
Chapter 20 - Result

Theresa sat in the living room, watching tv and eating a bag of chips. Her mother vacuumed the floor, and thankfully the vacuum wasn't too loud to distract her from the show she was watching.

She wore a simple short white shirt and sweatpants with a clean bandage neatly wrapped around her neck. "I can't comprehend why you would provoke someone holding something equivalent to a sword to your neck." Dinah suddenly stopped in front of the tv, looking down at her daughter.

"Come on, mom. It was a week ago." Theresa groaned, rolling her eyes, with her horse voice gone. "I knew he wouldn't do it, and he knew that himself. It was just an empty threat."

"But, what if it WASN'T an empty threat?" Her mother countered, glaring down at her daughter. "Then what would you do?"

"Kick him in the balls before he can do anything." She smirked, crunching on a chip. "I am sure that would knock him down."

"...*Sigh*" Dinah sighed, massaging her forehead. "All I want is for you to be careful and don't gamble with your life like that."

"Alright, mom," Theresa replied, mumbling. "It's not like you haven't told me that a thousand times."

She ignored her statement and asked, "Is the result for the entrance exam due today?" Her mother walked away from the television and continued to vacuum. "Do you know what time?"

"No clue." She shrugged, taking the remote and rewinding her show back to where she missed when her mother got in the way. "They didn't tell us the time, just the day."

"Hitoshi's result came in yesterday." Dinah said, moving to vacuum behind the couch Theresa was sitting on. "Poor boy didn't manage to get into the Hero course." She sighed, "At least he got into the General Department with the highest ranking and number 1 in the written test."

She smirked at her daughter, "You could have studied with us, then maybe you will be like Hitoshi and get 98 in the written exam."

"*Tsk* Fuck off." Theresa grumbled, rewinding her show for the part she missed when her mother was blocking her.

"Hahaha! I know you are regretting that decision." Dinah laughed at Theresa, holding her stomach. After a few seconds, she calmed and looked toward her daughter. "But I hope you get into Shiketsu.

"I don't even want to get into that school." Theresa mumbled, "It's just a copy of U.A. All their practical exams were copied from U.A. Who would want to enter that fucking school?"

Dinah turned to her daughter and said, "Shiketsu always copies the U.A. practical exam? I never knew that."

"Yeah. You only have to look at the Shiketsu Practical Test to see that they've copied U.A. for over ten years now." She scoffed, fast-forwarding the show because they were too much talking at that scene, stopping it when the action started. "I wish I'd apply to the U.A. instead of this trash school." Even present mic 2.0 is a copy."

"But, Shiketsu was once the most prestigious hero school in Japan." Dinah sighed, "U.A. couldn't even compete with it back then. But once they brought up All Might, the school continued to grow, producing some of the finest heroes in Japan, including Endeavor and Best Jeanist."

"That was the past." Theresa snarled, dropping the remote on the couch beside her. "Now, it's just a washed-up copy of U.A."

Dinah didn't respond as she continued vacuuming. A few minutes later, Theresa felt her phone next to her vibrate and picked it up to see an email from Shiketsu.

Seeing the mail, she froze, staring blankly at her phone. "Fuck." She groaned, unlocking her phone and navigating to the mail. "This better be good."


Result for Shiketsu High School entrance exam.

Name: Theresa Fernsby

Examiner Number: #420

Written Exam Score: 69

Passing Score: 90

Result: Failed

Practical Exam: 129

Villain Points: 99

Rescue Point: 30

Passing Score: 30

Result: Pass

Department of Heroes Entrance requirements--

Written Exam: 90

Practical Exam: 30

Result: Failed

Due to your result, you have been denied entry to the Department of Heroes. You were transferred to the Department of General Education after a thorough decision was made.

Department of General Education Entrance requirements--

Written Exam: 90

Result: Failed

Due to your low written exam score, you have been denied admission to the Department of General Education. After a thorough analysis, you have been assigned to the Department of General Education.

Class: Class 1-C

Class Seat: Seat No. 17

Message from Homeroom Teacher--

Welcome to Shiketsu High School Department of General Education, Theresa Fernsby! YEAAAAH! It will be an honor to meet you on the first day of class in the second week of April!



"..." Theresa stared at her phone in disbelief, scrolling through the mail and re-reading it three times. "Oh, I passed." She mumbled, a bright smile on her face. "HAHAHAHA! I FUCKING PASSED!"

"Why are you so excited?" Dinah questioned, her head tilted. "I thought you didn't want to attend that school."

"Yes, I don't want to." Theresa turned to her mother with a grin. "But it will hurt my pride if I fail. I mean, how could I? Hahaha!" She laughed, falling back on the couch with a smile filled with pride on her face.

Confused, Dinah turned off the vacuum and snatched Theresa's phone from her hand. "Let me see that." She said, quickly reading through the mail. "But you failed the written exam with a 69. How are you proud of that?" She asked, looking back at her daughter.

"Who gives a shit about written exams!" Theresa shouted, sitting up with a grin. "I fucking passed the practical exam with 129 points, one point short of a flawless score. That proves my strength, and that's all that matters."

The thought that she needed her father's tip to get into the school entered her mind, but she denied it. He told her, but she did it with her own strength. It was all her accomplishments and no one else.

Dinah stared at her cheerful daughter, turning back to the mail. "...You didn't enter the hero department."

Theresa shrugged, "I don't care. It's not like I wanted to be a hero." She turned back to the TV, having forgotten about it. She picked up the remote and turned off the TV, losing interest in watching the show. "Entering the hero department would prove more troublesome. I will have to do heroic deeds." He gagged at the thought.

Even stepping out of her way to help those trash during the practical test irked her. She would never become a hero out of selflessness to save others in danger. Going out of her way to save others or putting her life at risk for the sake of others?

"*Chuckle*" The thought made her chuckle. She stood up to stretch before taking the phone from her mother's hands. "The only problem is that my homeroom teacher is a Present Mic copy, but I doubt he will be that loud when teaching, or else he would have gotten fired a long time ago." She sighed before turning to leave. "I will be heading to my room to facetime my friends back in Corpus Christi, so please don't disturb me."

"All right." Dinah muttered, staring at her daughter as she walked away.

She wanted her daughter to fail the test in the hope that it would bring about a change in her. At this point, her daughter was beaming with arrogance and narcissism. This personality will pose a major problem for her and those around her if she keeps it. It exists now, but it will only grow more serious.

Dinah sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I wonder if she will ever change."

- - - - - - - - - -

Garrick sat in the president's office, looking through a file of paper while she sat on her desk, drinking warm tea from her tea cup. "So, what do you think?" She asked, savoring the taste of the tea.

"A boy diagnosed as quirkless, neither having his mother's quirk to attract small objects, his father's quirk to breath fire, or a combination of both, sent the zero point villain bot flying with a single punch." Garrick summarized the paper he held in his hands, lightly placing it on the desk. "Yeah. That's suspicious."

"And you only realized it now?" The president asked, looking up at him.

"Well, when I heard the story, it didn't interest me." Garrick honestly replied, looking down at the image on the paper belonging to a boy. He had a round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, with large green eyes and a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek. "Even his face screams wimp. I shouldn't have overlooked it."

"Yes. It seems like you should improve on that." She nodded, sipping her tea.

"I do." He sighed, leaning back on the couch. "I had wanted to investigate him after watching Theresa's practical test after witnessing the strength of the Arena Trap but brushed it off as someone with a powerful quirk."

He returned his eyes to the paper, "Though I was right about the person having a powerful quirk, I was wrong about thinking it was normal." He looked up at her. "Did he register his quirk?"

"Yes." The president replied, sliding forward a package filled with the boy's quirk registration documents on her desk. "He claimed he awakened it only a few hours before the U.A. entrance exam and quickly rushed to register it after the exam so as not to be taken to court for having an unregistered quirk."

Now in front of her desk, Garrick picked up the folder, removed the file, and began reading.


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Date of Birth: July 15, ****

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Blood Type: O

Quirk: Strength Enhancement



He read more of the boy's information, mumbling. "Nothing seems to stand out except his sudden appearance of quirk..." He paused, his eyes moving back to the short description of the boy's quirk. "and how much his quirk can boost his body, enough to one hit kill the zero point robot." He looked at the president sipping her tea. "Did you find anything more about him? I doubt you have been sitting still once you found his situation weird."

"Yep." She nodded, reaching into her drawer and bringing out another file. "You will find something interesting inside."

In anticipation, Garrick opened the file, looking at the first object inside. A picture of the boy, Midoriya, in the junkyard beach, Takoba Municipal Beach Park, with another person in front of him. It was a very skinny man with sharp, angular features, long limbs, a long neck, and absent eyebrows, wearing baggy clothing too big for him.

"He is with Yagi?" he murmured, looking through all the other pictures. They were together in most of them, with the boy cleaning up the beach, while Yagi watched from the side, training in the gym while Yagi 'spots' him, jogging around the city while Yagi rides a self-balancing electric scooter, and many more images of them together. "They know each other?" He asked, looking back at the president, "Since when? Why wasn't I notified of this?"

"It was recently." She replied, looking at the empty tea cup. "He was one of the boys All Might saved during the mud villain attack. Some days later, the spy I placed to keep track of Yagi caught the first picture of them together."

"Is he still able to keep track of Yagi?" Garrick asked, eyes wide open. "I thought he would be caught already. He shouldn't have been able to survive a year with all the pro-heroes around him, especially All Might. Are the heroes that incompetent?"

"I told you already. His quirk is special." She placed the cup on the saucer before leaning back in her chair. "You experienced it too. He was standing behind you and even you failed to sense him when he was standing right behind you."

"I have grown dull with all these years in the office and I will admit it." He said, dropping the files. "That's beside the point. Is there a reason for them being together?" He asked, turning the conversation back to the matter of the boy and Yagi, "What else have you found out?" He knew that this old woman before him wouldn't reveal what she was investigating until it came to a point where it would be a big reveal.

"In fact, it seems that the boy knows All Might as well, and they seem close to each other." The president revealed, clasping her hands together on the table. "With the spy's sense, he could feel when danger is near, and that sense always pops up whenever All Might appears. During those eight months, he appeared so much that the spy didn't even get time to spy on Yagi."

"So you use that to assume?" Garrick asked, "Don't it activate for other heroes?"

"Only Endeavor and All Might, and sometimes Nighteye." The president noted, "But Endeavor hates Yagi like a fish hates air, so I see no reason for him to be visiting the boy and Yagi."

"...I don't know. They might be secret lovers. You know, Romeo and Juliet..." Garrick noticed the president's face twisted in disgust, quickly adding, "Just saying."

She ignored his statement and continued, "And Nighteye and Yagi are on ill terms and haven't met in years, and at the rate that the spy's danger sense activates then disappears, I doubt Nighteye has the speed to appear next to Yagi and disappear seconds later." She paused, "Unless he has an unregistered quirk."

"So you think All Might and Yagi both know the boy?" Garrick scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, he did something heroic by running to save his friend despite being quirkless, but I doubt that would be enough to make All Might and Yagi become his 'friends.'. Many people have acted selflessly in his presence, and he has never done this to them." He stared at pictures of the boy crying while kneeling beside a junk car. "What makes him special?"

Silence fell upon the room before they simultaneously said, "The boy's quirk?"

"Maybe All Might had known about the boy's quirk and had him clean the junk from the beach to train his body to handle his quirk, so he would rip himself apart while using it." Garrick speculated, with the president nodding. "We did hear he broke both legs and his right arm after using his strength boost quirk on them."

"Yes. The boy's body would have burst if he didn't train it during those ten months." The president agreed, "So maybe All Might took advantage of it and made the boy clean the beach while Yagi supervised his training, hence All Might's visits."

"But that still leaves out the question." Garrick mumbled, "When exactly did he awaken his quirk? During the mud villain attack? He might have manifested due to the stressful situation he was in."

"Right..." The president agreed, "Or it might have happened very suddenly. Who knows. We should investigate the boy further."

"Now we are on the topic of enhancement quirk. I have been meaning to ask this." Garrick leaned on the table. "All Might quirks offer strength enhancement, a common quirk, but he grew it to a staggering level. All Enhancement quirk changes the user body or adds extra effects to signify the quirk's activation, like the boy, Midoriya, who gained green lightning.

"So, here is the question. What is All Might's effect? The feats he has been performing are something NO ONE can do without using their quirk, so he must have utilized his strength enhancement quirk." He turned to the president, "But we have never seen his effect."

"I always had that question too and came up with a theory that he is just a normal guy who activates his quirk and becomes the buff All Might we all know to fight villains." She shrugged, "Who knows. Toshinori Yagi might be All Might."


"BAHAHAHAHA!" They both burst out laughing like maniacs, with Garrick stomping on the ground and the president holding her stomach. This carried on for more than a minute before they both calmed down, breathing heavily.

"That was the funniest joke you ever said." Garrick chuckled, wiping away tears from his eyes. "How can that guy be All Might?"

"Ri-right." The president agreed, holding her ribs in pain. "I am too old to laugh like this."

"But, in all seriousness, we know nothing of who All Might truly is." Garrick solemnly said, "All we know is that he was a United States hero who came to Japan with Yagi more than 20 years ago and has been working as a Japanese hero, hence his attacks named after the stats in the U.S. Even after searching for his background in the States., nothing came up."

"He knows how to keep his private life a secret, better than anyone else I have ever met. I admire that." The president smiled before turning to Garrick. "What about your secret identity? Are you intending to reveal it as you planned?"

"No." Garrick immediately replied. "Naming Theresa as my daughter, as Hypnotic's daughter, would be a stain on that name. How could the daughter of the legendary Hypnotic score 69 on her written test?" His face morphed to one of disgust, "I overestimated her intelligence."

"So, how are you planning on proceeding with your plan?" The president asked, interested in his response.

"Hawk is still an undercover villain acting as an undercover hero, so I will let him spread the information to the underworld." Garrick explained, "They wouldn't bring the news out in the open, in fear of me finding out and in fear of revealing their most valuable 'spy', Hawk's, identity."

"That would keep your identity a secret while continuing the fishing plan." The president nodded, "It's better than your last one. Why didn't you think of this one before?"

Garrick shrugged, "I just hope the fish will eat the bait soon. I am skilled at waiting, but I don't like it."

"I agree." The president yawned, tired. She was too old for all these.

- - - - - - - - - -

With a laugh, a man said, "He intentionally revealed his and his daughter's identities to the spy, Hawk, so his secret would reach the villain world without having to become public with it, using his own daughter as bait to draw us out." He smiled, "Impressive, Hypnotic. You are truly fascinating, just like your quirk."

"Does he truly think any competent person will fall for something like this?" A man behind him questioned, "How stupid does he think villains are?"

"You will be surprised, Doctor." The first man replied, "I am confident that a group of villains is already planning how to capture Hypnotic's daughter. They are all stupid rats just as Hypnotic believes." The man grinned, "If he wants 'the kid,' why don't we give it to him?"

"I don't think he is ready, sensei." The doctor shook his head. "He is still unstable."

"And it's time we stopped hand feeding him." The man reached out to touch the screen in front of him. "His older brother has already taken a step forward on the path to become the symbol of fear and inherit my legacy. Why shouldn't he take his own step?"

"I don't know..." The doctor mumbled, "But you are right. Its time 'the child' take his first step into the real world. We have given him a lot."

"One is worthy that he may become the next 'me,' and the other has infinite potential." The light from the screen lit half of the shadowed man's face, revealing a grinning man with a face entirely made up of scar tissue, extending from above his upper lip and covering his entire head and the back of his neck. As such, he had no visible nose, ears, hair, or eyes, though the outlines of his eye sockets were visible. "Why don't we let them compete, doctor? To see whoever would become the next 'me.'"

Chapter End~~


Word Count: 3407

I wonder who that is in the last part. I am sure no-one would know...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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