Ghost Raider in DC universe
It's been 3 weeks since the reign of the Legion began. And in only days did the Legion restore order to Earth as well as the rest of the universe. Sean had taken up the mantel of the leader of responsibility as his ancestor the General would want.
Russo had told Sean the reason he was alive and awake was because Luthor used a new drug to put him into a death like state to move his body out of the hospital and place a near identical look alike in his place. Luthor had offered him the chance to get revenge on him but Russo after seeing his mistake used it to make amends for his actions 10 years ago.
Other things had happened as well during the last three weeks. Atlantis was finally pushed back to the surface again by Unicron which suited the people well being able to see the sun again every day. A new land mass was created by both Sean and Unicron with the former having all the remaining gifts the General left behind. The land was the size of Australia and served as a new home for the Primordials being Radioactive. This in turn brought all the Primordials together again after millions of years.
Lastly Sean had found the Elite Death Squad Bucky had told him about. Luthor had kept them in suspended animation till he could control them. Sean found a way for them to regain their sanity and offered them a place in the legion. Using the Spartan Armor to increase they're skills and abilities. Sean had called them Blue Team. (From Halo 5 people! Master Chief and his people are finally in the story!)
There had also been other changes such as creating a large fleet for Earth in the event the Regime ever came back to Earth.
Everything was finally peaceful again after three weeks of chaos under Luthor's rule.
Now however there was something serious going on. The Dragons of the spirit world had laid eggs. This would be the first time a new age of dragons would be born in thousands of years. So naturally Sean and a few others came to the spirit world to keep an eye on them.
Right now currently Sean, His sisters along with the newly adopted Izabella, Goro, Raiden, Baraka and Hunter who came from Avalar were in the Dragon world asleep watching the eggs during the night before out of the ground a small number of holes came out of the ground and a woman with Tan skin black hair and brown eyes appeared on the ground with black markings on her body. (Anck-Su-Namun from the Mummy People!)
She and a group of strange creatures with horns on their noses came out of the ground and started taking the eggs till there was only one. She took the egg and made it back to her hole but accidentally stepped on Hunter's tail.
"OOOOOW!" Hunter yelled in pain waking everyone up.
"What the fuck?" Sean asked before seeing the woman with the egg. "HEY!" Sean yelled as she bolted down a hole and Goro tried to go down but was way to big.
The woman brought the egg she had to a woman known as the sorceress.
"We managed to capture the eggs. Every last one." The woman said.
"Excellent. Maybe you will amount to something after all. Now go guard the tunnels stop anyone from coming through." The Sorceress said making her leave not seeing A fairy outside the window.
Back in the dragon world.
Baraka was trying to pull Goro out the hole with little success before the fairy came back and approached Raiden.
"Where are the eggs?" Raiden asked.
"The holes came out the other side of the dragon world. We found some of the eggs but they were to heavy to carry back." The fairy said.
"The other side of the world?" Sarah asked.
"The forgotten worlds." Raiden said before sighing. "Sean you and your sisters will have to go. No one else can fit down the holes." Raiden said.
"Yeah come on lets go." Hunter said jumping down the hole. Unfortunately he got stuck just like Goro and struggled to get out making Quan Chi shake his head before stomping on his head sending him through.
"Find the eggs and bring them back." Raiden said.
"No problem." Sean said before he turned into pure energy and went down the hole with his sisters minus Izabella.
A new adventure begins
The girls landed on the ground looking at the dragon world that has been abandoned for thousands of years. Sean and Hunter already went up ahead to find any eggs.
"Lets go." Sarah said before a rainbow started moving towards them before landing revealing the woman from before. "Oh great." Sarah said.
"So you're the ones in charge of rescuing the eggs huh? Earth must be low on heroes after that stunt that bald guy pulled. Listen just go home. The eggs belong to us now got it? I'm giving you three one warning. Take that pussycat and muscle head back to Earth before you get hurt." The woman said before vanishing.
"Jerk." Newt said.
"Ignore her." Sarah said.
Soon enough they found all the gems and some of the eggs. Sean and Hunter already found a couple along the way.
However though they ran into an unwanted guest.
"Hello girls." Moneybags said making Dawn's eyes twitch in annoyance.
"Oh great. What are you doing here?" Sarah asked.
"Oh nothing much. Business was slow in Avalar since you three took down Ripto. So the lovely Sorceress offered me a job. Such as guarding this Kangaroo Shelia." Moneybags said showing the kangaroo in the cage.
"Why is she in a cage?" Newt asked.
"Oh she was causing a bit of trouble for the sorceress and paid me to keep her locked up. Of course I could always be persuaded to say accidentally let her go for say a small fee?" Moneybags said making Dawn growl.
"How much?" Sarah asked.
"300 gems." Money bags said before she handed the gems to him. "A pleasure doing business with you again girls." Moneybags said letting her go. "I hope you appreciate this favor I'm doing in letting you out." Moneybags said.
"It was good of you mate. No hard feelings eh?" Shelia asked with her hand out.
"Right I'm just doing my job." Money bags said about to shake her hand only for her to kick him hard. "AHHH!" Moneybags yelled before crashing into a wall out cold.
"Ouch." Dawn said though greatly amused.
"I reckon you are humans then." Sheila said.
"Yup. Names Sarah. These are my sisters Dawn and Newt. We're here to get back some stolen Dragon eggs." Sarah said.
"Never seen Dragons before. They used to rule this entire world you know." Sheila said.
"Wait Dragons used to live here?" Dawn asked.
"You didn't know. They said it was over a thousand years ago. Then all of sudden they just vanished." Sheila said.
"What do you mean just vanished?" Sarah asked confused.
"Just like that. And the weird thing is after they left all the magic just left with them. I mean they used to say there was magic in every corner. Flying sheep Wishing stones you name it. But when they left it all just dried up." Sheila said as Sean approached them.
"Oh so thats why some of the portals don't work." Sean said.
"What do you mean don't work?" Dawn asked.
"I mean that some of the portals literally aren't working. I guess that makes more sense as to why. Raiden did say Dragons did create magic in every corner. Without them here the magic is drying up." Sean said.
"Yeah they're fading out one by one. Look I've got to get home and do some damage control. If I find any eggs I'll bring them to you." Sheila said.
"Very appreciated." Sean said as she went through her portal.
"I guess that explains why the eggs were stolen to begin with." Sarah said.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures sis. Best you learn that now." Sean said before leaving to find more eggs.
Soon enough the girls went the first portal
Sunny Villa (Remember insert the music of each level)
Arriving at the first world they saw it had a roman theme to it.
"Huh. Nice place." Sarah said before they saw creatures known as Rhynocs attacking...
"Giant Chickens?" Dawn said in disbelief.
"Ok. Not what I had in mind but whatever." Sarah said.
Soon enough the girls took down the Rhinocs and found some of the eggs. They also found a place where Shelia came in handy finding an egg on top of a tower that was to high for them to reach even with their repulsers.
"Now whats this?" Sarah asked as they entered a smaller portal before arriving at what looked like skate park.
"Whoa." Dawn said.
"Yo." Sean said above them.
"What is this place?" Newt asked.
"Think of it as an arena for challengers. I'll give you girls one. Take out all the annoying lizards and I'll give you an egg I found." Sean said.
"Oh this is gonna be sweet." Dawn said.
It took no time at all before the entire arena was cleared out of annoying lizards.
"Here you go." Sean said handing them the egg.
"I think thats all the eggs here." Sarah said.
"Good Lets get going then." Sean said.
Soon they headed back they went through the next portal while Sean stayed behind.
Cloud Spires
"Uh where are the clouds?" Dawn asked seeing none. "You'd think with a world called Cloud spires there would be clouds." Dawn said.
"They probably shut down the generator. We'll just have to turn them back on." Sarah said
Activating the switches and taking down Rhynocs was easy and fund a couple eggs along the way. Of course like every other time they ran into Money bags.
"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite humans. The sorceress has put me in charge of these bellowed. However, I suppose I might look the other way if I was distracted by counting Gems." Moneybags said making Dawn growl.
"How much?" Sarah asked.
"200 gems." Money bags said before she handed them over. "Thank you." Money bags said before activating the bellows.
"Lets go." Sarah said as they made it to the end.
After turning on the rest of the bellows and defeating the remaining Rhynocs and finding the last few eggs Sarah turned on the machine and suddenly and egg popped out.
"Oh so thats how they were blocking the clouds." Dawn said.
Soon they exited the portal and found Sean waiting for them.
"Lets go. Those eggs just opened up a portal." Sean said as they walked to the next portal. However what the failed to notice was they were being followed till Sarah stopped and looked at the trees and Sean tripped over making someone laugh making them look seeing the woman from before.
"Ooh look out big brother. It's a scary woman." Dawn said in fake fright making him chuckle.
"I warned already. This place isn't safe for small girls and...Muscle heads." The woman said making Sean widen his eyes feeling insulted by that remark.
"Thanks but I think we can look after ourselves." Sarah said.
"Try looking after this!" The woman yelled blasting them with magic which the girls dodged while Sean got hit and fell on his back.
"Ow." Sean said making the girls glare at the woman who looked nervous and ran away before Dawn hit her in the butt with her chain making her yelp in surprise.
"HA! Come back when you finished Witch school!" Dawn yelled in amusement as Sean got up.
"Say is it just me or is she kinda cute when she's angry?" Sean asked making his sisters shake their heads.
"Oh big brother you are a lost cause." Sarah said.
"What?" Sean said in confusion.
After that incident the girls went to Molten Crater
Molten Crater
"Oh great. It had to be an area full of Lava." Dawn said.
"Get over it." Sarah said as they went through the area.
Taking down the enemy here was easy but annoying due to them having to constantly look over their surroundings due to lava everywhere.
They found a few eggs along the way before they met Money bags again.
"Girls a couple of thieves came right through this door with Dragon eggs." Money bags said.
"Well, Open the door." Dawn said.
"I would but they paid me to keep it shut. Of course I could be..." Moneybags tried to say.
"How much?" Sarah asked
"300 gems." Moneybags said before she handed him the gems. "Pleasure doing business girls." Moneybags said opening the door.
Now once they got inside they took care of the thieves with great easy after months of practice.
Then they had to help put the locals heads back on and got an egg as a reward.
Then finally they went to the last world.
Seashell shores
"Wow." Sarah said seeing they were underwater.
Now this place was completely easy.
Although the enemies hiding under the shells was rather annoying since Dawn constantly kept thinking they were safe.
Sheila of course came by to help with destroying a fortress which proved to be easy and found two eggs in the process.
Newt had to go through a high speed tunnel to retrieve an egg which she did with ease.
And then Sarah had to battle a mechanical shark piloted by a large bully Rhynoc.
Then eventually they got everything and came back.
"Yo." Sean said gaining their attention. To their surprise he made a large Ballon for them to travel to the next land.
"You've been busy." Dawn said.
"My specialty. You girls head over to the next world in this. I'll head over my own way." Sean said before they got on and flew away.
"Listen carefully you stupid girl. I'm only going to ask you one more time. Why haven't you disposed of those humans?" The Sorceress asked.
"I tried to scare them away but these human aren't afraid of anything. Especially the muscle head." The woman said.
"Not afraid! Why have I been training you all these years? Use some magic." The Sorceress said handing her a spell book.
"Ok lets see here. This should do it. You come here." The woman said having one of the least threatening Rhynocs approach her before she casted a spell and he turned into a green monster.
"That should do." The sorceress said satisfied
Back with the girls
The girls landed on a large stone circle surrounded by Lave and saw Sheila there.
"Hello girls." Sheila said.
"What is that thing?" Sarah asked seeing the giant green monster.
"I learned the sorceress sent this thing to stop you. But it doesn't really look all that tough." Sheila said.
"No kidding." Sarah said pointing to the monster as Dawn tied her chain around its foot and swung it into the lava making it yell in pain before dying off.
"Oh so I came here for nothing. No worries." Shelia said. (Honestly this thing is probably the easiest boss in the whole game So why bother am I right?)
Midday Garden Home
After defeating the monster they arrived at the newest world.
However like before a rainbow appeared and landed next to them revealing the woman from before.
"Ok So you managed to last a lot longer than I expected. But you have no idea whats ahead of you in this world." The woman said.
"We've dealt with way worse." Newt said.
"Like what?" The woman asked not believing her.
"Nast Norc and Ripto." Sarah said making her blink.
"Oh great. You're the Kruger kids aren't you?" The woman asked.
"Bingo." Dawn said grinning like made.
"Well, that figures." The woman said before vanishing.
Soon enough they found all the eggs and gem before they ran into Moneybags.
"Hello there girls." Moneybags said.
"Whats with the armed bird?" Newt asked seeing the bird in a cage.
"Oh this little bird has been causing the sorceress a lot of trouble. I am willing to release him. Provided you are able to pay his outstanding fines." Moneybags said making Dawn glare.
"How much?" Sarah asked.
"700 gems." Moneybags said.
"700!" Dawn yelled in disbelief.
"Hey. He blew up her fireworks factory." Moneybags said.
"Here." Sarah said handing him the gems.
"Ah thank you." Moneybags said before unlocking his cage and he flew out and landed next to them.
"Sargent Bird awaiting orders." Bird said as Sean walked up to them.
"At ease Sarge." Sean said.
"Hey what are these?" Dawn asked seeing the rocket launchers on his shoulders.
"These are the latest Military rocket Launchers." Bird said.
"And you didn't you them to escape because?" Sarah asked making him look uncomfortable.
"Because I had limited Ammo and I wanted to conserve it...For this." Bird said firing at Moneybags making Sarah giggle. "Say where'd you people come from? I thought Humans were only on Earth." Bird said.
"We are but things are changing. And we're here to retrieve the dragon eggs the sorceress stole." Sarah said.
"I thought dragons were dead for a thousand years." Bird said.
"I think they just wanted some peace and quiet." Dawn said.
"Well, if its peace and quiet you want you best stay clear of my homeward. I reckon I'll be blowing up Rhynocs for weeks. Good day." Sargent Bird saying flying through his portal.
"I wonder what happened to make the dragons leave this place?" Sarah asked.
"We'll find out soon enough." Sean said.
Soon enough they went into the first portal here.
Icy Peak
"Oh man not another cold world." Dawn said already shivering.
Now to say this world was annoying would be an understatement. (Which is true)
The ice was slippery so they constantly kept falling over.
Then Money bags showed up again offering them tickets to some ice skating show.
"How much?" Sarah asked.
"500 gems." Money bags said as she gave him the money. "A pleasure doing business with you girls." Moneybags said.
Now as soon as they got inside they had to keep some Rhynocs from attacking an ice dancer during her performance. They did this and got rewarded another egg.
Then they tracked down a couple of thieves like before and took them down and recovered two eggs.
"Great can we go now?" Dawn asked.
Soon they left that world and were about to go to the next one till they found Sean watching the woman in amusement as she tried to cast spells.
"Are you being a peeping Tom?" Dawn asked amused making him smirk.
"Please." Sean said before she casted a spell on a plant that backfired making her reverse the spell which made Sean chuckle.
Then she casted another spell on a bunny turning it into a large monster and jumped right next to her.
"Oh boy." Sarah said.
"We should help her." Sean said.
"Are you kidding me? She nearly toasted you." Dawn said.
"She was aiming at you squirt." Sean said before the monster bunny ate her making her yelp in surprise. That was the last straw as Sean jumped in and kicked the monster in the stomach forcing her out. Then she casted a spell on the monster reverting it back to a normal bunny that bounced on Sean's head. "HMPH!" Sean said flicking it off with ease.
"Uh thanks." The woman said.
"No problem." Sean said.
"Its good thing for you our brother was around." Dawn said.
"I can take care of myself." The woman said.
"Sure you can." Newt said.
"Like me to demonstrate?" The Woman asked casting a spell only for a butterfly to appear making her blush.
"Out of magic. How bout we give you a jump start." Dawns said.
"Hah! I'll deal with you later." The woman said running away.
"Hey why'd you have to scare her off?" Sean asked making them sigh in annoyance.
"Oh big brother." Sarah said.
"What?" Sean asked completely confused before the girls went through the next portal.
Spooky swamp
(Not gonna lie here. Worst level ever with those stupid Haiku lines or whatever you call them)
Now this world was really annoying not just because it was another swamp world but these creatures kept coming out of nowhere.
Of course they took them down without actually even trying.
Then there came a few challenges such helping two idiots who couldn't see where they were going to free two trapped eggs which Sheila had to help with.
Next one was more manageable and fun. Taking down a wizard who woke up after they lit up all the lamps outside. Defeating him was easy and fun.
Then of course as always Moneybags showed up by a door that wouldn't open unless they paid him and said it all in blood Haiku.
Needless to say this world sucked. (No shit!)
Once that was over they went to the next world
Enchanted towers
Now this place was more fun and amusing. Currently there was a giant statue of the sorceress in the center of the world.
"Talk about ugly." Dawn said.
"Yup." Sarah said before they lit up some rockets around and destroyed the statue and inside was an egg.
"Kinda of an odd place to put an egg don't you think?" Newt asked .
"I don't think it matters." Sarah said before spotting another portal and once they went inside they found a large skating arena.
"Whoa." Dawn said.
"Hey girls over here." Hunter said gaining their attention.
"There you are. Where'v you been?" Sarah asked.
"Testing out the coolest skating park in the history of skating parks. I'll give you girls a challenge. Practice around here and see what this place has to offer and then I'll give you an egg I found. And if you can beat me in stunts I'll give you another egg." Hunter said.
"Sounds fun." Dawn said.
Needless to say the girls won both eggs with ease.
"I can't believe it. What is it about the Kruger family that makes them so good at almost everything?" Hunter asked in disbelief.
"Pure luck." Dawn said grinning.
Now once they got all the eggs from this world it was time for the final world.
Bamboo Terrace
Now this place had a nice theme to it being Asian and all. However the locals were being terrorized by Rhynocs everywhere.
So naturally the girls defeated every Rhynoc and found some eggs.
Of course there were challenges.
One such challenge was defeating the Rhynocs before they could cause any serious harm to the locals.
And then chasing down yet another blue thief. (You know whats funny. I don't seem to recall a single blue thief in Ripto's rage. I wonder why that was)
And then finally making their way up a temple to retrieve yet another egg.
This place was easy compared to the other worlds in this land. (Which is true)
Then finally they got back to the ballon only to find Sean had invented another invention.
"Wow." Sarah said seeing him making a small helicopter.
"I had a lot of time on my hands. You girls use this. I'll meet you in the next land." Sean said as they left.
"You stupid brat! I told you to do one simple mission." The Sorceress said to her apprentice.
"You think these guys are easy to defeat? We're talking about the Kruger family here. You know the ones who control the Universe." The woman said.
"I know who they are. That doesn't mean the girls are invincible like their brother. I'll take care of this myself." The sorceress said.
"These eggs can't be worth all this trouble." The woman said.
"Without the dragons our magic will vanish and so will your chances of being a SORCERESS!" The Sorceress yelled at her making her jump back. "Now then." The Sorceress said casting her magic on one of her minions and shockingly he turned into a much large terrifying monster compared to the last one. (You know whats funny in this. You don't see this scene in PS1 for some reason)
Back with the girls
"What in the world!" Dawn said seeing the giant monster. Suddenly Sargent Bird landed right next to them.
"My instincts told me the Sorceress would try something like this. My rocket launchers are useless against this beast but I can drop off ammunition." Bird said.
"Oh good lord." Sarah said annoyed.
To say this monster was really difficult to beat would be an understatement.
Eventually they had no choice but to use their Ghost Rider powers in order to kill it.
But even that still proved difficult. (I am not kidding. I just played this boss and it took me 8 tries to kill this bastard. When the Remastered version comes out I fucking dare you to play the second boss level and beat it under 8 lives)
"My god." Dawn said landing on her butt.
"Lets get out of here." Newt said as they left the arena.
Soon they landed in the next world and surprise the woman arrived vie rainbow.
"Listen girls. You have no idea the kinda trouble your in. The Sorceress is planning a trap for you. Just take the eggs you have and go. I promise I'll take care of the rest. Just take your friend and your brother before...I can't say it. Just go!" The woman yelled before vanishing.
"She must really be worried if she came to warn us in person." Sarah said.
Soon they looked throughout the area and found all the gems and eggs. One of which was in the belly of a whale of all things.
"Hello girls." Money bags said as they approached him.
"Whoa." Dawn said seeing the massive Yeti.
"Heh heh. Now this guy is a real prize. It took over 2 dozen Rhynocs to defeat him so you can believe his bail is not gonna be cheep." Moneybags said.
"Oh boy. How much?" Sarah asked.
"A thousand gems." Moneybags said making Newt and Dawn widen their eyes in shock.
"WHAT!" Dawn yelled before Sarah handed him the gems.
"Good business as usual girls." Money bags said letting him out.
"AH the first rejuvenating breath of freedom. With the humility of three noble humans." Bentley said.
"Oh it was no big deal." Sarah said.
"Indeed after all I was the one who let you out." Moneybags said acting like Luthor.
"Why you no good little..." Bentley said enraged.
"Now wait a minute!" Moneybags said in alarm before crying out in pain as Bentley started beating him with his club.
"One more perhaps?"Bentley asked.
"At least." Dawn said before he smacked him out a wall.
"Please do come visit when you have the time." Bentley said before leaving.
"Huh. I can already tell he's gonna be useful." Sarah said before they went underwater and into the first portal.
Lost Fleet
"Ok I already hate this place." Dawn said seeing Rhynocs dressed as Ghosts and what not.
This wolds enemies were a little tricky to deal with at first but soon enough the girls managed to defeat them and found some eggs with ease.
Of course there were challenges like using a sub to destroy underwater Rhynocs in a lake of acid.(I have no idea how the even works)
Then they found Hunter and took down a gang of Rhynocs on skateboards.
Of course all this was easy.
Once they got back however something happened.
Sean was working on a new transport for the girls when he spotted a red button outside.
"Hmm." Sean said before pressing it and a trap door opened beneath him. "AHHH!" Sean yelled as he fell into a cage while the Sorceress laughed.
"Did you girls hear something?" Dawn asked.
"Nope." Sarah said before they went to the next world.
Frozen Altars
"UGH! Not another cold world!" Dawn yelled in annoyance.
Now this world was really messed up for one specific reason.
Apparently the locals stole magic from the sorceress to make their snowmen come to life.
However that backfired and now they were vicious monsters.
Of course since the girls had powers of fire they easily took care of this problem.
Bentley arrived and helped out with a rogue Yeti problem who stole two dragon eggs and won with ease. (That part of this level was probably my favorite)
Then they had to pay Money Bags again to play a unique game of Hockey using cats of all things. (This part was also one of my favorites)
Then it was time to head back.
Soon they headed for the next world
Charmed Ridge
"Ooh fairies." Dawn said looking at the flying fairies.
Now this world unlike the others due to obvious reason was full of magic.
"I thought the dragon worlds here had no magic left?" Newt asked.
"Maybe with all the eggs we found the Magic must be coming back." Sarah said.
"Good cause If worlds are like this I want it to stay like this." Dawn said.
Soon enough they found all the dragon eggs and ran into Moneybags again requesting money to use magic to pull down a bridge.
"You know of these days I'm going to kick his sorry behind and get my money back." Dawn said.
"Same here." Newt said.
"Yup." Sarah said as they left.
Sean sat patiently in his cage before the woman approached him with an apple in hand.
"I figured you'd might be hungry." The woman said.
"Thank you." Sean said taking the apple. "By the way you got a name?" Sean asked.
"Anck-Su-Namun." Anak-Su-Namun said.
"Mind If I call you Namun? Sounds more cute." Sean said making her blush but smiled.
"Sure. Listen I'm really sorry about this. But you left us no other choice." Namun said.
"Well, What were we supposed to do? Leave the eggs and tell the bad news to our friends who put their lives on the line every time a Kaiju comes out of the breach?" Sean asked.
"You just don't understand. If we don't bring Dragons back to our world all our magic will be lost." Namun said.
"Wait rewind. What do you mean bring them back?" Sean asked. "Did Dragons used to live here?" Sean asked.
"Yes. This was the original home for the dragons. But a long time ago the sorceress banished them to the other side of the world over an argument she can't remember about. What she didn't realize was that dragons were the source of all our magic." Namun said.
"So why not ask them to come back? Can't be that hard." Sean asked.
"I wish it was that simple." Namun said before leaving.
Meanwhile back with the girls in the next world
Firework factory (Real level name)
Now this world was completely different compared to the other worlds.
Full of Ninjas and artificial dragons made of fireworks.
Needless to say this world was both fun and annoying for the girls.
"You know other than the ones we know I always hated Ninjas." Dawn said.
"Why?" Sarah asked.
"Cause they always blend into the shadows to perfect." Dawn said before they went back and found a large rocket.
"Well, the next invention is here but wheres he?" Sarah asked.
"Probably busy. Lets go." Newt said.
"Thats it I've had enough. I'm going to create a monster to kill those girls and smash all the dragons!" The Sorceress yelled having enough of the girls interference.
"Uh won't that kill the dragons?" Namun asked.
"It doesn't matter! As long as I can still collect their wings." The sorceress said shocking her.
"WHAT! All this time you've wanted them for their wings?" Namun yelled in disbelief.
"Of course you insolent girl. I need them for a spell so I can live forever!" The Sorceress yelled.
"A spell?" Namun asked.
"What did you think I was going to do with all those dragons? Open a zoo?" The Sorceress asked getting one of her minions to laugh.
"You said keeping them in our world was enough. You never said you had to kill them." Namun said in anger.
"I don't have to. I just stops them from wriggling so much." The Sorceress said.
"Your terrible. I can't believe I ever listened to you." Namun said leaving.
"Stupid insolent brat. I'll deal with her once I finish off those little brats. Now where was I? Ah yes." The Sorceress said before looking at her minion who laughed earlier making him look nervous.
And of course
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Dawn yelled in shock seeing the giant flying monster that was bigger than the last boss. (Compared to the second boss this one is actually easy to beat believe it or not)
And then they saw Bentley approach them.
"I fear this might be our last battle girls. The Sorceress has really outdone herself this time." Bentley said.
"Any advice?" Sarah asked.
"I can drop of weapons and ammunition that can help you destroy this monster. But the rest is up to you I'm afraid." Bentley said.
Now unlike last time this monster was easy to beat despite the fact it kept puking up other enemies to fight including replicas of the first boss.
But soon enough thy managed to beat this monster sending him into the pool of green liquid.
Sean still waited patiently in his cage before Namun walked over to him.
"Hello. Bring anymore food?" Sean asked.
"Theres no time for that. We have to stop the sorceress she's gonna kill all the dragon hatchlings." Namun said.
"Whoa wait a minute. What do you mean kill them? I thought you needed them to bring magic back to this world." Sean said.
"Thats what I thought at first. But apparently she just needs their wings for a spell." Namun said before the Cage dissolved into nothing. "Huh? Wait you could have done that hours ago. Why now?" Namun asked.
"A wise man waits patiently. And good thing to cause I know whats she planning." Sean said as they left.
Soont the girls arrived at the last world where Namun waited for them.
"Listen girls I'm on your side now. The sorceress is planning to kill all the hatchlings so she can take their wings for a spell. If you can find the rest of the Dragon eggs I can open the door to her lair." Namun said.
"Well that should be easy." Dawn said before she vanished.
So soon enough they found the eggs and the gems in this world before they ran into money bags again.
"Girls take a look at this. It's a real live space monkey action figure. I'd love to let him out but..." Moneybags tried to say.
"How much?" Sarah asked.
"1,300 gems." Moneybags said making Dawn widen her eyes in shock.
"WHAT! Thats even more than Bentley!" Dawn yelled.
"Sorry girls thats my offer." Moneybags said before Sarah handed him the gems. "Hmph. You always had a soft spot for little creatures." MoneyBags said before he let the Monkey out who started cheering.
"Thanks girls! Say have you ever seen a bear dance?" Agent 9 asked making Moneybags nervous.
"No." Dawn said knowing where this was going.
"Well, it's your lucky day. Check this out!" Agent 9 said shooting Moneybags feet making him yell in pain before running away.
"Oh that was perfect." Dawn said.
"If you need my help fighting the sorceress don't be afraid to ask. But right now I've got to clean up my home. Later!" Agent 9 said bolting.
Now then they went to the next world.
Crystal Islands
Now to say this world lived up to its name was an understatement.
Even the creatures around here were crystal.
The reason for this was because the locals stole some of the sorceress magic that backfired on them.
And the worst part was Moneybags showing up asking for more gems to extend a bridge. (Oy)
Nonetheless they managed to get all the eggs and left.
(I'm going to be an asshole and skip the other three levels since you all get the idea)
Soon the three headed for the door where their brother waited for them.
"All right girls nice going...Hey wait a minute." Sean said.
"What?" Sarah asked.
"There are at least three missing eggs." Sean said.
"Well we searched everywhere." Dawn said.
"The Sorceress must have them. Go on inside and take her down. I've got complete faith in ya." Sean said as they headed inside
"ARGH! I've had enough of you three meddling brats!" The Sorceress yelled in annoyance.
"Wow she is ugly." Dawn said before Agent nine dropped down in front of them.
"YEEEHAAAW! Time to kick some sorceress butt!" Agent 9 said.
"Got any advice?" Sarah asked.
"Sure just let me drop down some weapons from above. That will give you girls an edge to defeat her. Good luck!" Agent 9 said rushing over to the outside.
Now unlike the other bosses they fought she was proving her title as Sorceress.
But with the four of them attacking her together they managed to overpower her and threw her into the lava making her scream before the egg she was using came off her staff.
"Finally!" Dawn yelled as they left.
However if they had stayed they would have noticed a blue hand coming out of the lava. (Who the hell survives that shit at skin contact?)
"Girls you've just defeated the sorceress. Rescued the Dragon eggs. And restored freedom to the lost dragon words. What do you plan to do next? Perhaps a nice vacation in Dragon shores? Hmm?" Bentley asked making Sarah giggle.
"You're a real comedian Bentley." Sarah said making him chuckle before bursting out in laughter. "Besides we got two more eggs to find. Plus Sean seems to have disappeared again so we should go look for him. You haven seen him have you?" Sarah asked.
"Huh? Me? Oh no. If I do happen to encounter him however I will most certainly inform you at once." Bentley said as they left.
In Agent nine's world
"It's a funny thing girls. I adjusted Avalar's portals to take me to the dragon worlds. But somehow I ended up here. Maybe my coordinates are out of date." Professor said.
"By thousands of years." Dawn said.
"That would explain why the book was so cheep." Professor said to Elora.
"So now that your done saving the world again. Are you gonna visit us in Avalar?" Elora asked.
"Yeah sure. But we still have two missing eggs and well now our brother has disappeared again." Sarah said.
"Did you say Sean? Well, hey I can help I just saw him sneak off with..." Agent Nine tried to say.
"Uh Agent nine isn't that a Rhynoc over in those bushes?" Professor asked.
"A Rhynoc? Ooh! Let me at him!" Agent Nine said going full warrior mode.
"Uh. I'm sure Sean is in good hands." Professor said before Elora kicked him. "I mean I'm sure he will turn up soon." Professor corrected his words.
"Promise you'll come visit Avalar soon ok?" Elora asked as they left.
Sheila's world
"Now how many tomes have I told you not to tease that moose?" Shiela asked her friends Billy and Bobby with the former stuck in a wall.
"It was Billy's idea. Uh yeah!" Bobby said nervously.
"Is that true Billy?" Sheila asked but only got muffled words. "Hold that thought Billy." Sheila said seeing Sarah and her sisters. "Girls. Great to see ya." Sheila said.
"Hi Sheila. We've been looking for Sean all day. Have you seen him?" Sarah asked making her giggle.
"Sorry Sarah. Sean made me promise not to tell you where they went." Sheila said.
"THEY!" The girls yelled.
"You didn't hear anything from me." Sheila said amused.
"Oh no. Not again." Dawn said.
Firework Factory world
Sean and Anck-Su-Namun were on the castle enjoying the fireworks that Sargent Bird fired into the air before she kissed him making him chuckle.
"It's a sad sight Newt. A Noble warrior constantly falls victim to the plague of love. Just look away." Dawn said.
"Well, I guess well, have to find the rest of the dragon eggs by ourselves." Sarah said before Elora walked next to them.
"Come on girls. Take a little break. Let's watch the show." Elora said as they enjoyed the fireworks.
"You are unbelievable." Dawn said to Sean who smirked.
"I can't help it. She's got that Egyptian look on her. And our family is originally from Egypt." Sean said making Sarah and Newt giggle.
"By the way where is she?" Newt asked.
"Oh. That reminds me. See that portal over there?" Sean asked pointing to a lone portal in the distance. "Once you find one more egg meet us there." Sean said before walking away.
"Wonder whats thats about?" Sarah asked before they spotted money bags on the bridge.
"What are you up to now?" Dawn asked.
"Oh don't worry girls I won't be needing anymore of your money." Moneybags said making them widen their eyes. "Now don't look so surprised. I found one of the dragon eggs and I'm going to sell it in Avalar for a fortune." Moneybags said before they glared at him. "Uh. Why are you looking at me like that?" Money bags said. (My number one favorite part of the whole video game)
Needless to say they beat him up real good and got back their gems.
"Thats it I give up!" Moneybags yelled running away to save what little money he had left.
Now that they had another egg they went through the last portal.
Super Bonus round!
"Whoa!" Dawn yelled seeing all the cool stuff here before Namun landed beside them.
"Sean said you would like this place. He's been working on some new invention for you girls. Have a look around. Once your done meet us by the door with the tower above it." Namun said before vanishing.
(You know whats funny here. I played this game since I was a little kid about maybe 5 or 6 and I never once got to this level since I thought defeating the Sorceress was the final level. This is a much better prize compared to what happens if you get every Gem and Orb in the last game)
Now to say this place had a lot of challenges would be correct like using an underwater sub to blast Rhynocs.
Racing a group of Yeti's with Hunter.
And then finally defeating a group of flying space sheep.
Soon as they were done with all this they went to the last door.
Shockingly however though the Sorceress was in here.
"I don't know how the hell she survived her last battle against you girls. Getting thrown in Lave should kill you." Sean said.
"Well she's not exactly normal." Sarah said.
"True. Listen I've made these flying saucer to help you against her. But the rest is up to you." Sean said as they got on.
Now this time it really was a challenge.
It took who knows how long before they finally took down the Sorceress with her crashing into the purple Ooze. And there was no way she could recover from that this time. Now they finally had all 150 eggs.
Goro held up a baby dragon in hand while Dawn with one on her shoulders ran over to Kitana.
"Aw." Kitana said picking the baby up.
"A congratulations are in order. Not only did you all recover the eggs but restored order to the Original Dragon home." Raiden said impressed by how far the girls have come in a few short months.
"I told you they were more than ready." Sean said with an egg in hand.