
Gewalt of the End

Azazel_Leo · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Ch.1 Reset amidst chaos

Smoke billowed out of the ruins of what once a vibrant city which has now been case down into ruins. The alien armada, superior in technology and power, had turned earth into a haunting playground. The devastation causing a cacophony of horror and screams in the midst of the cold winter night. The fact that just a few hours ago Earth, which emerged a bastion of technological marvel and innovation after it's struggles in the early 21st century with several pandemics, a global climate disaster and an economical crisis. And now it laid sieged by a force so massive and advanced non of the outer orbit satellites of the late 21st century could detect these enormous vessels of mass destruction and they plunge straight into the heart of the city square. The fear and rage the earthlings faced on this day was tantamount to the destruction brought by the railguns and laser beams scorching the highrise buildings in the city of New York.

Dr. Kahn von Ackermann was in the midst of his daily practice when a gauss cannonfire ripped into his clinic resulting in a devastating blast as sharpnels burst into the patient ward. Dr Kahn as shellshocked and confused as he was still tried to find what was going in the neighbouring vicinity.

Loud blares and air raid sirens rang in the vicinity as he tired to understand what was going on in his neighbourhood. It has been years since Dr Kahn left the military after an injury to his leg due to a mission in the south China sea. Taking the glock-19 from his drawer Dr Kahn in his bleeding and delirious state rose from his corner when a sudden shuttle blasted down from the roof immediately blasting the floor of the clinic leading to viscera and concrete spilling all over the floor. The door of this shuttle opened when an alien greyish dark arm jetted out of the entrance and pinned Kahn onto to wall. That's when he saw the 10ft tall grey giant emerge from the shuttle. Eyes like the blackest of obsidian with multiple red rings for pupils. An elongated jaw with canines like that of a carnivores beast. This humanoid alien had elongated stag like horns emerging from his forhead and black hair tinted with silver and onyx streaks. This creature of nightmare had a hint of ruthlessness and undulating murderous intent. Kahn was in a precarious situation as he tried to get away from the grasp of this monster. A sense of foreboding tunnelled into his mind as Kahn tired his best to wriggle out from this predicament. Just when he thought he was going to be squashed into meat paste by this alien, a beam of concentrated energy sliced off the grey arm as Kahn crashed down into a pile of files and clinical instruments.

That's when he saw a blade as long as 2 meters being weilded by a woman barely in her late teens or early 20s staring daggers at the crippled alien.

"Are you alright?" said the girl as she splashed away the dark blood from her blade.

"I'm quite alright. And who might you be miss? What in the hell is going on here" Kahn wheezed out the words as he tried to get his bearing again.

"We don't have time, I can't explain in details now but we need to get out of here" said the girl as she activated a homing device while plunging the blade into the alien while it tried to scurry off.

"Can you explain to me what's going on here" Kahn inquired again still on his guard.

"Move we don't have time, I'll explain on the way" barked the girl as she sliced her way out of the rubble.

"What about my patients? I need to check if they are alright" said Kahn as he was unsure what to do in this situation.

"They won't survive, we need to get you out of here Dr Kahn" barked the girl as she pulled him by the collar.

This girl who was barely 5.7ft tired to drag Kahn who was quite lanky causing an awkward situation. Feeling quite helpless Kahn followed her through the winding rubbles.

Once they were out of the collapsed concrete and steel rubbles Kahn saw the sight he would have never imagined in a million years, raised to the ground was the city scape of New York and sprawling in the distance was humongous number of warhips that set ablaze the skyline in a hue reminiscent of hell on earth, the grim picture causing a nausiating feeling that seems to dig into Kahn and gnawing his brain with a sense of dread.

"I know you are confused right now Dr. Kahn but I implore you to not forget this moment. The moment the planet Earth as we know it gets attacked and enslaved by the Kangla-Sha Empire from the galactic heartlands." Said the girl in a bitter voice while she took out a tesseract like item.

"This is a quantum space artifact, in it lies a source of power incomparable to anything the universe has ever seen. Dr Kahn promise me you will keep this safe." The girl's eyes were clear as lake water as she glanced at Kahn with a very solemn look.

As they were in the middle of the conversation a battlecruiser appeared menacingly on top of where they stood.

"Remember Kahn.. I hope when we meet next time you will be a bit more sincere and forthcoming with your feelings....." Her voice trailed off as she bit her lips while trying to stay composed in front of the battlecruiser.

"Remember my name Kahn it's Eleanor Priyanka Ayutthaya" the girl finally said in a sad but expectant tone, her strangely shimmering violet hair cascading on her olive skin giving her an ethereal beauty quite out of this world.

"What do you mean when we meet again?.." Kahn was confused while he felt the pressure of the Titanic gauss cannons aimed at the both of them. This was the last moment of Dr. Kahn von Ackermann as he was incinerated by the heat of the gauss rifle, or so he thought until there was a strange chime in his mind.

[ Welcome Kahn von Ackermann ]

[ Administrator change initiated ]

[Gewalt of the Finality receiving a new host]

[ Quantum entanglement initiated. Commencing reverse time jump with host to 75 years before invasion.

2100... 2090... 2070...2050....2025 ]

With a strange pull like that of a wormhole Kahn was finally blipped into another moment in the endless stream of time. Back to a time when everything was quite simple and yet so much more...

This is my first novel so I'm trying to juggle work and also write a story of epic proportions with grand schemes and an interesting blend of the fantasy and sci-fi genres.

Azazel_Leocreators' thoughts