over the six-foot mark.She could see the muscles that was beneath his biker gear, he worked out a lot she was betting.His hair was windswept and ruffled obviously from the amount of times he is out riding that bike of his, and he has a fair amount of stubble on his face.When was the last time he shaved?His leather jacket seemed worn down as was his leather biker pants.His knuckles were chapped and his boots scuffed, obvious signs of a biker.She shook herself from her thoughts and took notice of the time, it was getting late.

"So wanna watch a movie or something?" she asks him to break the silence that had formed.It wasn't an awkward silence more of a comfortable one.Dylan nods, "Yeah cool." Raven gets up and turns on the TV signing into her Netflix account.She flops onto the couch and begins to scroll through the movies, "So what are you in the mood for?" she asks.

"Uh...anything really," he says not really paying attention to the screen and paying more attention to Raven.She had bent over and he could see directly up her top, he blushed and looked away not wanting to look like a pervert.Raven kicked off her boots and stretched before she lay down on the couch placing her feet in Dylan's lap.

She pressed play and they both started watching the How To Train Your Dragon movie.Somewhere through the movie the two had ended up cuddled up together and by the time the movie had ended they both were beginning to doze off.

Raven stretched a little but didn't release her hold on Dylan and honestly he didn't want her to.He began running his fingers through her hair making her yawn a little, but she smiled enjoying the touch.She looked up at him with those magnificent violet eyes and he couldn't help but lean in and kiss her.It was as magical as their first kiss if not more so, the electricity was flying.When they broke apart Raven cuddled into his side sighing in content.

"Raven...I really like you," says Dylan softly as he continues to run his fingers through her hair.Raven smiles, "I really like you too." They both felt happy in that moment, it felt as if everything was falling in place for them.


Raven slowly opened her eyes to a new morn.She felt something warm laying next to her and when she looked she saw it was Dylan.She couldn't help but smile remembering the night before.He was being such a gentleman about the sleeping arrangements and was quite happy to sleep on the couch but after some negotiating he finally agreed to sleep in her bed with her.

She blushed when he stripped down to just his underwear, seeing all those muscles without clothes really did a number on her, but she couldn't really talk.She was wearing a black lacy lingerie that she bought in Victoria Secret a long time ago.She wasn't exactly expecting to be sleeping next to someone but here they are.

Dylan blearily opened his eyes and saw that Raven was looking at him with a smile on her face."Morning," she said happily."Morning to you too," he said groggily as he sat up a little.There was a knock on the front door and Raven groaned before burying her face in the pillow, "I so do not want to get out of bed."

"I'll get it," says Dylan as he pulls on his biker gear."You're the best babe!" called Raven from her pillow as he smirked.He was about to exit the room butt the opportunity was too good.He swatted Raven on the backside making her yelp before he rushed for the door a pillow making contact with it just as it closed.

Dylan thought of the things she would say later but all he could do was smirk and say, "Worth it." The knocking on the door was persistent and Dylan groaned, "YEAH YEAH I'M COMING HOLD YOUR HORSES!" He opened the door to see a tall athletic guy wearing a black jacket with some blue trim and a girl with orange hair and skin.There was a guy with green hair and skin behind them and a kid roughly around the late teens with black hair and a red leather jacket.

"Um can I help you guys?" asks Dylan looking a little confused."We're looking for Raven," says the tall guy in the black jacket, "You don't happen to know where she is?" Dylan felt like something was off with these guys so he decided to lie, "Sorry but there is no Raven here.Now you woke me up from a sleep I really deserved so why don't you just go away."

Dylan went to close the door but the tall guy held out his hand preventing it from closing."We know she is here," says the guy more forcefully, "We want to talk to her." Dylan sighed, "Her apartment is two floors up dudes.But be warned she ain't that friendly."

The green guy spoke up, "Dick did you seriously get the wrong apartment?" The guy called Dick growled, "No I didn't." The orange haired girl spoke up, "Sorry for the intrusion but I know Raven very well.I also know this is her apartment.May we come inside?" Dylan knew these guys weren't going to go away so he came up with a compromise, "Okay how about this.You guys stay out here and I will go and get her up.If she wants to talk to you she will open the door.If not I will open this door and personally kick you to the curb got it?"

They all noticed the change in his voice but nodded in agreement.Dylan closed the door with a slam and turned on the spot letting out a huff, "This may not go well." He walks over to the bedroom door and opens it stopping in his tracks.Raven was laying there completely naked reading a book she gave him a look before smiling, "Take a picture it'll last longer."

"You may want to get some clothes on," says Dylan throwing her a bra and panties along with a t-shirt, jeans, socks and leather jacket."Um not the reaction I was expecting," says Raven but she complies and begins getting dressed."There is some weirdos at the door they want to talk to you I think one of their names was Dick," says Dylan.

"What did you say?" asks Raven as she pulls on her pants."Uh his name was Dick?" answered Dylan.Raven growled, "I can never get any peace for too long." She grabs her jacket and zips it up marching to out of the bedroom past Dylan and throwing open the door.Dylan barely had time to register her punching that Dick guy in the face before slamming the door on the group.

"Uh care to explain?" asked Dylan confused as she collapsed onto the couch."They are old associates of mine that I absolutely want nothing to do with," she answers with a growl, "Hopefully they'll take the hint and fuck off."

There door was kicked open and Dick walks in looking pissed off, "WHAT THE HELL!?" he says through a mouthful of blood, "I CAME HERE TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU!" Dylan grabbed Dick by the front of his jacket and forced him against the wall, "Listen pal she doesn't want to talk to you so get the fuck out before I take your damn head off."

"Please let's all calm down," says the orange girl, "I am Kori.It is nice to meet you." Dylan lets go of Dick, "Likewise." The green guy steps forwards, "I'm Garfield Logan but most people call me Gar." The kid in the red jacket speaks up, "Damian Wayne."

"I don't want to talk to you guys," says Raven from the couch without looking away from the documentary she just put on about bees.Dylan takes a deep breath, "Look I don't know what happened with you guys in the past but I care a lot about her and if she doesn't want to talk with you then the best thing for you to do is leave."

"Can we please talk Raven?" says Kori sadly, "I was wrong to blame the attack on the Titans on you.I was so angry that I wasn't good enough that I let my emotions control me and I blamed you.Please forgive me."

Raven stood up from the couch and approached the people gathered in her doorstep, "I don't want to be dragged back into the Titans again.I want to have a normal life.Hell I just started dating this guy."

"We're dating?" asked Dylan confused."Seriously?You've seen me naked of course we're dating!" exclaims Raven."Same old attitude I remember," chuckles Garfield with a nudge to the ribs of Damian."Okay how about we all just sit down and talk," says Kori, "We can catch up on everything going on in your life."

"Okay," says Raven, "I'll make tea."

"Okay," says Raven, "I'll make tea."

Raven boiled the kettle and began making tea whilst her old team filled Dylan in on what she was like when she was younger."So she used to wear a black robe and fight alongside you guys?" asked Dylan for clarification."She was one of the most valued members of the Titans," says Dick.

"Tea's ready," says Raven as she set the mugs down on the counter.The Titans thanked her and took their mugs before sitting down on the couch.Dylan grabs Raven's wrist and pulls her into the bedroom so they can talk alone.He closes the door, "Are you sure you wanna deal with them?" he asks softly.

"Yeah I've been hiding from them for a long time," says Raven, "I just need to get past this and move on.Who knows maybe we can all be friends again." Dylan hugs her, "I'm here for you Raven.Always."

She embraces the hug and they both stand there for a moment before they open the door and are greeted with the stares of the Titans.Raven coughs and sits down on the recliner while Dylan stands in the corner of the room observing everyone.

"So Raven gotta ask, where's your gem?" asked Garfield."My dad...John Constantine that is... he found a spell to contain Trigon without me having to do it.He gave the gem to Doctor Fate and now I am freed from Trigon forever."

"Raven," says Dick softly leaning forwards, "I was wrong to blame you.I was so full of guilt and grief that I blamed you.I was an idiot and after the Justice League got involved I knew things went too far.So I spoke with Superman and Batman and they realized that I was to blame not you.They called of the search a year ago and well Bruce he was the one who got the scholarship for you to go to GCU."

"I didn't know that," says Raven softly."I want to do whatever it takes to make this up to you Raven.I will do whatever it takes to make things right," says Dick and you could hear the emotions in his voice.But something was wrong, Dylan could smell it.A strong smell of sin.It was drawing near.He could sense it.

"Something's wrong," says Dylan out loud gaining everyone's attention."Babe what is it?" asks Raven.A loud roar from afar erupts through the air."WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" yelled out Garfield as he approaches the window and wrenches it open."Guys we need to get out there this is bad," says Garfield.They all approach the window and what they see is horrific, demons that look like rotted corpses are running through the streets of Gotham tearing humans apart and coating the asphalt with their blood.

Dick immediately goes into leader mode, "Okay this is how we're gonna deal with this.Kori you fly and hit 'em high.Garfield tear them apart from the ground use something big.Damien you and me we'll keep the fighting focused on us until the League can arrive.Raven keep them at a distance that's our play.TITANS GO!"

"Dick.Raven left the Titans remember?" says Kori with a roll of her eyes.Dick looks awkward, "Sorry force of habit." Raven smiles, "I guess I can do one last fight with you guys.AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!"

Her clothes dissipate and are replaced with white robes and uni-tart.She glances at Dylan, "Stay here Dylan we'll go deal with these guys.I don't want you getting hurt." Dylan nods but is only half-listening.The other half of him, the Ghost Rider is screaming for vengeance.But now is not the time.Not with the Titans here.

The Titans rush from the apartment changing into their gear as they went.Raven casts Dylan one last look and all Dylan can say is, "Be careful babe." She nods and exits the apartment to fight off the demons.Dylan looks out of the window and can see Garfield transform into an elephant and trample through the demons.Kori is flying above them all and is blasting them with energy blasts from her hands.Damian and Dick are in their Nightwing and Robin gear fighting the demons on the ground keeping the attention on them and allowing the citizens to go free.Then there is Raven...god she was in a class of her own, she was wiping out groups of demons within seconds.She was so powerful, so beautiful.

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But that was until the earth shook, the plaster cracked in the apartment and Dylan looked on in surprise to see a demon at least six stories high marching towards the fighting Titans.He knew he could no longer wait, he knew the Ghost Rider needed to get involved in this battle.So he exited the apartment summoning chains as he went.He kicked open the doors to the building and got on his bike revving the engine and speeding towards the giant behemoth that towered above them all.

Raven and the Titans watched in horror as the mighty demon smashed buildings and cars as it made its way towards them.Kori flew higher and shot blasts into its eyes but it blinked them out as if it were nothing and swatted Kori aside like an annoying fly.Raven caught her using some sort of energy field.The Titans line up staring up at the beast."There's no way we can take this thing down alone," says Raven aloud, "Even with my most powerful spell I wouldn't make a dent on that type of demon."

The demon made to swat at the Titans and chain came out of nowhere wrapping around the demon's wrist.The Titan's look over their shoulder's and to their surprise it is Dylan who is holding the chain.He let out a roar and fire snaked up the chain and began burning the demon.He gave a powerful yank of the chain and the demon's arm was torn clean off.

"Okay...your boyfriend is officially the coolest," says Garfield as he transforms back into his human form.Raven nods completely lost for words.Dylan walks past the Titans not even sparing the a glance and pointed at the demon, "You're going back to hell!" The demon growled, "I will not be defeated by a human!" Dylan laughed a dark and sinister laugh, "Who said anything about being human?"

Dylan let out an unearthly roar as smoke began to billow from around his neck.Fire erupted from his eyes and mouth and soon his flesh burned away to reveal the horrifying Spirit of Vengeance, the Ghost Rider.The demon backed away a little at the sight as did the Titans the only one who didn't move was Raven, she watched the Ghost Rider with horror on her face.The man she was in love with was a demon!

"You will face vengeance," snarls the Ghost Rider as he whips back his chain readying himself for another attack."I will use your bones to pick my teeth," growled the demon as it slammed its huge hand down.The Ghost Rider barrel roles out of the way and whips his chain at the demons foot before tugging with all his might knocking the demon down onto his back making the ground rumble.The demon lay there dazed from the fall.The Ghost Rider cracked his neck and approached the demon with slow and deliberate steps.

The demon started to get back to its feet but the Rider had other plans in mind and took a deep breath before breathing out a solid stream of molten white flames completely engulfing the demon.The shrieks of the demon were loud and made the Titans feel chills down their spines but all they could do was watch on.When the Ghost Rider stopped and the flames disappeared the demon had shrunk to the normal size of a man.It collapsed to its knees breathing heavily.

Ghost Rider walked forwards slowly his chain rattling off of the asphalt.The demon cried out as it gazed into the skull of the Ghost Rider, "PLEASE HAVE MERCY!" Ghost Rider cracked his neck once more before slinging his chain at the demon wrapping him in them.The Ghost Rider tightened his grip on the chain and slowly it began to heat up, "All out of mercy," growled the Ghost Rider as the demon screamed in pain, "Who sent you to the mortal plane?"

"I c-can't h-he'll kill me!" shrieks the demon."If you don't I will kill you and I will make sure your death is slow and as agonizing as possible," barked the Ghost Rider as the chains started to burn red hot and the demon began screaming as his flesh burned."TELL ME WHO SENT YOU!" roared the Ghost Rider as the flames surrounding his skull flared and burned a darker shade of orange."BLACKHEART SENT ME!HE'S SENDING ALL THE SEVEN SINS TO EARTH TO CONQUER IT.HE PLANS TO RELEASE THE SOUL OF TRIGON ON ALL OF THE MORTALS AND ENSLAVE THE OLD GOD!" screamed the demon as the chains dug into his flesh and burned him, "I TOLD YOU WHAT YOU WANTED TO KNOW NOW RELEASE ME!"

"Go to hell," snarled the Ghost Rider as the chains burned white hot and the demon burst into flames and after a second where it screamed all that remained was ash.The Ghost Rider let out a roar of triumph before wrapping the chain around his body.There were a few straggling demons that froze in place watching the display.The Ghost Rider took a threatening step towards them and they shrieked loudly before disappearing into portals, obviously going back to hell.

The Ghost Rider let out a huff and smoke came out of it's mandible.Turning on his heel the Ghost Rider walked back to his bike and got on the wheels igniting into flames.The Titans seemed to snap out of their trance and were quick to approach the skeletal hero.But Raven was the fastest to reach the Ghost Rider.

"Dylan?" she asked apprehensively.The Ghost Rider's skull turned to face her and after a moment he nodded in confirmation."Where are you going?" she asked softly."You've seen what I am...I need to leave," said Ghost Rider as his flames dulled down to a mix of purples and blues."Stay with me Dylan," she said quietly as she reached forwards trying to touch his cheekbone.He leaned away, "Monster." Raven shook her head, "No.You're my beloved." The Ghost Rider looked at her once more and she laid her hand on his cheek bone.The fire didn't burn her it licked around her hand harmlessly.The flames snuffed out and the flesh returned to the face of Dylan Blaze, Raven's hand rested on his cheek.

"You don't hate me?" he said in disbelief.She shook her head as she pulled him into a hug, "I couldn't hate you even if I wanted to." He didn't hesitate to hug her back.The moment was broken when Nightwing coughed and spoke up, "So are you like a demon or something?"

"No I'm not a demon," says Dylan as he gets off his bike and the flames die away from the wheels, "I wouldn't want to explain this here if that is okay?" Nightwing nodded and just as they were about to depart Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Batman appear.

"We came as soon as we could," says Superman, "But when we saw what that guy could do we stepped back and let him do his thing." Everyone's eyes fell upon Dylan and Raven."We would like you to come with us," says Batman without a moment of hesitation."Yeah not happening," says Dylan with a roll of his eyes."You don't have a choice in this son," says Superman, "You just took down a demon the size of a building in less than ten minutes when it would have taken the Titans hours to beat it.You're too dangerous to be allowed to go around without being monitored."

"How about I put this another way," says Dylan as smoke begins to swirl around his head, "I am not going anywhere with you Justice League assholes." Superman takes a step forwards, "Then we will take you by force."

"ENOUGH!" bellowed Nightwing as he steps in between Superman and Dylan, "He is a hero.He saved thousands of lives in ten minutes.He doesn't deserve to be locked up or have some leash put around his neck."

"Out of the way Nightwing," says Batman as he too takes a threatening step forwards."Make me," growls Nightwing as he takes a fighting stance.Dylan rolls his eyes and mutters to Raven, "I'm gonna have to get involved." She sighs and nods.Dylan throws out his chain wrapping Superman in it and yanks him forwards grabbing him by the neck.Dylan's eyes glow orange as he looks into the soul of Superman and the Man of Steel can't compel himself to try and break free as his soul is searched.

"Clark Kent from the Daily Planet.Originally Kal El the last son of Krypton.Your soul is pure but you feel a tremendous guilt inside you for not finding the lost city of Kandor.This is understandable but you do not need to feel guilty.You are truly innocent," says Dylan as he releases the chains holding Superman.

Superman staggers back and drops to his knees, "H-He's...not a threat Bruce." Batman growled, "He's played with your mind." Batman makes to step forward but Dylan snaps his fingers and chains wrap themselves around Batman holding him in place.The Flash and Green Lantern look apprehensive and just back away slowly from the situation not wanting to get involved.

"I could smell the sins from you Batman a mile away," says Dylan as he approaches the Dark Knight, "Now I will give you a glimpse of the suffering you have caused." Dylan grabs Batman by the neck and forces him to look into his eyes.Flames erupt around Dylan as he transforms into the Ghost Rider, "Now you shall feel the pain you have caused.Look into my eyes!"

Batman begins to writhe in the chains the bond him.He let's out a roar of pain and he begins shaking.But as soon as it starts it stops and the chains release him and he falls to the ground.Batman lays there mumbling about someone called Jason Todd and Selena Kyle.Ghost Rider's skull looks in the direction of Green Lantern and The Flash, "Now are you gonna piss me off?" Both look at each other before shaking their heads and putting their hands up in defense."Good.Take a message back to the Justice League.Should any of them wish to try and take me or Raven then they will face the wrath of both Heaven and Hell."

"Got it," says Green Lantern, "No one fucks with the bad ass skeleton." Green Lantern proceeds to encase Batman in a giant green box before taking flight with the Dark Knight.Flash grabs Superman and runs off at high speed into the distance.Dylan transforms back into his human form and smirks, "That'll scare 'em."

Dylan rides through the streets of Gotham as the snow falls down around him thick and fast.He is glad that his powers allow him to stay warm otherwise he would have been frozen to his motorcycle.Since the events with the demons and the Justice League he has been more on edge than usual, he only leaves the apartment to go to class or when there is a particular need for vengeance to be exacted upon some sinners.

He stops outside the mall and gets off of his bike.He looks at the swarm of shoppers at the doors rushing in and out and sighs, "Of course I leave it until late to get a present for Raven." He walks over to the doors of the mall and enters the blissfully warm complex.

He brushes the snow off of his shoulders before proceeding to search the mall for the perfect gift.That was until a particular scent caught his attention.A familiar soul was near.Now more alert than ever he spots a hooded person close by and grabs them, "Why are you following me?" he growls.

"Nice to see you too babe," says Raven as she pulls down her hood.Dylan lets out a sigh of relief, "Sorry I thought you were one of those Justice League assholes." Raven smiles, "After what you did to Superman and Batman I don't think they'll try to step up to you again."

She links her hand with his, "So what are you doing in the mall on Christmas Eve?" she asks innocently."Uh..." was all Dylan could manage to say before mumbling incoherently.Raven smirks, "You forgot to get me a gift didn't you?" He pales, "Uh no?" it came out sounding more like a question than an answer making Raven smile and hug him, "I don't need presents I have you yah goof."

"Yeah but I know you got me something and I would feel terrible if I didn't get you anything," says Dylan as they wander through the mall their hands swinging a little as they went."Don't worry about it hot-head," jokes Raven as they make their way to the food court.

"HELP HE STOLE MY PURSE!" screamed a woman as a man ran through the horde of shoppers knocking people out of the way.Dylan saw the man running towards them and raised his giant boot kicking the man in the chest sending him crashing into the floor.The thief made to get up and Dylan placed his foot on his chest, "Don't even think about it pal."

The woman he stole from caught up and thanked Dylan profusely as he handed her the purse that was stolen, "Merry Christmas ma'am." The woman walked away with a smile on her face and the man tried to get back to his feet only for Dylan to grab him by the scruff of the neck, "You're not going anywhere." Dylan forced the man to sit on a seat in the food court until the mall security arrived with some members of the GCPD.As the man was being taken away Dylan shouted, "Merry Christmas asshole!"

"Wow that was kinda bad-ass," comments Raven as they watched the police take the thief away."Well I could've went all hot-head on him but that would've been overkill," jokes Dylan as they make their way out of the food court and simply wander through the mall looking in the various store-fronts at whatever knick-knacks that were being flogged.

But one particular item made Dylan stop, a ring.A diamond ring with a gold band and two small rubies on either side and diamonds.

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"Hey babe I'm gonna go to the bathroom why don't you get us a couple of pretzels from the food court and we can go home after," says Dylan.Raven nods, "Sure see yah in a bit babe." She walks away and he can't help but admire her as she disappears into the crowds.He takes a deep breath and walks into the store.Moments later he exits with a small box in his hand.

He tucks it into the inside pocket of his jacket.He knew he wanted to do this.He knew the moment he and Raven shared their first kiss that she was the one for him.Life was too short especially since they were both essentially targets.The Daughter of Trigon.The Ghost Rider.

He makes his way through the crowds and finds Raven eating a pretzel as she leaned against the wall watching the chaos occur."Hey Raven you wanna go home?" asked Dylan softly as he wrapped his arms around her.She nods and tosses her pretzel in the trash before lacing her fingers with his.They both walk out of the mall a hell of a lot happier than when they went in.


The young couple enter the apartment both flopping down onto the couch.Raven looks at Dylan with a smirk before saying, "I'll be right back you make yourself comfortable." Dylan only nods barely opening his eyes to look at her.When he heard the door to their room close he pulled out the box from his jacket and opened it to gaze upon the ring he bought.Doubts began running through his head.Maybe this was a bad idea?Maybe this was too impulsive?What was he thinking!?

He heard the door opening again and he quickly closes the box putting it back in his jacket pocket."So babe what do you think?" asked Raven from behind.He looks over his shoulder and his jaw drops and all doubt leaves him.There she stands in a form fitting red lace lingerie and wearing a Santa hat on her head.

"Oh now I know you've been a naughty boy," says Raven as she approaches the couch running her hand along his stiff shoulders, "But I can take you off the naughty list if you play with me." Dylan smiles and she sits on his lap straddling him.

"I don't deserve you," he says softly."You always did," responds Raven softly as she kisses him gently.He kisses back not wanting to change a single thing in that moment.He knew one thing, tomorrow morning he was going to propose to Raven.


Dylan opens his eyes blearily to see Raven fast asleep next to him.Her naked body was pressed tightly against his own sharing their heat between them.He didn't want to get up.He wanted to live in this moment forever.

"RAVEN LOVE WE'RE HERE!" came a voice from the living room.Dylan and Raven both sit up quickly exchanging panicked looks.There was a knock on the bedroom door before it opened to reveal John Constantine and Zatanna Constantine.There was a moment when they all just stared at each other uncertain of what to do."Well I am gonna have a pint," says John to break the tension before closing the door.Raven looks to Dylan and back to the door with an expression that made Dylan chuckle."This isn't funny they are my parents!" says Raven as she slaps Dylan on the shoulder."Calm down," says Dylan as he gets out of bed pulling on his clothes, "I'm sure they'll be chill about it.They have calming auras."

"Easy for you to say," mumbled Raven as she got out of bed and began getting dressed, "They aren't your parents." For some reason that struck a nerve with Dylan setting him off, "At least you have parents," he grumbled as he stormed out of the bedroom and through the apartment completely ignoring the two Constantine's in the room before storming out slamming the door.

He knew he was being petty but just over two months ago his mother was alive and he didn't have the responsibility of the Ghost Rider hanging over his head.He needed to go be with her, when he got back he'll apologize to Raven.Right now he needed to be alone.

As he exited the building it was like the cold slapped him in the face making his cheeks go red.He let out a huff of air before treading through the snow to his bike.He got on and started the engine before speeding off into Gotham.The snow swirled around him thick and fast as he rode through the empty streets of Gotham, the ice on the road was no problem for him as he used his powers to heat the road beneath him.

Many thoughts came to his mind, would he still be the using his powers if his mother was still alive?Would he even be in a relationship with Raven?Hell what would his life have been like if he had never been hit by that truck?What would the afterlife have been like if he had never accepted the offer that Zarathos had laid before him?He shook his head clearing all those questions away as he pulled into the parking lot of Gotham City Graveyard.There were only two cars parked, not many visiting dead relatives today.

Dylan kicked out the stand for his bike and dismounted.His boots crunching through the snow as he walked, his breath hung in front of him like fog as he passed by the plethora of snow covered tombstones.He stopped in front of his mother's grave and crouched down brushing the snow off of the stone.There was a single flower but it was wilted and wither, it had been a while since he came to her grave.He picked up the flower and tossed it into a bush close by before turning back to his mother's resting place, "Hey Mom.I'm sorry I haven't visited as much as I should have.There's been so much crazy shit going on in my life and honestly I don't know what to do anymore."

He sniffed as eyes stung with unshed tears.He took a deep breath and stood there as the snow fell around him, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box opening it to reveal the ring he bought for Raven."I love her.More than anything but...I don't know if I should go through with this...." said Dylan as tears fell cold upon his cheeks.

"Well mate that is entirely up to you ain't it?" said a voice from behind him.Dylan turned on the spot summoning a chain made of hellfire ready to attack, only to see John Constantine leaning against a tombstone with a cigarette in his mouth, "Alright calm down mate." Dylan slung the chain around his torso, "How did you know I was here?"

"I kinda figured it out mate," says John as he stubbed out the cigarette and flicked the butt into the bush, "It's Christmas Day and the only place you could go to other than your old house is here...to see your mother." John pointed to the box clutched in Dylan's hand, "So you planning to pop the question to my Raven eh?"

Dylan looked down at the box before tucking into his pocket, "It was a stupid idea." This seemed to intrigue John, "Why would you say that then?" he asked as he pulled out another cigarette and lit it with a zippo lighter he pulled out of his brown coat."She's too good for me," says Dylan without hesitation, "She needs someone in her life who can give her the things she needs."

"What about the thing she wants the most?" asked John as he blew out a puff of smoke.Dylan looked at him for a moment clearly uncertain of what John was talking about."She wants you yah dozy pillock!" exclaimed John as he waved his hand around, "You and her are the perfect fucking match.The Ghost Rider and the Princess of Azarath, fucking match made in heaven!"

"She only wants me for now, says Dylan, "But what about the fact that I no longer age?I won't die a mortal death I am now cursed to protect the mortal world for all eternity!She'll die, she'll grow old and die and I really can't watch that."

"She is the daughter of the demon Trigon and the high priestess of Azarath," says John as he finishes his cigarette and snubs it out on the headstone he was leaning on, "She is immortal in other words mate.She can't age once she matures enough to her pique condition she will remain that age for eternity.So...any other excuses?"

"Guess not," says Dylan with a slight smile."Good now let's get back to our beautiful birds and get a bite to eat," says John as he places an arm over the shoulder of Dylan and guides him back towards his bike."See yah later mate," says John as he opens a portal stepping through and disappearing.

Dylan starts his bike and begins the drive back to the apartment, he felt really bad for snapping at Raven, especially on Christmas morning.He felt like a giant asshole.The bike rumbled through the streets and after a twenty minute drive he arrived back at the apartment.He turned off the engine and let out a sigh before dismounting.He trudged through the snow with the snow crunching underfoot before he entered the building.

Dylan climbed the stairs slowly before reaching the apartment.He gulped before pulling out his key and unlocking the door entering the apartment.He had barely entered the room before he was tackled into a hug by Raven, "Don't do that again," she breathed."I won't I promise," mutters Dylan as he held onto her tighter, "I love you Raven."

"I love you too," whispers Raven as she deepened the hug.

Dylan shrugged off his jacket and hung it by the door.Raven guided him over to the couch where her parents were waiting.

"Mr and Mrs Constantine I'd like to apologize for storming out earlier.It wasn't good behaviour befitting of this holy day," says Dylan with a nod in their direction.

"You sounded like a bloody priest," chuckled John with a smile, "You're forgiven mate.Hope you found what you were looking for in that graveyard."

Dylan nodded and wrapped an arm over Raven's shoulders, "I found that the past is the map to the future."

"Well I'm glad you're back babe," says Raven as she pecks his cheek, "How about we do presents?"

"That sounds like a great idea Raven," says Zatana with a loving smile.As they gathered around the tree Dylan felt some strange feeling in his stomach.A weird aura in the air.He looked to John Constantine who was looking at him with the same look.

"Dylan you okay?" asked Raven with concern.Dylan coughed, "Uh yeah.Just a weird feeling is all."

"Well I got you a little something," says Raven as she pulls out a box from under the tree passing it to him.

Dylan takes it and she nods encouragingly for him to open.He smiled and opened it to reveal a brand new leather jacket with a flaming skull embroidered on the back.

"Rachael it's amazing," he said softly as he pulled it on.It fit perfectly to his frame.

"I've enchanted it with every protection spell and charm possible to make sure you stay safe when out doing your thing," says Raven with love in her voice.

Dylan kissed her.

"That's bloody adorable," says John with a smirk, "Could I borrow Dylan for a sec. Wanna chat with him about something."

Zatana and Raven look at each other with suspicion on their to faces but Raven doesn't get the chance to answer as her father had already grabbed Dylan's elbow and pulled him away from the girls.

"You felt that disturbance didn't you?" asked John with a quiet voice.

Dylan nodded, "Whatever it is it's not close.But I can feel my instincts telling me to hunt it down."

"You're not going alone if that's what you're thinking mate," mutters John with a glance at their ladies standing by the tree holding up new dresses to them selves.

"We can't abandon Christmas morning Mr Constantine sir. Not yet at least," murmured Dylan softly.

"Right but the moment it grows more powerful this aura we go find whatever is causing it," says John with a brief nod.

They turned to go back to the girls when Dylan stopped, his body went rigid and he started to shake.His skin began to glow and smoke; and his eyes began to spark and flame.

John, Zatana and Raven look on as Dylan let's put a roar of pain and drops to his knees clutching onto his head as the pain mounted to a crescendo, the flesh begins to burn away and suddenly the Ghost Rider is kneeling in their apartment panting like a wounded animal.

"Dylan mate I thought we said we weren't going to deal with this thing yet," said John.

"Vengeance must be delivered," growls the Ghost Rider as he stands to his feet and summons a chain made of pure hellfire.

"Dylan babe what's going on?" asks Raven with confusion, "What're you dealing with?"

"The duties in which I am burdened do not concern you abomination," says Ghost Rider as he spins the chain creating a fiery portal, "Attempt to follow and you shall face my wrath."

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Ghost Rider steps into the portal and just as it's about to close Raven jumps through leaving a throughly confused Zatana and a pissed of John Constantine behind, "Great just bloody great!"

"Mind explaining what the fuck just happened?" snaps Zatana angrily.

John grabbed his signature trench coat and pulled it on, "Something powerful is near and Ghost Rider has taken over Dylan completely meaning if he loses his fucking shit we are all proper fucked Z."

"Fuck," mutters Zatana as she grabs her own coat, "So what do we do now?"

John smirks, "Now we gather them."

"You don't mean what I think you mean," she asks apprehensively.

"Yeah...yeah I do," says John with a wicked grin upon his face.


Raven falls out of the portal and lands in the dirt in the middle of the desert.She groans and stands up only to have someone grab her by the throat making her gasp in pain.

She looked to see a flaming skull staring at her.The Ghost Rider had her by the throat and when he spoke his voice was filled with rage, "You dare abomination!You do not defy me!"

"D-Dylan babe," she gasped as her vision grew blurry, "Fight t-this!"

"LOOK IF YOU DARE!LOOK INTO MY EYES RAVEN DAUGHTER OF TRIGON," snarled the Ghost Rider as he forced Raven to stare into his eyes of pure fire.

She couldn't tear her gaze away and every bad memory of all the abuse she was put through came back tenfold.She screamed in pain as she felt all those memories swirling through her head she felt as if she was going to die from having to experience it all again.But as soon as it started it stopped.

Raven collapsed to the ground panting as the Ghost Rider stood above her looking at her with his skull cocked to the side as if he was contemplating her; it was a long moment before he spoke one word, "Innocent."

"Your soul has been tormented by those you once called friends," said Ghost Rider, "Yet you allow them to return to your life.A pure heart indeed."

Raven staggers to her feet with anger and betrayal etched into her beautiful features, "Why would you do this Dylan?Make me feel all that pain again!?"

"I am not Dylan," says Ghost Rider, "I am Zarathos and I am the Spirit of Vengeance."

"I apologise for the misunderstanding young Raven," says Ghost Rider as he turns walking away from her.She runs to catch up, "A misunderstanding!?Why the fuck have you taken over Dylan!?"

Ghost Rider stopped and turned to stare at her, "As I stated before yes a misunderstanding.As to why I have taken over it is simply because what is coming is too powerful for Dylan to deal with.Do you want him to die?"

Raven sighed, "No."

"Then allow me to do what needs to be done and when it is over I shall relinquish control to Dylan Blaze," says Ghost Rider with a courteous nod in her direction.

"You promise he won't get hurt?" she asks a little uncertain.

"You have my word," says Ghost Rider as he continues walking towards a rather large sand dune.Raven follows closely, "Where are we anyway?" she asks whilst gazing up at the burning sun and removing her jumper revealing a black crop top underneath.

"This desert is known as the Sahara.We are here because of him," growls Ghost Rider as he points at a man standing in front of them who definitely wasn't there a moment ago.

He stood in a three piece suit with a red tie and matching handkerchief folded neatly in the breast pocket, he had handsome features with slick black hair and a trimmed goatee.But what stood out was his eyes, they were a brilliant ruby red and seemed to pierce the soul.

"Ah Zarathos it's been too long," says the man with a smile.

The Ghost Rider growls in response.

"I'm sorry but who the hell are you," asks Raven looking between the mysterious man and the Ghost Rider.

"Ah sorry where are my manners," he responds courteously, "I am Lucifer."

"You have no business here Satan!Leave or I will drag you to hell!" roared Ghost Rider.

"It's a little more complicated than that Rider," says a voice from above.All three look up to see an angel descending from heaven, "There is much to discuss.But first I think everyone should be present."

The angel held out his hand toward Ghost Rider and soon after a flash of flames a translucent version of Dylan stood next to the Ghost Rider.

Dylan looked at his hands, "Woah this is weird."

"Now that we're all here I believe it is time to get down to business," said the angel, "My name is Balthazar and we have come to this place so that Trigon may not spy upon us."

"Trigon is trapped," says Raven, "I placed him inside that gem myself and Doctor Fate has him locked away under every protective spell known."

"That was not Trigon child," says Lucifer sadly, "Merely a shadow of him.An illusion of you will.The real Trigon has become weakened and is in hiding.We need the Ghost Rider to destroy him and his demon army.But there's more....something worse."

"What is it?" asks Dylan.

"Lucifer would it be wise to burden him with this so soon?" asked Balthazar softly.

"He has to know what he's against," answered Lucifer with a sigh, "Before Trigon escaped the wrath of the mortals he allowed a small fragment to be captured to give the illusion that he was caught.With his remaining strength he entered Hell and released the seven deadly sins of man.All seven are now roaming this world.But they are not strong enough to face the Ghost Rider."

"They will burn all the same," growls the Spirit of Vengeance, "I already knew of the sins attempting to come to the mortal realm for conquest but they shall not achieve their goals for I will stop them."

"I do like the enthusiasm Zarathos but it's not that simple," says Lucifer gravely, "For you see there is something you never knew.You Zarathos are the eighth deadly sin of man....Vengeance."