
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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86 Chs

Chapter 78: Home Sweet Home

(Chapter 78 Home Sweet Home)

Tempest stood alone at the bow of his Dreadnought, the cool sea breeze brushing against his face as he gazed out over the endless expanse of ocean stretching to the horizon. After nearly a month away, it was finally time to return home.

"I hope my actions did not offend you..."

Tempest muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the soft crash of the waves against the Dreadnought's hull.

"But I assure you, nothing has changed. My purpose remains unwavering, to be forever loyal to my homeland and my Archon unconditionally. That is a vow I shall never break."

Tempest muttered, his voice resolute as he unsheathed his sword, he raised the sword and pointed it toward the horizon, a silent declaration of his steadfast commitment. 

Moments later, a golden lightning bolt streaked down from the sky, striking Tempest's sword with a deafening crack. The blade was instantly engulfed in golden flames, flickering and dancing along its edge. It was a sign, an unmistakable mark of Ra's forgiveness and blessing. 

"Thank you, Great One."

Tempest muttered his voice filled with reverence as he carefully sheathed his sword. The golden flames receded, leaving the blade cool and unblemished as if the divine fire had never touched it. 

"It's time to go home."

 Tempest muttered, a small smile slowly spreading across his face. The thought of returning filled him with a quiet excitement, knowing that soon he would see her again.













After two days at sea, the familiar silhouette of the Court of Fontaine emerged on the horizon, growing ever larger as the Dreadnought neared its harbor.

"Rohan, you and Falric take command while I'm at the Court. I'll make my way to the Fontaine Research Institute via the Callas line. Ensure that the Warden-Class is delivered safely and without delay."

Tempest instructed, turning to Rohan who stood beside him on the bow of the ship.

"Aye aye, Your Grace."

Rohan nodded in acknowledgment.

"Right, bring Hatsume here. I need her to handle something important for me." 

Tempest instructed. Rohan gave a nod of acknowledgment before turning on his heel and heading toward the bridge of the Dreadnought. 

"You called for me. chief?"

Hatsume asked, arriving promptly with a look of curiosity. She was engrossed in sketching something on a piece of paper, her focus unwavering as she looked up from her work.

"Where's Faruzan?"

Tempest asked her.

"Madam Faruzan? Oh, she's checking out the Warden-Class. Why?"

Hatsume responded, her voice tinged with curiosity. Tempest raised an eyebrow, noting that Hatsume had already begun addressing Faruzan as 'Madam,' a subtle shift that piqued his interest.

"I see you already call her, 'Madam,'

Tempest said.

"Well, yes, since she insisted on everyone calling her that. It's kind of a coping mechanism, you know? Being trapped in a chamber for nearly a century can change a person in ways you might not expect. I have to admit, she's quite smart, though not as smart as me! I've picked up a thing or two from her, so I guess there's always something to learn."

Hatsume said, her tone reflecting a mix of admiration and playful confidence.

"I see. Just keep calling her that, then. Anyway, I need you to give her a tour of the Institute and inform the Director that Faruzan will be involved in perfecting the Ghost Program. Her expertise in ancient machines and languages of Sumeru could be invaluable to us." 

Tempest said, pausing briefly before adding.

"Also, make sure to pack your things because you and Faruzan will be relocating to Stormwind with me. I'll be setting up a new workshop there, and I expect both of you to bring me fresh and innovative inventions. I'll be funding every project you undertake, so make sure your work meets the high standards I know you're capable of. Don't disappoint me."

Tempest said, and Hatsume immediately brightened up and saluted with enthusiasm. 

"Aye aye, Chief! My brand-new babies are going to blow you away! I promise they'll be nothing short of spectacular!"













Tempest stood on the elevator, which was ascending into the Court of Fontaine. After giving his final instructions to his commander and captain, he was finally free to have some time for himself. He adjusted his uniform, smoothing out any wrinkles and ensuring the badge on his collar was perfectly aligned. The bag he carried contained the vial of water he had acquired in Sumeru, a gift for Neuvillette. Tempest hoped that this gesture would finally strike a proper conversation with him. 

"I'm home, finally..."

Tempest murmured as the elevator doors slid open, revealing the majestic cityscape of the Court of Fontaine. The familiar grandeur of the city greeted him, a comforting reminder of his long-awaited return.

Tempest strolled through the bustling streets of the city, making his way to the Palais Mermonia. Along the way, he stopped by Café Lutece, where he purchased a Vacherin ice cream cake, intending it as a special gift for his lady.

"Your Grace?"


Tempest turned around, his attention shifting from the cake box he was carrying to the woman who had addressed him. She was dressed in a brown coat and matching hat, her face obscured by a mask and sunglasses, adding an air of mystery to her appearance.

"Yes, can I help you, citizen?"

Tempest asked, his tone polite but curious as he regarded the woman before him.

"It's me!"

The woman quickly removed her mask and sunglasses for a brief moment, revealing her striking green eyes, before promptly putting them back on with a hurried gesture.


Tempest narrowed his eyes as recognition dawned upon him. The woman before him, disguised in an incognito outfit, was none other than Robin, the same Robin who had caused a national stir with a single photograph that sparked rumors about their relationship, everyone had been convinced they were dating.

"Would you like to-"

"I'm busy, madmemosille."

Tempest walked past Robin, the cake box held firmly in his hand as he continued on his way.

"Heh? Are you in a hurry, by any chance? You've just returned from your journey to Sumeru, haven't you? I was hoping to give you a tour of the Penacony Opera House."

Robin said, casually walking beside Tempest.

"My apologies, but I am indeed in a hurry, mademoiselle."

Tempest replied, not even turning to face her as he continued walking briskly.

"O-Oh, I see... Then, perhaps another time, Your Grace? I hope that our schedules can align at some point in the future."

Robin musters up a small smile behind her mask, hiding her disappointment.

"Perhaps, but another time, mademoiselle."

Tempest said, his tone leaving little room for further discussion as he continued his stride toward the Palais Mermonia. Robin halted in her tracks, watching him walk away, a hint of disappointment in her eyes as his curt reply lingered in the air.

"Then please invite me to your upcoming birthday, Your Grace! It would be an honor to attend and help celebrate your special day!"

Robin called out from behind, her voice carrying a hopeful enthusiasm. She waved her hand energetically, trying to catch his attention.

Tempest stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face her. His expression remained as emotionless and unreadable as ever, but he gave a curt nod in response. After a brief pause, he turned back around, continuing his walk toward the Palais Mermonia without another word.

"So dense..."

Robin muttered with a small pout, her eyes lingering on Tempest as he walked away.

'My birthday... huh?'

Tempest thought to himself, the words echoing in his mind as he continued walking. His birthday was just two months away, a day that had never held much meaning for him.

'Well, this year is different, since he's no longer alive... I might finally be able to enjoy it. I would love to dance with her...'

A faint smile crossed his lips as a thought warmed his heart.













Tempest entered the grand halls of the Palais Mermonia, walking to the front counter where Sedene, ever diligent, stood on duty. Her eyes flicked up from her work, noticing his approach.

"Good morning, Your Grace. Do you wish to see, Lady Furina? She is currently in her office She is currently in her office, should I announce your arrival?"

Sedene inquired politely, her voice steady and respectful. 

"Ah, you read me like an open book, Miss Sedene. Yes, I am here to see Lady Furina, but for now, I wish to see Monsieur Neuvillette. Is he available?" 

Tempest inquired politely, his tone calm and composed.

"Yes, he is. Though he has a trial to preside over later, he should have some time now. Considering the request comes from you, he will most likely accept it. I will go inform him immediately." 

Sedene replied promptly, stepping away from the counter to head to Neuvillette's office.

After a short while, Sedene exited Neuvillette's office and nodded at Tempest, gesturing for him to enter. Tempest nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded into the office.

"Duke Tempest."

Neuvillette greeted as Tempest entered the office. Seated at his desk, Neuvillette's expression remained as stoic and unchanging as ever.


Tempest greeted with a slight bow.

"Please, have a seat. I presume your expedition to Sumeru was fruitful?"

Neuvillette said, gesturing towards a chair. Tempest took a seat near his desk, settling in with a nod of acknowledgment.

"Yes... It went smoothly, and I obtained what I sought. But I have to say, my time in the desert has made me despise the sands." 

Tempest said, his tone carrying a hint of weariness from his journey.

"That's good to know. Despite never visiting the deserts of Sumeru myself, I'm sure I would share your dislike of the sand were I to stay there for an extended period."

Neuvillette said with a nod, acknowledging Tempest's sentiment.

"I wish to give you this, Monsieur. It is something I bought in Sumeru City. I hope it is to your liking. I heard from Lady Furina... You like water... Crystal clear water..."

Tempest said, presenting the vial of water that presumably belonged to the Vourukasha Oasis.

Neuvillette eyed the vial of water, he for some reason felt nostalgic and attracted to it.

"Thank you, Duke Tempest. Indeed, I do have a liking for water. Water comes in many flavors to the discerning palate. Mondstadt's water is crisp and pure, while water from Liyue has an enduring aftertaste. In Inazuma, the water possesses a depth of flavor unlike any other. Sumeru's water, meanwhile, has a rich and complex flavor profile, but it must be savored patiently to fully appreciate it. I have no doubt that this vial will reveal an extraordinary new flavor."

Neuvillette said, and Tempest couldn't help but be slightly surprised by his detailed description. To Tempest, water had always seemed tasteless and merely served to quench one's thirst.

"I... I see. I'm glad you like it."

Tempest said, and a moment of silence settled between them. Both men remained still, their expressions stoic and unreadable, as Tempest struggled to find a suitable topic of conversation.

'How does Lady Furina strike a conversation with him? Seven hells, this is difficult. I should've thought about this more...'

Tempest though to himself. He shifted in his seat, contemplating the best approach to break the silence that had settled between them.

"During your trial..."

Finally, it was Neuvillette who broke the silence.

"Yes, Monsieur?"

"During your trial... your actions in Stormwind were to me, brutal and unpardonable. However, I suppose you had no choice due to what Mengsk Proudmoore had planned. The most surprising thing, however, was Ra's intervention. No, but even before Ra's intervention, the Oratrice determined that you were not guilty. I, too, was quite taken aback when the Oratrice gave its answer.

Neuvillette paused before continuing.

'Due to your actions, albeit harsh, you inadvertently saved Lady Furina's life, for there is no doubt in my mind that, had she arrived in Stormwind during Mengsk's name day, he would have assassinated her when the time comes."

Neuvillette said to Tempest, his face remaining impassive, yet his tone carried a subtle note of gratitude.

"I did what I believe was right. I was prepared to face the consequences when I initiated my insurrection, aware that I might be viewed as a power-hungry individual unwilling to wait for my rightful inheritance. I hoped that despite the five centuries of hatred and disdain my family had, future generations would come to see us in a different light. I am, however, eternally grateful for Ra's intervention and the new purpose bestowed upon me by Lady Furina. Thanks to them, my family's legacy has been revived."

Tempest continued, his gaze fixed on Neuvillette. 

"Even though the Oratrice deemed me innocent, do you believe I would be truly forgiven by the people? By my Archon? By you?" 

He asked, his voice carrying a note of quiet introspection as he sought Neuvillette's perspective.

"Most likely not."

Neuvillette responded, his head shaking slightly in disagreement.

"That is understandable. After all, my family has spent five hundred years despising and refusing to recognize Lady Furina as the true Hydro Archon. Had Ra not intervened, I would have remained in Stormwind and dedicated myself to raising a new generation to atone for my family's sins. Thankfully, that didn't come to pass."

Tempest said thankful the Ra had intervened in his trial.

"But enough about the past, let's strive to the future."

Tempest said, his tone shifting to one of determination. 


Neuvillette nodded in response.

"I actually would like to ask you a favor, Duke Tempest."

Neuvillette said, his expression remaining as stoic as ever. Despite his impassive demeanor, there was a trace of concern in his voice, hinting at underlying worry for something or someone.

"Yes, Monsieur?"

Tempest replied, his demeanor calm and attentive as he awaited Neuvillette's request.

"One of the Melusines from the Marechaussee Phantom, Tirpitz, has gone to Stormwind with the intention of joining the Golden Armada. Despite my efforts to dissuade her, she chose to go ahead with her decision. I request that you administer a test to assess her suitability for the Golden Armada. Tirpitz is quite distinct from the other Melusines, and if she does not meet your standards, please assure her that she will always be welcomed back here. I am concerned for her well-being and wish for her to be treated with understanding and respect."

Neuvillette said as if she was worried about her daughter.

"I understand. Very well, Monsieur."

Tempest replied, and Neuvillette nodded in acknowledgment. Just then, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the hallway, growing louder as they approached Neuvillette's office. Moments later, the door swung open with a burst of energy.

"How audacious of you to greet him first, rather than me! What a presumptuous gesture!"

Furina remarked with a playful hint of mock annoyance and feigned offense in her voice, as she strode into Neuvillette's office.

"My Lady..."

Tempest stood up and walked toward her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"My sincere apologies."

Tempest said warmly. Furina turned to face him, her own genuine smile lighting up her face.

"Welcome home, Tempest."