
Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

An Engineer, sleep deprived from finishing the Fontaine Archon Quest in one night suffers a fatal accident at work and is reborn in the world of Teyvat. With a system to boost him and reward progress, what heights will he achieve? How will Carman affect the Traveler's story? How will the heavenly principles react to this being who is both a decender and a natural part of the world at the same time? Have a Read to find out. Any feedback on how to improve the story is welcome.

Paradoxxed · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Level: Max

Description: a skill only obtained through having the title "Decender" a title exclusive to entities who enter from beyond the world of Teyvat and bare a will that rivals the world itself.

Effect: the bearer of this skill cannot be recorded by the tree of knowledge, Irminsul, nor will changes in Irminsul cause changes to the bearer's memories. Furthermore, the bearer will have an affinity for every element in the world of Teyvat.

[Elemental Sense]


Description: a supernatural sense that some individuals in the world of Teyvat possess naturally. It allows one to sense elemental energy in their environment, just like any other sense, once one has been exposed to a certain level of elemental presences, the bearer will subconsciously block the information out.

Effect: bearer can overlay this supernatural sense with other senses such as sight, to see currents of elemental energy, hearing to hear the symphony of the elements, smell to track a person's unique elemental signature. The combination of senses will grow stronger as the skill levels up eventually being able to distinguish between multiple elemental presences in the same area rather than just the dominant one.

[Clockwork engineering]

Level: 4

Description: this skill denotes the bearer's understanding of the principles and concepts of the clockwork engineering developed in Fontaine.

Effect: if this skill is leveled via experience points and not through learning, concepts and knowledge will be directly transfered to the bearer's mind.


Level: 4

Description: similar to the skill [Clockwork engineering] the level shows the understanding the bearer has in the field of clockwork engineering.

Effect: leveling with this skill with skill exp will directly transmit knowledge of proportional levels to the bearer's mind.




This skill quantifies the bearer's knowledge and skill in the art of Alchemy.

Effect: leveling with this skill with skill exp will directly transmit knowledge of proportional levels to the bearer's mind.

Secondary effect: this skill requires double the amount of Exp than other knowledge skills to upgrade.



This skill quantifies the bearer's knowledge and skill in the art of blacksmithing.

Effect: leveling with this skill with skill exp will directly transmit knowledge of proportional levels to the bearer's mind.

[Electrical engineering]

LV.8 (from previous life experience)

Description: this skill measures the bearer's understanding of electrical engineering. Effect: Leveling this skill with skill exp will send more knowlege on this subject to the host's mind.


Level: 4

Description: This skill signifies the bearer's ability to pass undetected by people and traps. This is a pure physical skill that does not rely on paranormal phenomenon.

Effects: this skill, when active will correct the bearer 's posture and movements to optimize their capabilities.

Note: upon reaching level 10, this skill will evolve to skill [Phantom Stealth] should the bearer meet certain requirements.

[Glass Chipping]

Level: 3

Description: A minor skill, harnesses trase amounts of geo energy in the surroundings to assist the bearer achieve the product they desire from their project, the higher level the more energy required, but the better the result.

Effect(current): +25% quality improvement of crafting success and overall product.


Level: 1

Description: this skill is both a measure of the bearer's understanding of the principles behind hunting, also offers minor corrective abilities to aid the bearer's stance and aim to improve hunting success.

Effect (current): +30% aim correction chance, +5% processing quality improvement, +25%

[Skill: Elemental Manipulation: Hydro (basic)

Lv: 4

Description: this skill allows one to manipulate the hydro element in their surroundings, the higher the level, the more they can manipulate and control with precision. Upon reaching Lv.10, this skill will advance to the next stage of mastery,{advanced}, and will have it's level reset.]

[Skill: Hydropowered Defence Ring


Description: The signature skill of an engineer who was reincarnated into another world. This skill generates a Hydro construct around the user, the construct is a defensive array capable of blocking damage and firing long range attacks that apply hydro on enemies, if switched to preservation mode, it will heal any creature that enters it's internal area and will not attack.

This skill needs more than Exp to level up, host must gather these materials which will be consumed,{4x meshing gear, 1x teachings of mechanics}]