
The Chilling Tune of Wuwang Hill?

"The big Hilichurl is sick, the second Hilichurl comes to see, the third Hilichurl gathers herbs, the fourth Hilichurl..."

That eerie tune echoed from a distance, and both the lyrics and melody were filled with a strange, unsettling vibe. In the already creepy atmosphere of Wuwang Hill, with its constant gusts of cold wind, the song took on an even more sinister and frightening tone.

Hearing the strange song, Lin Yuan, who had just been panicking over the approach of the Fatui advance team, suddenly found himself calming down, though an icy chill ran down his spine.

And if Lin Yuan, hidden within his eggshell, felt this way, the Fatui soldiers, already on edge, fared no better. Realizing someone was nearby, the members of the advance team tensed up, drawing their weapons and scanning their surroundings with heightened vigilance.

"Who's there? Stop playing tricks and come out!"

"Well, well, who would've thought that this remote place would be so lively with so many people? Quite the crowd, I must say," a playful voice responded, dripping with sarcasm. "But just so you know, not everyone is welcome here~"

As the Fatui soldiers warily surveyed the area, a shadowy red figure flashed before their eyes. Confused, they barely had time to react before a ghostly figure appeared behind them.

Before they could even process what was happening, eerie red phantoms surrounded them on all sides. In the dark, foreboding setting of Wuwang Hill, these ghostly apparitions looked all the more terrifying. The Fatui soldiers, despite being hardened warriors who roamed the lands of Teyvat, were still human. Faced with something so inexplicable, fear gripped them immediately.

At that moment, several scorching yet non-lethal attacks struck the soldiers with precision, causing them to cry out in pain.

"Ah! What is this?!"

"Is it a person? A monster? Or... a ghost?!"

"Impossible, I can't hit them! What are these things?!"

The Fatui advance team was now completely thrown into disarray, unable to comprehend what was happening. All they knew was that the red ghostly figures that flitted around them could strike without warning, causing unbearable pain.

In this bizarre and horrifying scenario, combined with the eerie environment of Wuwang Hill and their own psychological pressure, their willpower was quickly reaching its breaking point.

"Wait a second... that voice... and the uniforms these guys are wearing..."

While the Fatui soldiers were being relentlessly harassed by the red apparitions, Lin Yuan, still trapped inside the large egg, managed to calm himself down. Although he had been startled by the strange song at first, he gradually settled into his surroundings. Since he was currently stuck inside the egg and couldn't move, he decided to focus on using his newly discovered ability to sense what was happening outside.

Though the range of his perception wasn't very large, he could still hear the sounds—namely, the painful screams of the Fatui soldiers and the mischievous laughter of the ghostly attackers. He had a vague sense that there was a battle taking place not far from where his egg was resting. And somehow, this all seemed strangely familiar, as though he had witnessed something similar before.

A sudden realization struck Lin Yuan. Despite only having been awake for a few minutes, he was now almost certain that he had crossed over into another world. And not just any world—a world he was very familiar with!

"Captain! What are we supposed to do?! We can't hold out much longer!"

"I can't take it anymore, Captain. Should we retreat? This isn't even our mission objective…"

"Damn it! What the hell is going on here?!"

The Fatui advance team was now huddled together in a tight defensive formation, back to back. But even this formation couldn't protect them from the elusive red phantoms. Under the relentless attacks, both their physical and mental endurance were pushed to the brink.

Even the captain, the most resolute among them, was now visibly shaken, unable to muster any words of command.

At that moment, the red phantom suddenly appeared in the gap between them. Before they could react, a playful yet haunting voice rang out:

"Hope you've eaten well, 'cause you're in for a long trip—"

With that, a ghostly figure emanating intense heat lashed out like a whip, striking the Fatui soldiers one after another.

Though the attack wasn't lethal, the searing pain and the immense psychological pressure finally broke their spirits. One by one, the soldiers dropped their weapons and fled in panic, muttering curses in a Snezhnayan dialect incomprehensible to the locals of Liyue.

But that didn't matter.

Where the red phantom had last appeared, a figure gradually materialized—a nimble, playful form with a mischievous grin on her face, watching as the Fatui soldiers fled in terror.

"Well, that scared them off way too easily... How boring."

"Still, I wonder... were those guys after this thing?" she muttered, her eyes landing on something nearby.



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