
Genshin Impact : Sorry can't be there till the end

Five hundred years ago, Raiden Ei looked down at the young man in the courtyard and said in a calm tone, 'Ah, mortals... in the 'eternity,' just a fleeting existence... well, let's entertain each other for a while.' Five hundred years later, on a sickbed, someone pleaded, 'Come on, don't give up! Don't die!' The small tree, nurtured for many years, never witnessed its branches flourish. On the night before the returning of a loved one from studies, both filled with hope, one human and one deity, gradually drifted apart. She never emerged from the pure land, and the day of opening her heart never arrived. The oil tofu, fed for many years, saw the little fox grow into a big one, while I aged slowly, unable to handle kitchen utensils anymore. The god of cherry blossoms, poetry, plum wine, and snacks, sardines and salt scattered in a shrine covered with fallen petals. The summer promises, and I cannot keep the appointment. Wishing to buy osmanthus flowers and share a drink, but as an old friend, I departed. Unlike the eternal wanderings of a young man. Human life has its limits. 'Accompanying is the longest confession,' but, I'm sorry, as a mortal, I cannot always say, 'I love you.'

WynnZeng · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 I'm gonna die...

I'm too old to the point of death.

Seino Raimei stared blankly at the snow outside the window.

This is destined.

The lifespan of mortals has its limits; being able to live for five hundred years in this lifetime is already very fortunate.

But for gods, especially those pursuing 'eternity,' five hundred years is just a brief segment of life.

He can't accompany for so long; it's time to leave her.

Hope she won't be angry.

Mortals will forever be just mortals; they will age, become weak, fall ill, experience hunger and thirst, endure injuries, and, most importantly, they will die.

Seino looked at the words appearing in the field of view:

[Human Principles System Launched]

[Seino Raimei]

[Position: Honorable Pillar of Inazuma]

[Age: 521 years old]

[Level: 89]

[Element: Electro]

[Status: Extremely aged]

[Combat Skills: God Level]

[Remaining Lifespan: 221 days]

Note: Due to extreme aging status, Seino is unable to engage in prolonged combat.

Like ordinary reincarnates, Seino also has an assistant called the 'System' and, like the majority of reincarnates, has experienced a glorious and vibrant period in life.

But all novels only create luxurious and splendid prime years for the protagonists, with hardly any detailing of the heroes' twilight years.

Because readers generally don't enjoy stories about an old man, most authors tend to gloss over this aspect, writing in their books that the protagonist ultimately transcends the mortal realm, immortal for eternity.

And then, the protagonist is left with just one line: 'The END.'

For the protagonist, this is quite cruel; this ending is even worse than simply growing old and dying.

There has never been eternity in this world.

Reincarnates will also grow old, and heroes have the day of aging.

Everything has its end, and now it has come for Seino's mortal body.Being able to age to death is his fortune.

Living to over five hundred years with a mortal body is a stroke of luck.

Except for one thing, Seino has no regrets in this life.

He closed the system and redirected his gaze outside the window.

A thin mist faintly revealed a few rays of sunlight, thick snow piled on the pine and cypress outside the wooden window. It reflected the dim light of the few sunbeams that had managed to filter through, creating a faint shimmer. Other than that, it was a vast expanse of pure whiteness.

The characters on the plaque above the mansion's gate, which read 'Honorable Pillar of Inazuma Seino Residence,' were also covered with a thin layer of frost.

For the ordinary citizens of Inazuma, the Pillar's Residence holds a special significance.

"Words resound through the nation, a pillar in the home's foundation." spoken by Narukami, five hundred years ago.

From then on, the position of 'Pillar of the Inazuma' was born, enjoying supreme honor, ranking above all other officials, reaching the pinnacle of human subjects. At the age of sixteen, Seino Raimei joined the Shogunate, He full of spirit, participating in the grand competition before the sovereign. He faced Narukami's sword, and from that moment onwards, his journey ascended to new heights.

At the age of seventeen, he became the sole bodyguard to the general, embarking on campaigns far and wide. At nineteen, he was appointed as the Minister of Military Affairs, commanding the navy.

At twenty-one, his martial prowess reached its peak. In the same year, the greatest crisis in a thousand years befell Inazuma. A pitch-black calamity swept across the Teyvat. While Narukami went to Khaenri'ah, Inazuma lost the protection of the gods.

Countless generals perished in that calamity: Kitsune Saiguu, Torachiyo... In the critical moment of life and death, Seino temporarily assumed the position of Shogun, guarding Inazuma for several dozen days, dispelling the disaster, stabilizing the crumbling situation, until Narukami's return.

It was also during that time that Seino was granted the honor of 'Honorable Pillar of Inazuma' by Narukami.

After a hundred years, he severed the head of God Orobashi, achieving great victories and bringing Watatsumi Island under the domain of Raiden Shogun.

...and many, many more accomplishments.

Upon careful reflection, he had protected this land for five hundred years, accompanied her for five hundred years, fulfilled all the responsibilities he could, and now it was time to depart.

In this life, he only has one regret, but he can no longer fulfill it.

He's tired.

"Cough, cough. Cough cough."

Seino coughed softly, his lungs wearily delivering air. With each breath, his throat felt as if it were scorched.

His coughing intensified, and he slumped over the desk.


He coughed up blood.

" 'Your Grace...?'

'Your Grace!'

The one speaking was the distressed young girl across the way.

A red cord held her pale, flowing hair, and she wore a snow-white dress. Her eyes, too, were light in color, akin to the gentle hues of a tranquil lake.

Gracefully kneeling on the tatami mat, she wore no wooden clogs on her feet, only pure white socks. In response to her master's distress, the arches of her feet subtly tensed, revealing faint traces of blue veins."

Kamisato Ayaka, this was the girl's name.

The lady of the Yashiro Commission, elegant in appearance, possessing noble character, is popularly known among the common folk as 'Shirasagi Himegimi'.

But at this moment, 'Shirasagi Himegimi' was anything without a 'Himegimi', She stood up in a slight panic, white socks treading on the tatami, swiftly maneuvering around the desk. Gently patting Seino's back, she helped him breathe more comfortably.

"Cough, cough…I'm fine."

Seino coughed again and gently pushed away the young girl. 'Just reminiscing about the past.'

'The past?'

'Just an old man recalling his old days,' Seino teased himself.

Ayaka closed the window against the chilly wind, paused, and earnestly said,

'Your Grace, please take care of yourself...

It's cold, so it's best not to open the window. Add more layers of clothing. It's been getting colder recently; I've prepared some tremella soup. I'll have someone bring it in tonight; it's good for your health. And also...'

She prattled on, and Seino, with a wry smile, interrupted her,

'Ayaka, I'm gonna die.'