
Chapter 16: After the storm[Cancelled]



- HP: 5M/5M

- Sta: 62/100

- State: Cursed II (all stats are 50% lower except health and stamina)

Days left: 20

"Sir! An adventurer has gone lost in the woods. What should we do when he comes back?"

The commander gives some gestures with one hand.

"I understand. We shall ask him about it to confirm."

At the forest, where two lives are fighting for the last stand.

Suddenly, Hivon throws a handful of flash powder at the demon's face. It cannot block it. He then throws tacks at its body. Since this is a shapeshifter, <Mark of prey> won't increase damage. There is a way to fight a shapeshifter within what he has.

"Lowly human. You should have died two years ago" as it raises its claws for the next flurries wave

"Winner takes all. Loser dies" Hivon grips on his hook and rope.

He controls the hooks and ropes flow to cut the demon while blocking its flurries. He then pulls out some white powder again. The demon is wary about another thunder drop at its body. It keeps the distance. But what Hivon holds is chalk powder. Then he throws it at its eyes.

"Humiliation! You dare to trick me?" It rubs its eyes

Taking the chance, Hivon quickly disables its ability to move first. He uses a dagger coated with oil then stabs its neck. Then he pushes it faraway enough then


The flash powder ignites the oil and the demon is burning. Since shapeshifter's blood is flammable if it contacts with oil.

-Sta: 20/100

Exhaustion takes a toll on Hivon. Slower movement.

'Fight through the fatigue or die' He tightly grips his weapons.

"Hey buddy, let me take care of that demon. Just take the finisher." a soft male voice comes closer to Hivon

He turns his back. Walris breathes out a white fog.

"The <glimmering reaper>?" it cowers

"So, this is the one causing the troubles around heh? I have been trying to hunt this punk for a while" <The White Foul Knight> readies his dagger.

A fog is covered in this area. In a flash, Walris carries the demon to Hivon. The Foul Knight lifts the young man's hand holding a dagger.

"Thanks for the help, Walris" Hivon smiles

"A small favor from my saviour's demand" Walris guides the masked adventurer's hand to the demon's head

After the battle, everyone celebrates in the night with alcohol and dances. Thanks to Walris' explanation, Hivon avoided a dreadful flag.

"Say, who would have thought luck is a thing?" a mercenary holds his cup

"Yeah, in a sudden, they retreated and trampled on each other" another one bites roasted meat

Hivon sits quietly in the inn's room reading a book with his helmet off. The scar is still on his left eye. But this time, he smiles knowing that he kills off a burden.

In the next morning, Hivon comes to the adventurer guild for another quest.

"This one? You could go there but be careful not to lose any of your supplies"

"I know I know" A mage scratches his head

"Hmmm, you can go but please, don't recklessly charge alone like last time. I know Sir Garyll allowed you to take head on that naga and demon once but please scout and burn down this outpost okay?"

"Okay! Okay! I will only take down this outpost, not the entire village like last time" Hivon takes the paper.

-- level 102--

+Job: scout

+Weapon affinity: hook

+Magic affinity: none

- HP: 5M/5M

- Sta: 200/200

- Str: 80

- Agi: 90

- End: 200

- Int: 100

- Evasion: 90

- Luck: 90

He now goes to the supplies stores as usual before departing.

Food, water, flash powder, tacks, ropes, a few spare metal hooks.

"So you are going to burn down an outpost?" A guard takes a look at the paper


"Sometimes, I wonder what is under your helmet"

"This is my face! If you takes my face away, I will kill you"

"Fine, fine, don't make a ruckus here. Anyway, go!"

I am now busy with those projects. I am gonna resume after that capstone courses starting in early 2022. After the storm, I may come back for this and finish the job. If you are a writer, you can write possible fates. note: You can use the same world setting but please leave the characters mentioned from the start to this chapter out of this. Weird fanfics will make you even more embrassing if you are not careful.

Keep this on your collection and wait for my return after the storm. Don't worry. you can interact with me on discord. (mindhijacker#4702). Don't send friend request please. I am in Webnovel discord (both writer and reader ones).

Special thanks:

-Dzeeck for cheering me up with his future dnd game and wacky ideas.

-Pancake for chatting me that time.

-A close friend who gives me the best chatting times (Z).

-matto (from wesnoth) pushes me to start writing.

nomanlikecreators' thoughts