
Genshin Impact: Q&A Live Broadcast

Ever having since left the playground of the divine, otherwise known as Little Garden, a certain young man going by the name Akio Daiki settles himself down within the borders of Fontaine by opening up a simple cafe to make a living. Having left his life of taking down Demon Lords behind him, all he strives for now is a peaceful life away from all the chaos. However, fate tends to screw people over, especially those like himself. With the arrival of a broadcast that expands across all of Teyvat, every single person will soon come to know just how horrifying of an existence Daiki really is. Seriously, is a moment of peace so hard to come by these days? 『Q&A Live Broadcast has been activated』 . . . PAIRING: Male OC x Lynette/Furina TAGS: Male OC, Powerful OC, Genshin Impact, Mondaiji WORD COUNT GOAL: 1500-3000/chp

LuminousSkull · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

Arrival Of The Broadcast

At present, within a certain area of the Court of Fontaine, a soft and mesmerising sound of what could be described as being akin to that of a whistle could be heard. Whoever passed by its point of origin would always seem to pause for a brief amount of time to take in its serenity.

Speaking of the origin point, the sound could be heard coming from underneath one of the many trees planted here within the city.

Looking closer, one could see that the sound was being created by a young man who could be seen sitting and leaning against the base of one of the trees within the small garden bed. The male was probably around eighteen, with a lean physique and a fair complexion.

As for clothing, he seemed to be wearing a rather casual set of modern clothes. Consisting of a tight black t-shirt along with a pair of sleek pants which were also black in colour, and as for footwear, he had a simple pair of black and white running shoes.

Regarding physical features, the male had somewhat spiky black hair that borderlines messy and neat, with the tips of a few of his bangs fading into a deep blue colour. This blue colour was also shared with his eyes, which seemed to give off a constant neon illumination.

[IMAGE: MC's Appearance)

Appearances aside, the sound he made was coming from the small leaf that he appeared to be softly blowing into as he held it up against his lips. This young man was Akio Daiki, someone who had recently arrived here in Fontaine.

Don't get him wrong though, he hadn't arrived through normal means such as on a boat or something. The fact of the matter is that he had come here from another world, which makes that two times he's travelled worlds now, not too bad if he said so himself.

After the melody coming from his leaf whistling finally came to an end, he slowly lowered the leaf from his mouth before his eyes gradually opened up. He looked up to see quite a decent crowd surround him from the front while clapping loudly.

He had gotten used to this, street performances were quite a common thing here in Fontaine, which he had come to learn during his time here. It's because of this that there tended to be people who actually went out to actively look for any interesting performances.

"Thanks for listening." Daiki gave a soft thanks as he waved at the crowd before slowly getting up from his seated position. It took some time, but the crowd eventually began to disperse. "Hm? Oh, Lyney."

"Hello, Daiki!"

It didn't take Daiki long at all to notice a familiar young man who walked towards him after the dispersing of the crowd. A young male with rather pale hair and wearing a rather over-the-top magician's attire sporting black, white, and red shades of colour.

This person was none other than Lyney, the local genius magician that was rather well-known to a majority of people here in Fontaine, if not everyone. The both of them had met by pure circumstance on the streets, mainly due to them both performing.

Well, in Daiki's case, it wasn't much of a performance than it was relaxation time.

"You certainly look as happy as always." Daiki's smiled faintly as he said this. "So, were you perhaps looking for me or something?"

"Not particularly." Lyney shook his head as he responded. "Lynette and I were actually going to see if you opened up your cafe for today, then I happened to see you surrounded by the crowd. Impressive music as always, Daiki."

"Just a hobby, really. Speaking of Lynette, where is she then?"

"I'm here."

A rather flat voice suddenly interjected as they both turned to see a young female around their age walking over, the female had features similar to Lyney, especially in regard to hair colour. On top of that, their attire was somewhat similar as well, just with a different colour palette.

The most interesting thing though was certainly the pair of cat ears that could be seen on top of her head, and if you looked closely, they seemed to ever so slightly twitch every now and then. To go with the ears, she even had a tail swaying calmly as she walked.

This person was none other than Lynette, Lyney's twin sister apparently. If you asked Daiki, he didn't really think they looked too similar, most likely fraternal twins or something. He never bothered to ask, it isn't exactly important.

"Ahh, you're here, Lynette. I was just having a listen to Daiki's usual music wonders." Lyney explained simply as he gave a small gesture toward Daiki. "It's just unfortunate that you didn't sing this time, unfortunate indeed."

"Then... I guess I missed it."

"That you did, you were looking forward to hearing him sing again, weren't you?"

"Lyney, you're speaking too much."

"Okay, okay. It's just the truth." Lyney chuckled nervously when Lynette's eyes seemed to narrow a bit when saying her previous words. Daiki could only smile wryly at the both of them. "In any case, will you be opening up shop soon, Daiki? Lynette and I were hoping to get something simple for breakfast."

"I guess I can open up early today."

"Magnificent!" Lyney's smile widened as he gave a firm nod. "Then let's get going, I'm just dying to eat your breakfast sandwiches again!"


Since it was still quite early in the morning, and it had not yet reached the time for Daiki to officially open up his cafe, the only people currently present were himself, Lyney, and Lynette. They were all seated at one of the tables inside the shop, with a number of items neatly arranged on the tabletop.

There were two plates total, each with a number of beautiful triangle-cut sandwiches placed on top of them. Each of the two plates each had two different kinds of sandwiches, so there was a bit of variety there.

Together with the sandwiches, they also each had their own drinks to go with it. Both Lyney and Lynette had cups of tea, while Daiki instead opted for a cup of coffee. He had always preferred coffee over tea, tea just didn't hit him the same way coffee did.

"You declined?" Lyney seemed to say in surprise after swallowing the bite he took out of his sandwich. "Not many people get invited to perform in Hotel Debord, and I don't recall anyone declining an invitation either. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's not like singing is my job or anything."

"Even so...well, it is your decision." Lyney rubbed the back of his head with a small perplexed frown on his face. His words were completely true, Hotel Debord was quite a luxurious hotel, so the number of performers invited were quite few. "At this rate, you'd even decline an invitation to perform at the Opera Epiclese."

"And you'd be right, I'd rather watch than perform." Daiki simply shrugged after responding. "Speaking of the opera house, didn't you two send in an application to hold one of your magic shows there? Gotten a response yet?"

Lynette was the one to respond, in her usual flat tone. "We haven't received anything back yet."

"But we have our hopes up still!" Lyney quickly added after Lynette spoke. "It hasn't been long since we applied, so we shouldn't expect an immediate response, just have patience. Plus, I'm the greatest magician in all Teyvat! I'm sure we'll get the venue!"

"Woah, inflate that ego of yours any more and that hat of yours will become too small for you to fit on your head." Daiki gave Lyney a small deadpan stare as he said this. "Actually, I think your head really has gotten bigger. You'll start floating at this rate, just like a balloon."

"That's a bit mean!"

"Just stating facts."

"He's right, Lyney." Lynette looked up from her cup of tea before glancing at her brother. "I think your head has actually gotten bigger."

"You too, dear sister?! My head has not gotten bigge- woah!"

Lyney's sentence was immediately cut off when something seemed to phase into existence right in front of him, and the same could be said for the other two as they too saw something appear in front of their faces.

In front of each of them was a rectangular icy-blue holographic screen, a screen that was currently hovering in the air in front of each of their individual faces. They could only remain silent as they all had rather confused looks on their faces.

"You two... see this as well, right?"


"Kinda hard not to."

Before they could say anything else, each of their screens seemed to flicker as a line of text appeared at the centre of the screen. Seeing what was written on it, their confusion only further increased by many times.

『Q&A Live Broadcast has been activated』