
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · Du hí
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
80 Chs

Ch 43-The Tarrot Card Party

2 month later-

In the heart of the Yellow Lands, there stood a unique building that harmoniously blended Chinese architectural elements with a touch of European influence. This establishment was none other than the infamous mercenary guild, where anyone and everyone had the opportunity to become a member. Here, the only thing that truly mattered was your ability to get the job done, as mercenaries from all walks of life gathered to share stories, laughter, and drinks.

"Haha Zhang wei do you have any other juicy news" laughed the mercenary as he drank beer along with his friend

"Indeed I do Wang Wei, recently the mercenary guild has received a powerful group called the Tarot Card Party" commented Zhang Wei as he drank from his beer.

"Really? Never heard of them" said Wang Wei as he didn't really care about other people, usually he would be interested if it was about some renowned adventurer or someone like that but it was just a bunch of newbies.

"Don't underestimate them Wang, one of the other mercs tried to grab the ass of the white and red haired girl in the group, and the leader cut off his hand in a second without anybody being able to see his movements" said Zhang with a Sigh.

"Really, you believe that nonsense?" Said Wang in a mocking tone

With an annoyed grumble, Zahng said "I didn't hear it but I saw it, the day they came to sign up I was there and saw it all. it was scary when it happened because some sort of pressure made everyone kneel to the leader.

Wang obviously didn't believe him until.


Suddenly the door was opened and give figures came walking in, the whole room and I mean the whole room became quiet as no one dared to speak in their presence out of fear.

Surprised by everyone's reaction Wang asked "What wrong with them? They got all quiet when they came in" asked Wang in an oblivious tone.

"Shhh, quiet your voice, Wang, damit! You will get us killed" said Zhang in a scared voice.

Surprised by his reaction Wang asked"So that the ones you're scared about they all seem like wannabe mercenaries"

"Hm?" Suddenly he felt something warm falling down his cheek, touching on the spot he found... Blood.

'What in bloody heck' thought Wang in surprise as he was bleeding out of nowhere. Suddenly he felt a lair of two great eyes looking down on him as if some sort of great god was awaiting to bring judgment to him.

In a stiff movement, he turned around and saw the man in all back and long back hair tied into a high ponytail put his hand in front of his mouth into a shushing gesture along with a 'smile'

Wang nodded like a chicken eating and the dangerous man went back to minding. His own business. With a sigh of relief, Wang turned back to his friend who was turned around looking away from him.

"Zhang, why are you looking away?" Asked Wang as he was still feeling cold sweat flowing down his forehead from earlier interaction.

"Eh, you're alive?. I thought your head would roll and I didn't want to see a friend die so it turned around" said Zhang with a sigh of relief

*Twitch* Wang's lips twitched in annoyance.

really? you didn't think I would survive? and all you did was look away!

"*Sigh* Never mind anyways who are they?" quietly whispered Wang to Zhang as he didn't want to get his head chopped off.

"Let's start with their beginnings first, the five of them came a month ago and became mercenaries only to rise to all rise to B rank in that single month. The chick with the white and red hair is Topaz Pendragon the 'The Tower' also known as the 'Red Eyed Demon'. Honestly, I feel like that fits her since she is a bow user and when she fights her pupils turn red with some weird black symbols on the side, by the way, she is also the leader's little sister. she also seems to be the person who manages the groups expenses and money related issues when it comes to quest reward, if the numbers seem wrong or the reward isn't enough for other efforts than she will do the negotiatons" Explained Zhang as he continued.

"Next is the man with the lazy smile and blue hair, his name is Ban the 'Hanged Man'. A merc that had beef with them tried to jump him and stabbed the guy through the chest with his sword, but the weirdo just pulled it out and healed instantly" Said Zhang gaining a gasp from Wang.

"Really how is that even possible!" Exclaimed Wang in disbelief.

"Dunno but each of them is absurd, next is the flying ball next to the leader" (Zhang)

"Flying ball?" said Wang in confusion, looking back at them quickly at a glance he noticed some sort of flying ball next to the black dreed man who was talking to the guild receptionist. Looking back at his friend as he didn't want to die he nodded as he finally saw the ball he was talking about.

As Zhang saw that Wang finally knew what ball he was talking about he continued "Anyways the ball's name is Merlin Pendragon 'The Hermit'. He isn't much of a fighter but more of the group's support and waking library. I heard 'The Hanged Man' asking about something called cursed energy and 'The Hermit' answered with stuff I couldn't even begin to understand". (Zhang)

"now then to the kids walking there are Kanna Pendragon and Rex Lapis Pendragon, daughter and son of the man in black. They might not look like much and they dont have a title given by their father like the three before but their just like their daddy, Saw the boy swat a fly off from his face and accidentally created a huge gust of wind that nearly blew the plates off everyone's table. The sister is even scarier because she froze a man who tried to kidnap her into a cube of ice, they both might look twelve years old but their nothing but monsters." (Zhang)

"... Arent they all-" (Wang)

before he could finish his words zhang spoke "Monsters?. yes indeed but they dont compare to their leader. Meliodas Pendragon 'The Fool' also nicknamed by others as the Dark Armory" (Zhang)

"Dark Armory?" (Wang)

"Aye indeed, the man is nothing but a mystery, he himself hasn't shown any sort of crazy powers like the others but he always fights with a wide variety of magical weapons. And with the way he dresses all black and his long coat, they gave him the nickname Dark Armory. The title of 'The Fool' was something that he gave himself, dont know why he would call himself something like that but I'm sure that it has some deeper meaning." (Zhang)

"I see, but why is everyone so scared of him? it's not like he has monstrous powers like the others?" Asked Wang in confusion, he didn't see why everyone was scared of him. Yes, the magical weapons he uses should be strong but not something that should be scary enough for everyone to shut up in his presence.

"Dont underestimate him Wang, a few weeks ago a merchant heard about his magical weapons and tried to buy them from him. The Dark Armory rejected him making the merchant mad, the next day he came back with a small army of 300 men only to be slaughtered by Dark Armory with his own two hands. I heard a rumor about him saying that 'It was bout sending out a message' in the middle of a sea of blood he created from those 300 men he killed and the merchant." (Zhang)

Hearing his absurd story Wang's eyes opened wide in surprise '300 men!, even monsters dont kill that many people in a year!' thought Wang in his mind as he started to sweat in fear... just earlier the man that killed 300 men had given him a warning and from now on he will take it to heart.

Seeing his scared friend Zhang spoke again "Dont worry about them, they may seem scary but they're actually quite peaceful. The only time they kill people is when they either mess with them to a boiling point or they try to fight them." He reassured his friend.

Hearing his old friend's words he became calm again. looking back at the group Wang couldn't help but wonder what kind of monsters they were in human skin.


"So you want us to go to the blue land?" I asked

"Yes, right now we have a S-rank emergency quest, Although you are all B-rank mercenaries, I'm pretty sure that your strength long passes that. The quest is in an emergency so I'm able to bypass the rank restriction." Explained a woman in front of the guild counter.

her name was Mei Liu and she was the guild receptonist that we have talked to since coming here and became mercenaries, she is also one of the few people who isn't scared of us.

"So whats the quest about, I'm sure its something dangerous for it to be a emergency S-rank quest~" Asked Ban with a lazy tone.

"Yes it is, a evil one-eyed black dragon has arisen in the blue land in the kingdom of watoria, the ragon has been causing havoc and endless slaughter in its wake. they sent many soldiers and armies to defeat it but it was all of naught. Its gotten so bad that they dont care about ho comes as long as the job can be done." Explained Mei.

"I see... I'm up for it but lets go for a democratic vote who wants to go" I said as i raise my hand.

"Sounds interesting plus i also what to see the blue land, we haven't traveled anywhere outside the blue land this whole time" (Ban)

"Sounds interesting, wonder if there's anything worth buying over there. Im sure there's some blue land specialties i could get" Chimed in Topaz

"Umu~, lets go dad i heard that there's giant lakes to swim in!. Lets have a beach party!" Said Kanna with excitement.

"Mhm, i would also like to go sight seeing the way over there. I am also curious about this dragon" said rex in a calm demeanor though that still couldn't hide his excitement. 

[Me to I'm curious about its strength, maybe it could be some sort of mutation from how strong it is] Said merlin in an equal exited tone.

"I see then we will take the quest and go and help the blue land" (Meliodas)

"Great!, il give you the locations were the dragon has been recently sighted, i hope it helps but just wait a bit while i look for the documents" said Mei as she ran to the back to look in between her files.

Looking back at my team who was happily chatting, i couldn't help but feel proud at how strong they have all become in these past two months. Especially Kanna and Rex.

Its just been two months since they have been born but they have the intelligence of a 14 year old. of course they still have their childish inocene but their speed in wich they learn is frightening. 


Durig the first month of time skip-

In the heart of the enchanting forest, a solitary figure stands motionless, bathed in dappled sunlight filtering through the thick canopy of leaves. With eyes gently closed. The earth beneath their feet is soft and yielding, an invitation to serenity and stillness. The rustling leaves and the distant call of birds form a symphony of nature, a soothing backdrop to their silent meditation. 


Amidst the serene forest, just as the person stood with eyes closed, a sudden, sharp whistle pierced the air from behind. In an instant, his instincts took over, and with a fluid motion, he shifted his body slightly and extended his hand behind his head. The world seemed to slow down as his fingers closed around the shaft of an arrow aimed directly at their head, its sharp point mere inches from their skin.

"Nice try Topaz but you need to be faster than that." Siad Meliodas who was the figure that catches the arrow.

Surrounded by the unsettling shuffles and mysterious noises, Meliodas remained vigilant, poised for the next attack. Tension hung in the air like a cloak, and just when he least expected it, a sudden breeze tickled the nape of his neck. In a lightning-quick response, he instinctively dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding a spear hurtling towards him. As the weapon whizzed past, his senses sharpened and he quickly kicked behind him sending his attacker flying in the air.

"better be faster Ban, your spear is sharp but not quick enough~" teased Meliodas to Ban who was getting up from the floor.

"UGH~, Captain cant you be a little more gentle when you kick me" (Ban)

"Nope, Cant do-"




Suddenly three diferent wistels came from different directions, meliodas Senses highened and created a sword out of Aether.




with three quick slashed Meliodas cut all the arrows in half. 

"Found You~~" said meliodas wth a grin, Meliodas concentrated Aether on his legs and launched towards a direction to his left in a blits of speed. in seconds he came on front of Topaz who was kneeling down on a tree branch as she drew her bow.

"huh?" said Topaz in confusion as Meliodas grabed her by the face and threw her to the ground from high up from the tree she was on.

Topaz grunted in pain as she skiped through the ground from the speed she was thrown. A sudden gust of wind grew below her as it broked her momentum, alwing her to stand up again in pain. 

"good thing I learned Adeptal Arts, controlling wind really is convenient" Said topaz in relief. In the time that they have been training Topaz has been learning Adeptal Arts from both Merlin and Meliodas. With Meliodas Cobat Skill and Merlins Theoretcal Knowledge, Topaz was able to find out that she has great talent for wind, reinforcement, and fire Adeptal Arts.

Meliodas, the enigmatic giver of unusual gifts, had also bestowed upon her not only the peculiar "Compound bow" but also a card of profound significance. As she accepted it, her body absorbed the card's energy with an inexplicable resonance. In an instant, a new power coursed through her, an ability known as the 'Sharingan'. or at least that's what Meliodas told her about what her new ability was."

With her newly awakened Sharingan, her eyes took on an otherworldly glow, granting her insight and heightened perception that seemed to transcend the ordinary bounds of human capability. Meliodas told her that her new blood red eyes had other abilities but that would be something for her to learn later.

brushing off the dut on her clothes a voice spoke up from behind her.

"Captain got you to already~" Said Ban with a chuckle

"Yeah, brother grabbed my face and slamed me into the ground" She said with a strained smile.

*chuckle* Ban smiled but suddenly he swung his spear striking Topaz on her stomach 

with a painful grunt kneeled on the floor as she held her stomach in pain. looking up at Ban with small tears coming gout of her eyes she said "What the heck Ban hy did you hit me!, were against big bro not eachother.

Ban anly smiled but the space around him suddenly stacked as if a mirrored has just been shatered. ai it broke it revealed a evily grinning meliodas.

'What?" said Topaz in confusion.

"heh, i never said that the battle was over did i~, you could have very easily seen through my light illusion if you had kept your eyes activated. Rememebr in a batle always stay wary even among allies." Lectured Meliodas.

earlier when he threw her by the face Meliodas did a little something before he used his light manipulation to turn himself into an illusion of Ban. He went over to were he left her and surprised attack her to teach er a lesson.

with a discouraged sight Topaz nodded at his words and followed him bac to camp.

After a few minutes of walking Topaz saw Ban happily eating food that had cooked himself. When meliodas gave Topaz her Sharingan, Ban became a bit sulky at how Toaz was getting all the cool powers but Meliodas just said that he would teach him all his cooking skills wich were equally oe even more valuable than any skill or power Ban could have ever hoped for.

looking at the returning duw Ban said with a easing grin "So the Captain got you to~" teased Ban.

"Be quiet Ban he got to you faster than he did to me!" growled Topaz back in her defence.

"Actually I trashed Topaz first then i went back and fininshed Ban off before i came to you and surprised attack you" Teased meliodas as he took a bite out of Bans scrambled egg sandwich.

"Hm~, its god but you overcooked it a bit, and could use a bit more of salt but over all the taste is great" Complimented Meliodas.

Hearing his captains compliments his mood became better, although he did feel a bit disehartened by his crtisims, Ban knew that he just needed to become a better cook that could go on ar with Meliodas

"Thanks Cap~"

As the three of them sat down Meliodas spoke up.

"Alright then first Ban, You have great strength and a huge pool of Cursed energy at your disposal but your not using it right. whe you fight me you didn't have any type of counter attack or defences against atacks i could make back at you when you attack me first, Always remember to be two steps ahead of your opponent and always know your next move." Commented Meliodas earning a nod from Ban

"Now for you Topaz, The moment you stoped moving was the moment i was able to find you. for a person who doesn't specialize in close range combat, having your target find you is a fatal mistake. Also remember to keep those eyes of your on all the time as long as you still have an enemy in the vicinity. I know that the Adpetal Energy consumption it has is great bt the benefit it gives outweghts it." (Meliodas

When they were fighting Meliodas didn't use his [Observation Haki] as it would make things to easy for him, so the moment she stoped moving was the moment his own instincts picked her up.

"Got it, Never stop moving and always be aler of your surroundings" (Topaz)

As everyone began eating their food, a childish voice came from behind Meliodas, Both Kanna and Rex started runing towards Meliodas until they hugged.

"Dad!" (Rex)

"Dad!~" (Kanna)

Embracing both his kids he smile and said "Hey weren't you two playing with uncle Merlin?"

[They were but they came ruing as soon as they sensed your presence] Said Melrin who was flying at fast speed at Meliodas Location.

earlier he was tasked to ake care of both kanna and Rex while Meliodas trained Topaz and Ban. 

in the recent weeks both Kanna and Rex have shown incredible learning speed to the point were people wouldn't believe that they were both only a few weeks old. They both already had the intelligence and body of a twelve year old.

And because of this, Merlin is able to take care of the kids better since he doesn't have to carry them as he had Meliodas had to a few weeks ago.

Smiling to himself Meliodas sat both Kanna and Rex next to him dn gave them a plate of food.

"Anyways after a few more weeks we will be going to the mercenary guild and sign up" (Meliodas)

"Really? so soon" commented Topaz

"Yup no better way to become stronger than actual experience and i also have a great name for our group already"

"Really cap, what is it~" asked Ban with curiosity. the other also listened in as hey were curious as what their names would be.

"Its going to be the Tarrot Card Party!" (Meliodas)

"Tarrot Card Party?" Said everyone in confusion

ending at them meliodas pulled out a deck of cards wih contained 22 titanium tarrot card that he bought off the system store.

"there are 22 different cards in this deck and each of our emeebrs are going to represent one of them" explained Meliodas

Taking out three titanium cards out of the deck he pulled out 'The Fool', 'The Tower', 'The Hermit', and 'The Hanged Man'.

"First 'The hanged Man' will be bans card, although it might seem ironic since Ban is immortal the card does have a deeper meaning. The card signifies that the person wielding it has a different prpectie in life and that they are mostly positive and have strong Beliefs." explained Meliodas as Ban nodded at his explanation and accepted the card.

"next is 'The Tower' the card is all about the downfall of old ideas. A structure has suddenly and violently come crashing down, leading to chaos and distress, but it has also made room for something new to be built. it reminds me of the first time when me and You met Topaz so i thought it would fit you well." 

"Thanks il keep it safe" sad topaz as she took the card and felt that it was quite heavy for a metal card.

"Next is 'the Hermit', The Hermit card in Tarot is a card of introspection, soul searching, analysis, and self-reflection. And is perfect match for Merlin since he is person who always seeks out new knowledge and loves to learn." (Merlin)

[Hm? i get one to?] Asked Merliin in a surprised tone. from the beginning he didtn really expect to get a place in the 22 as he was happy as long as he could support Meliodas.

"Well of course, strength isn teverythign you know. And I'm only human and i cant remember everything. To us your knowledge alone that you have stored inside you makes you an irreplaceable part of the team"

If Merlin had a face then right now he would have a huge smile on his face. As he absorbed Meliodas' words. He felt a warmth in his heart, a sense of belonging and appreciation that went beyond words. [Thank you, Meliodas,] he said sincerely, his voice tinged with gratitude. "[t means a lot to me to be a part of this team and to know that my knowledge is valued.]

Meliodas nodded with a reassuring grin, "You're not just valued, Merlin. You're an integral piece of this team and family, and we're lucky to have you with us."

As Meliodas and Merlin finished their little moment, Meliodas went to the next card.

"Now then fort he last card, 'The Fool' is mine" Declared Meliodas with a smile.

Hearing his declaration everyone felt weird as why Meliodas would chose a card with such a name, the only reason he would chose such a card would be because of its deeper reason that it has just like every other card does.

"The 'Fool' card in Tarot symbolizes new beginnings. And since the adventure we're embarking on marks a new chapter in our journey—one that I've set in motion—I thought this card would be a perfect fit for me," Meliodas explained with a warm smile. Yet, deep down, he knew the true reason was his personal new beginning, the secret of his reincarnation.

Everyone nodded in understanding as they finally grasped the underlying significance of Meliodas' choice.

"Hey Hey dad i whant one to" Pleaded Kanna

"Yeah me to!" Said Rex.

"Nope your not getting one, or at least when you two get older" Said meliodas, Hearing this Kanna and Rex became a little disappointed but still nodded.

"Anyways get the stuff ready and paced inside the RV. were heading to the Mercenary Guild and we will train you all meanwhile." Said Meliodas as everyone nodde and started pacing up everything.

Flashback end-


Anyways after that we trained for about a month and then became and worked as mercenaries for a month making it two months, I think its time i visit back home. Looking back at my crew i could already imagine Dan Feng being all over Kanna and Rex and spoiling them.

"Alright everyone Before we go to the blue land we will need to make a short stop" I spoke as i gathred everyone's attention.

"Were are we going big bro?" Asked Topaz

"Were going home" I Said with a smile


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