
Ghost of the Martial World

Reborn into a bustling modern city after a desperate battle against demonic invaders, Wang Jian, once a deputy sect master of the Azure Sky Sect, must navigate a new world where ancient martial arts clash with advanced technology. Armed with his formidable skills and past experiences, he joins the Iron Fist Academy, the best martial arts school in his region, seeking to rebuild his strength and adapt to this unfamiliar society. As Wang Jian quietly cultivates his power and forms alliances, he becomes a shadowy figure in the martial arts underworld, known as the "Ghost of the Martial World" Unbeknownst to him, the world harbours hidden threats similar to those he once faced in a previous life. As Wang Jian ascends through the ranks, he must balance his pursuit of power with the impending dangers that lurk beneath the surface. Ghost of the Martial World is a thrilling tale of rebirth, power, and the delicate balance between darkness and light. Follow Wang Jian as he carves his path to dominance in a world teeming with secrets and hidden dangers.

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5 Chs

Reaction from all sides

The news of the demonic invasion spread like wildfire across the continent of Andara. Panic and disbelief gripped the hearts of millions as images and videos of the carnage in New Haven City and other affected regions flooded the media.

In a small town miles away from the epicenter of the invasion, a family huddled together in their living room, their faces pale with fear as they watched the live news broadcast.

"This can't be happening," muttered Mr. Lin, a middle-aged man with a worried expression. "Demons in our world? I thought they were just stories."

His wife, Mrs. Lin, clutched their young daughter to her chest. "What are we going to do? Are we safe here?"

Their teenage son, Ming, stared at the screen in shock. "I always thought the martial artists were invincible. How could this happen?"

The reporter on the screen continued to relay the grim news. "Reports indicate that several cities, including New Haven City, have been overrun by demonic forces. The government is urging everyone to remain calm and stay indoors. Martial artists and military forces are being deployed to handle the situation."

In the bustling city of Silver Creek, people gathered in small groups, whispering and speculating about the invasion. The atmosphere was tense, with fear and uncertainty hanging in the air.

At a local café, a group of friends sat around a table, their faces etched with worry.

"I heard that the demons just appeared out of nowhere," said Lily, a young woman with wide eyes. "How did they get past our defences?"

Tom, a burly man with a deep voice, shook his head. "It doesn't make sense. We've always had the military and martial artists protecting us. How did they slip through?"

An older man named Mr. Zhou, who had seen his fair share of battles, sighed deeply. "The demons must have found a way to bypass the outer battlefield. This isn't just an attack; it's a full-scale invasion."

The group fell silent, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The realization that their world was no longer safe was a heavy burden to bear.

In the heart of the Eastern Dominion, the government convened an emergency meeting. High-ranking officials, military generals, and martial artists gathered to discuss their response to the crisis.

General Huang, a stern-faced man with a commanding presence, addressed the room. "We are facing an unprecedented threat. The demons have managed to bypass our outer defences and have infiltrated several key cities. Our primary objective is to contain the invasion and protect our civilians."

Minister Chen, the head of internal affairs, leaned forward, his expression grim. "We need to mobilize all available forces. Martial artists of Rank 3 and above must be deployed immediately. We cannot afford to underestimate the demons' strength."

A young aide hurried into the room, handing a report to General Huang. "Sir, we've received word that the demons are targeting strategic locations. They're systematically disrupting our communication and transportation networks."

General Huang clenched his fists. "They know our weaknesses. We need to counterattack swiftly and decisively. Alert all military bases and martial academies. This is a fight for our survival."

General Lin, another high-ranking officer, spoke up. "We have contingency plans in place for such scenarios. The cities that have been attacked are being evacuated, and defensive barriers are being set up to protect civilians. Martial artists and military units are being deployed to key locations to prevent further breaches."

The room buzzed with activity as commanders and officials coordinated their efforts. Maps and strategic plans were spread across tables, and orders were dispatched to various units.

In the capital city of the Eastern Dominion, the most powerful factions convened to discuss the invasion. Representatives from various martial sects, influential families, and government officials gathered in a grand hall, their faces reflecting a mix of anger, fear, and determination.

Elder Wu, a venerable figure from the Radiant Dawn Sect, stood up, his voice echoing through the hall. "This invasion is an affront to our honor and sovereignty. The demons have shown their hand, and we must respond with all our might."

Lady Xue, a prominent figure from the Silver Moon Clan, nodded in agreement. "Our people are suffering. We must set aside our differences and unite against this common enemy."

A man in military attire, General Lin, spoke next. "The demons have somehow breached our defenses, but our high ranked powerhouses are holding back any significant threat. We have powerful martial artists and a well-trained military. This is merely a scouting party. Together, we can repel this invasion."

As the discussions continued, the mood shifted from panic to resolve. Plans were made to strengthen defences, coordinate attacks, and support the affected cities.

In a secluded mountain retreat, a group of high-ranking martial artists known for their unparalleled skills and influence gathered. These individuals, often referred to as powerhouses, had the ability to change the tide of battles with their immense strength.

Grandmaster Li, an elderly man with a long white beard, looked out over the mountains, his expression serene yet intense. "The demons have made a grave mistake by underestimating us. We have defended this world for centuries, and we will do so again."

Beside him stood Mistress Fang, a formidable woman known for her lightning-fast strikes. "The younger generation will need our guidance. We must lead by example and show them that the demons can be defeated."

A young prodigy, Master Shen, clenched his fists, his eyes burning with determination. "I will not rest until every last demon is driven back to their realm. They will pay for the lives they have taken."

Back in Silver Creek, the panic among civilians was palpable. People gathered in the central square, desperate for news and reassurance.

Mrs. Wong, a shopkeeper, addressed the crowd. "We need to stay calm. The martial artists and military are fighting for us. We must trust in their abilities."

A man in the crowd shouted, "How can we stay calm? The demons are attacking everywhere! What if they come here?"

A young woman named Mei, clutching her infant son, spoke up. "Panicking won't help us. We need to prepare and support each other. My brother is a martial artist, and he always said that unity is our strength."

The crowd murmured in agreement, slowly beginning to organize themselves. Supplies were gathered, and plans were made to protect the most vulnerable members of the community.

In a televised address, the President of the Eastern Dominion, President Zhao, appeared on screen, his face solemn but resolute.

"Citizens of the Eastern Dominion," he began, "we are facing an unprecedented crisis. The demonic invasion has brought destruction and fear to our doorstep. But we will not be defeated. Our military, our martial artists, and our people will stand together to defend our homeland."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "We must remain vigilant and united. Trust in our defenders and follow the instructions of local authorities. Together, we will overcome this darkness."

In a hidden military base, high-level martial artists and military commanders coordinated their strategies. The atmosphere was tense but focused, with maps and data spread across a large table.

General Huang pointed to several key locations on the map. "We need to secure these areas to ensure the safety of our supply lines. The demons are targeting our infrastructure to cripple our response."

Master Liu, representing the martial artists, nodded. "Our best fighters will be deployed to these locations. We'll use our Qi techniques to create barriers and fortifications."

A young lieutenant entered the room, saluting sharply. "Sir, reports indicate that a skyscraper in New Haven City has collapsed. A Rank 4 demon was engaged in battle with one of our top martial artists." New Haven City was huge, encompassing a large area filled with over twenty million inhabitants. Wang Jian's defences merely covered a small section of this. 

General Huang's expression darkened. "Send reinforcements immediately. We cannot afford to lose our strongest fighters."

In the heart of New Haven City, chaos reigned. A massive skyscraper had collapsed, debris and dust filling the air. Amidst the rubble, a fierce battle raged between a Rank 4 demon and a man in full military gear.

The demon, towering and menacing with red eyes and dark, scaled skin, roared as it launched powerful attacks. Its strikes shook the ground, sending shockwaves through the city.

The man, General Li, fought with unwavering determination. "Iron Fist Technique!" he shouted, his fists glowing with Qi as he delivered devastating blows to the demon. Despite his strength, the battle was evenly matched, each strike met with fierce resistance. This technique would look familiar to anyone from the Iron Fist Academy. This General was also the Head Instructor of the academy, one that had built his reputation through decades on the battlefield.

Wang Jian, standing at a distance, watched the battle with a mixture of awe and anger. He had seen the devastation the demons could cause, and the sight of the collapsing skyscraper only fueled his resolve to grow stronger.