
Ghost in the Wind

Anika lived a perfect life before she died. But for years of being a lost ghost and not remembering anything about who she was. Until she met Dylan, who can see ghosts. Anika begged Dylan to help her regain her memories. But they never knew the feelings they felt for each other. "Can a ghost and a human live happily together?" Look forward to the future and don't forsake the ones you loved. Something new will always happened, no matter how hurt you are right now.

HeyyTinee · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

He's Thoughts

Dylan POV

I took overtime today because I have a lot of outputs to read that my students submitted this morning. I told myself that I will rest my body once I got home but as I walk towards the parking lot where my car is parked, I suddenly saw Anika walking but it looks like she's not okay. I was about to approach her but she suddenly falls off her feet. I ran to her to check if she's okay, but I saw that she passed out. Then a light shines in her chest, "Anika! Anika!" I called but she doesn't respond. I carried her and bring her to my apartment to take care of her and to make sure that she's going to be okay.

Once we got to my apartment, I immediately lay her onto my bed. I'm still worried about the light that keeps on glowing on her chest. She's not in pain though but the light keeps on glowing. I don't know what or how to take care of her, I've never encountered something like this before. I touch her forehead to see if she's feeling hot or cold, but her temperature seems normal. She's just unconscious and the light keeps on glowing.

I took a chair and sat beside her, I didn't know what do to make her feel better. Maybe I should just watch her whole night, maybe she just needs to rest a little bit to recover her strength again. I stood up and took the readings that I needed to check while I watch her.

But while I do my readings, I can't help myself get worried about the light that continuously glowing in her chest. "As long as you're not in pain Anika." I know you'll be okay. I whispered to myself and kept on telling myself that she will be okay and that light will eventually be gone.

A few hours later, the light is slowly fading away. I know Anika is strong and she'll be better soon. Now I know that I should just let her take a rest for the night. I wonder what happened to her and put her in that situation.

When I finished my readings, I looked at her and saw that the light in her chest is finally gone. Now all I need to wait is for her to wake up. It's a relief for me that the light is already gone. I stood up to get some coffee for myself, to keep me awake all night, and also to watch over her. But as I drink my coffee, I realized that I treat Anika differently today.

I have a feeling that whenever she's hurt or sad, I got worried and also hurt whenever I saw her crying herself out. I haven't felt this feeling ever since... since... Nicole was still alive. I opened the drawer of my bedside table and took a photo of me and Nicole when we were in middle school.

"I told myself that I will never feel this feeling again," I whispered as I look onto our photo. Then I remembered what Nicole told me before, she told me that "You'll learn to love again." I looked at Anika and thought of what Nicole said. "Maybe I could" I whispered, I sat next to her and looked at her. I really have changed and the reason for that is you.

After a few hours, I didn't realize that I slept a little. I looked at the time and it's already 4:06 am, I check Anika if she's okay. But her right arm caught my eye, her arm seems like it's slipping away slowly. "Anika?" I said as I hold her left hand. She's really cold, I really got worried about what is happening to her. I thought she's getting better but it seems like she's disappearing.

I just kept on holding her hand and I don't want to let go. If she's going to slip away, at least I held her hand until the end. It is now clear, she's already special to me.

I didn't sleep after that, I kept on watching her but the good thing is that she's already okay. She's not feeling cold anymore and her arm is already not slipping away. It's a relief for me that she's okay. Maybe I should offer her some soup so that she could eat. I know she's a ghost but maybe she would feel better if I offer her something to fill up her stomach. I went out just to buy her some soup.

When I got back, Anika is already awake and doing well. "Oh, it's just you. I thought..." she stopped when I walk inside and then I went straight to the kitchen counters. "What? A demon kidnaped you?" I said to her. I don't know what I should react, should I show her that I got worried? or just act normal?

But in the end, I think I didn't show that I got worried. Maybe it's not right to tell her, because why would a person get worried about a ghost who is already dead? But I don't know if it's right, maybe I should take the time.

After a few hours, I was about to go to work but I didn't saw where Anika go. She's feeling okay now so maybe she going outside wandering around. I should stop worrying about her because I know that she could take care of herself. But I also hope that I would be the one to take care of her and also to help her whenever she's in need. But right now, I'm busy and I need to finish some readings. It's almost exam week and I need to finish my exam papers.

I drove to the university hoping that Anika will be safe while I'm at work and I hope that what happened to her last night, would never happen again.

After a few hours, my morning class is done and I have free time until the afternoon. I was about to grab something to eat when my phone rang, and Faye is calling. "Yes, Faye?" I asked why did she call me. "I'm just hoping that I could have lunch with you today. Are you in?" Faye asked me and I said yes. We decided to eat on the school grounds. The school grounds are really wide and perfect for a picnic, especially in today's weather. Just cloudy weather is perfect for a picnic.

"You look different today," Faye told me as we ate our lunch. I got confused about what she said, what's so different? I wore my uniform, I didn't fix my hair today. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "You look... happy," she said with a smile on her face. "Maybe there is something that I'm already sure about," I said, and as I said that, I was thinking about Anika. It is really clear to me now, that Anika is special to me.

"And what is it?" she continues to ask me. I just smiled at her as a response, I don't want to talk about it for now because I know that what I am felt about Anika is really not normal. I'm a person, alive and living but she's dead and a ghost. Maybe the best thing to do for her is to just help her achieve her peace.

And maybe...

Just maybe...

Stop thinking that she'll be more than a friend to me.

To be Continued...