Ghost Raider in DC universe
"Well fucking hell." Sean said annoyed since the war between North and South Korea just started.
"Ah hell." Tom said.
"Get everyone to these coordinates. We move out in an hour." Sean said.
"General." Cormack said shaking Tom's hand.
"Cormack its been a long time." Cormack said.
"So whats the plan?" Green Arrow asked.
"The plan is simple. First set up an LZ epsilon to further land our troops. Second objective is to destroy a long range missile launcher that will waste the whole area unless we stop it." Sean said.
"Alright let's get to the pods." Cormack said. "Commander your with us." Cormack said as Sean went with Will and Mitchell to the pods.
"Brining along the big guns huh?" Will said.
"I just want to end this war and fast." Sean said.
"Stand by for drop in 5,4,3,2,1 drop." Lane said as the pods dropped from the carriers to their designated destinations.
A camera feed of the drop point appeared on top of the pod Sean, Will, Mitchell and Cormack were on.
"OverLord I'm seeing heavy enemy fire in our drop path." Cormack said.
"Copy that adjusting your trajectory." Lane said before they got hit.
"SHIT!" Sean yelled as they lost feed. "I need to reset the damn thing." Sean said hacking into the systems and rebooted the system and feeds came back online.
"Brace!" Cormack yelled as they hit a building before crashing.
"Ok that hurt." Sean said before kicking the door down.
"Sean what happened?" Batman asked.
"We got knocked off course. Don't wait for us. Proceed as planed." Sean said.
"Superman and a few others are taking down the big guns that are taking out our pods." Sandman said.
"Copy that. Alright let's move." Sean said as they dropped down.
"With all this firepower I would be shocked if we actually lost." Will said.
"Never assume anything." Sean said before they proceeded to head down the building to the landing zone.
"Bout time you guys got here." Red Hood said.
"We got knocked off course. Whats the situation?" Sean asked.
"So far we've got most of the heavy weapons destroyed but theres one that we cant get to or Superman cant get to. It's protected by a Kryptonite Shield. The others are to busy with other assignments." Punisher said.
"Then thats our objective. Punisher, Red Hood your with us." Cormack said.
They proceeded to the coordinates to where the missile launcher was before they encountered a team of armed men.
"Hold your fire." Sean said.
"Who are these guys?" Red Hood asked.
"Atlas PMC recuse force. Names Gideon. We're escorting a principle." Gideon said.
"Head that way for extraction." Sean said.
"Right sir. Good luck." Gideon said as his team left.
"Wait a second. Hey Will isn't that your dads company?" Mitchell asked.
"Yup." Will said.
"They got the best gear the best pay. How come you didn't join them?" Mitchell asked.
"First of all I have best Gear for good reason. Second of all..." Sean said.
"I wanted to serve my country not my old man." Will said.
"Exactly now let's move." Sean said.
Soon the group came to the missile launcher.
"Wheres the demolition team?" Punisher asked.
"Ah shit." Sean said seeing them dead.
"We cant wait for another team. By the time they get here that launcher will be on the move again." Red Hood said.
"He's right. Irons, Mitchell you both need to use the explosives they have and destroy that launcher. We'll cover you." Cormack said.
"Come on guys lets go." Sean said.
The group fought their way to the missile launcher with ease.
"Heres the charge." Sean said handing them to Will who placed them inside.
"Timers set...Ahhh!" Will yelled as the door closed on his Right arm keeping it in place. "I cant move my arm!" Will said trying desperately to move it out.
"Uh I got an idea but promise me you wont hate me for this." Sean said.
"Hate you for wha..." Will tried to say before Sean took out a long knife and cut his arm off making Will scream in pain before they jumped off just as the missile launcher took off and exploded. During the explosion some Shrapnel went towards Mitchell and cut his left arm off.
"AHHH!" Mitchell yelled.
"Shit! Frank call an evac now!" Sean yelled.
"I'm on it." Punisher said calling in for a medical team.
"After only a few hours of fighting the allies were successful to drive North Korea out of Seoul. With allied forces from the Covenant and the Republic arriving soon hopes are high that the world will see stability in the region very soon." A reporter said.
On a carrier heading back to the US hundreds of coffins were inside full of dead US soldiers who died in the conflict of defending Seoul.
"Why is one man spared why the other is taken? To this day I cant give the answer. Death can come to us all in time even with the advancements in science and magic or both combined. When you lose so many of your comrades in just a few hours it's almost easy for one death to just become another number. The Dead they've settled their debts. It's up to the living to pick up the tab." Sean said to himself.
"Pretty Poetic." Batman said behind him.
"I honestly just made that up." Sean said standing up. "I assume you'll be going to the funeral for these men tomorrow?" Sean asked.
"Sorry I'm not exactly very good with loss." Bruce said.
"None of us are. Still if you change your mind." Sean said.
Next day
The Funeral for the soldiers who died in the line of duty was soon over.
"Sorry that I got you discharged for your injury." Sean said to Will.
"It's no problem. You saved my ass back there. I owe you one." Will said.
"Don't you always." A male voice said making them turn to see John Irons, Wills father.
"John. It's been a while." Sean said shaking his hand.
"To long son. I wanted to thank you for saving my son and Mitchel in Seoul. I believe with both the tech in our companies we can really do some good work. Starting by fixing Will and Mitchell to fighting standards." Irons said.
"Sir Will and Mitchell have been discharged due to their injuries." Cormack said.
"I'm aware of that. At Atlas we have prosthetics that are 20 years more advanced then anywhere else. I know your company is making similar designs." Irons said making Sean smirk.
"Lets see what we can do." Sean said.
"Alright lets see here." Sean said as Mitchell had an artificial arm in place of where his original was cut off. "How does it feel?" Sean asked.
"Weird but I'm still getting used to it." Mitchell said while Will was getting his artificial arm implanted.
"Well these things take time to adjust so thats nothing concerning. Anyway this replacement simulates the same responses you would from your old arm though with a few upgrades." Sean said before completing the attachment.
"Impressive." Irons said.
"Well I do what I can. Good news is that the replacements are done. However I would like for them to take a few days before active training." Sean said.
"Sorry sir but we don't have a few days." Gideon said showing a news footage in Nigeria. Prime minister Samuel Abidoyo was taken hostage while attending an international technology summit in Lagos.
"Is this by the KVA?" Sean asked.
"Yes sir. We don't have time to prep them in the training simulator. We need them in the field now. Your Big guns are all over the world or other worlds right now." Gideon said.
"Shit. Well Irons?" Sean asked.
"As much as I prefer to have my soldiers fully trained this will have to do. Get them ready." Irons said.
"Yes sir." Gideon said.
"Alright sir we're set up. Sending in the Fly Drone now." Gideon said as Mitchell sent in the small drone into the building where the KVA were held up with the hostages.
"Multiple KVA. South room on the second floor." Will said.
"Get a closer look on the hostages." Sean said.
"Copy that." Gideon said using the fly drone to find them and soon did with the prime minister along with the leader of the KVA.
"Hades." Irons said.
"So thats the leader of the KVA." Sean said before Hades killed one of the hostages. "DAMN! Gideon get in there and free those hostages now!" Sean said.
"Copy that sir." Gideon said as they made their way towards the building and silently got inside while killing the guards outside the hostage room.
Once they got to the hostage room they planted small devices on the wall to see into the room and take out the KVA troops with ease before securing the Prime Minister.
"Wheres Hades?" Will asked.
"He escaped. The KVA wanted the technology from our summit not us." The Prime minister said.
"Commander we've got the hostages but Hades escaped." Gideon said.
"Good work. We'll find Hades eventually." Sean said.
"Nice work out there guys." Sean said to Will and Mitchell.
"Just like basic training." Will said making Sean chuckle.
Sean was in his assigned office at Atlas when his phone rang seeing Harrison Wells.
"Wells what is it?" Sean asked.
"You need to turn on the news now!" Wells said with urgency making Sean do just that seeing a recording from Hades.
"People of the world, you have hidden behind the protection of Technology. Technology is a cancer. I am here to liberate you from this cancer. The world must be reset to it's natural state. I am Hades, and I am your savior." Hades said.
"He's going to target a nuclear plant in Washington." Wells said.
"Damnit. Irons we need to get our men in the air now!" Sean yelled.
"Sir we're approaching the plant but we're encountering heavy resistance." Gideon said.
"The others are arriving now." Sean said as Superman and a few others arrived.
"We need to shut down the reactor before it goes critical." Batman said.
"Right. Batman you and your team are with us. The rest of you take out all KVA forces out here." Gideon said as his group made their way inside the plant.
Fighting off the KVA was difficult due to the large amounts of troops but thankfully they were able to push through and get to the control room.
"I need a minute to access the controls." Batman said.
"Uh that might be a problem." Joker said accessing the controls. "All the main systems have been cut off." Joker said.
"We are not letting this thing collapse." Batman said.
"We don't have a choice." Gideon said before the building began to crumble. "AW FUCK! Thats it everyone out now!" Gideon yelled as they rushed out of the building just as it collapsed.
"We failed." Mitchell said.
All across the world hundreds of Power plants were destroyed by the KVA.
"My fellow citizens of the world today you are afraid. You are afraid because you have been woken from your sleep." Hades said on a video statement around the world.
"FUCK!" Sean yelled throwing a chair at the TV.
"Calm down now." Irons said.
"This doesn't make sense how the hell did he pull this off?" Sean asked.
"Never once did anyone ever think someone would attack every nuclear power plant in the world. But never mind that now. We've got work to do. Theres going to be millions of people scared out of their minds and those who were effected during the collapse." Irons said.
4 weeks later
Thankfully with the joint efforts of Atlas and Global Tech were able to help the world during the aftermath of the KVA attack.
Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost during the collapse. Republic, Covenant and Transformers arrived to help with the damage.
Right now Mitchell, Will and Gideon were in Detroit due to an informant telling them that Hades right hand man was in the city behind the contamination wall.
"Bout time you guys showed up." Baird said.
"Been busy. So wheres our Target?" Gideon asked.
"Right behind the wall. KVA forces have been spotted in the city." Marcus said.
"Colonel Hoffman wants that target back to base alive." Sandman said.
"Alright then boys lets go get him." Gideon said as they mounted on their bikes and drove to the city.
Once they arrived at the site they found the doctor talking with someone.
"The subject is ready for deployment but I still worry about the..." Doctor Pierre said.
"Your concerns are hardly relevant. Deploy the subject." A distorted voice said before vanishing.
"Subject? What Subject?" Will asked.
"I don't know but I don't like the sound of it." Gideon said before they quickly took out the KVA troops and bagged the doctor.
"OverLord we've got the target." Mitchell said.
"Copy that. Get him back to base for interrogation. Be advised we're seeing multiple KVA hostiles in your area." Lane said.
"No pressure." Gideon said.
"Nice work boys." Eiling said as the Doctor was escorted to interrogation.
"Sir before we captured him. He and someone else who could not be seen were discussing something about a subject ready for deployment." Gideon said.
"Subject? Did he mention any specific Details?" Tom asked.
"No sir." Gideon said.
"We'll find out in time." Joe Kruger said dressed in his old six star uniform.
With the intel that Atlas operative Ilona they now had a location as to where Hades and his financial backers.
Santorini Greece
"Laser beak. Report." Soundwave said.
"Objective Hades is in sight. He is meeting with his pawns." Laser Beak said.
"Roger that. Alright lets move in." Gideon said as his team moved onto Hades location.
"Laser Beak can you hear what they're saying?" Ilona asked.
"One second." Laser Beak said uploading the conversation.
"Soon the world will be thrown into chaos. Technology has made the world weak. Once it is removed we can take our place as it's leaders and reset the world to its natural state." Hades said.
"Oh great so he's still rambling on about technology being a cancer." Dom said.
"Doesn't matter. On my go." Gideon said as they prepared to breach the room. "NOW!" Gideon yelled as they breached the room and took out Hades with a head shot.
"Confirming kill." Mitchell said as the scanner did it's work.
"Damnit! It's not him. Oh shit he's rigged get back!" Gideon yelled as the double blew up.
"The hell just happened?" Cole said from across the street.
"The double was rigged with a bomb." Marcus said.
"Gideon we're tracking a convoy leaving your location. Pursue and element it." Sean said.
"Roger that commander." Gideon said.
Tracking down the convoy was easy before they found Hades and Will slit his throat killing him.
"Lets try this again." Gideon said scanning Hades. "Commander we got him." Gideon said.
"Bring the body back so we can find out who this guy really is." Sean said.
"Copy that." Gideon said. "First round is on me tonight." Gideon said.
"DNA confirms its really Hades." Cathrin said.
"Hmmm." Sean said in thought as he looked at the report.
"Something wrong?" Irons asked.
"I don't know it just feels like something is off. Doesn't this feel a bit to easy?" Sean asked.
"Well DNA doesn't Lie." Cathrin said.
"Not unless you're a clone." Irons said.
"Clone? Wait a second. I need to run another test here." Sean said going to the lab.
"I say this was our easiest victory yet." Will said as the heroes were in the command center celebrating their victory.
"Hey wheres the commander?" Gideon asked.
"He said he wanted to run another test on the body." Irons said as Sean walked in.
"And good thing to." Sean said handing a new report to Irons who looked it over and frowned.
"This doesn't make sense." Irons said.
"Dad?" Will said.
"According to this report the body of Hades is only a week old." Irons said.
"I'm sorry sir a week old? How he looks to be in his mid to late 30's." Gideon said.
"I called Tarken about this. Apparently a month ago some new prototype cloning tech was stolen from our allies. This new tech could clone soldiers instantly while programing everything they would need to know into their minds. However the Prototype was only good for one go." Sean said.
"Wait hold on a second are you saying that..." Gideon tried to say.
"The Real Hades is still alive." Sean said.
"You have got to be kidding me." Will said.
"I'm afraid not." Irons said.
"Ok we've tracked a transmission to a KVA base up in the north of Russia. Reznov has a group of old commando buddies of his checking the place out. Whatever Hades is up to he needed the world to believe he was dead so he could do his work in the shadows." Sean said.
"What exactly is the worst case scenario?" Irons asked.
"Another power plant attack?" Talbot asked.
"Or worse." Sean said.
"Kruger we just got back with the intel. Hades is planing to unleash a BIO attack on the European continent killing billions." Reznov said.
"Sir we just reports of KVA troops in Baghdad. Apparently they've taken control of a missile. If it hits the atmosphere we're looking at an extinction level event." Cormack said.
"Damnit. I want everyone to these coordinates now." Sean said.
Batman and Sean had infiltrated the lower tunnels to where the missile was while the others created a distraction outside.
"We need to stop this missile fast before it launches." Batman said.
"Yeah I know. If it blows up before it reaches its destination the BIO weapon will be destroyed in the process." Sean said.
Making their way to the missile was somewhat difficult but finally they made it to the missile and destroyed it.
"Alright let's get out of here." Sean said before their exosuits shut off. "What the?" Sean said trying to get out of them.
"Well played heroes. Well Played." Hades said in front of them.
"It's over Hades. Even you cant get out of this." Batman said.
"How mistaken you are. Here I'm trying to save the world from itself while you so called heroes constantly interfere with my plans to save the very world you swore to protect." Hades said making them glare at him.
"You call killing hundreds of thousands of people saving the world?" Batman said.
"Victory cannot be achieved without Sacrifice." Hades said leaving the building. Batman soon freed himself and tried to get Sean free.
"Don't worry about me get him!" Sean yelled making Batman rush after Hades before they came outside of the top of the building where the two fought till they both nearly fell off the building with Batman holding Hades arm preventing him from falling down.
"What are you waiting for hero? Pull me up." Hades said.
"You know theres a difference between killing a man and not saving him." Batman said as Hades Gripped his arm tightly before Batman let go.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Hades yelled as he fell into fire from the burning building. Batman sighed before Sean pulled him up.
"You made the right call. He was to dangerous to let him live." Sean said.
"I know." Batman said as they called for a pick up.
Bruce was in his home looking at the news of the death of Hades.
"Master Bruce. We have some...Company." Alfred said making Batman turn around and was surprised to see Talia along with a boy who looked to be at least 8 years old.
"Talia?" Bruce said surprised.
"Hello beloved. We need to talk." Talia said.
"So let me get this straight. This kid she says is your son?" Sean asked Bruce.
"Thats what she told me and the DNA test confirms it." Bruce said.
"Well then congratulations are in order." Sean said smirking at him.
"I'm worried though thats she's gong to use him to make me..." Bruce tried to say.
"Bruce take from a guy who has multiple women in his life that you shouldn't always be so suspicious of people who care about you. I might not know Talia as well as you do but its clear from my point of view that she does love you. Just forget your suspicions and enjoy this time with her and your Son Damian." Sean said making him sigh before nodding.
Off the cost of Japan a small little organism was growing greatly in size and made it's way towards Japan.