
Genshin Impact: I am developing a mobile game in Mondstadt

Takumi arrived in the continent of Teyvat and activated the most powerful mobile game development system! In Mondstadt, a mobile game lounge was opened. The mobile game being played there was none other than "Genshin Impact." "What?! I actually pulled Jean, the playable character? I'm going all in!" "Jean is not that impressive. I heard someone pulled Diluc, that's the real deal, slicing through enemies like butter!" "Ah, ah, ah, I want both Jean and Diluc." "The recharge system? It's just a month's salary, I'm going to top up!" "Still pulling for Jean and Diluc? Yesterday, Mr. Takumi, the game's developer, updated the game and introduced a brand-new limited character called 'The Poet of the Vortex.' Seems pretty powerful." "Oh no, I've been deceived! This is that guy who often sings in the square. I'm losing big time!" "Wait a minute! In this new storyline, his identity seems unusual!" "He couldn't be..." Venti: "???" Note : "Genshin Impact: I am developing a mobile game in Mondstadt." This novel and its characters are purely fictional.

Ulimate_random · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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37 Chs

Ch 25

The words pierced his chest like a sharp sword. All the nobility's rules, etiquette, and elegance were now useless. He could only keep muttering, "Treason, treason."

"The evidence is conclusive," Schubert stammered.


Schubert was arrested, and the city defense plans were retrieved. At the end of the incident, Paimon expressed that she could finally understand Eula's speech now. Her hatred and vengeance were just habits, signals, and shields. The story ended here.

Eula put down her phone and took a deep breath. Although she was only experiencing a game, this storyline seemed like a reflection of her real life. She closed her eyes slightly, trying to suppress these immersive emotions.

"How is it?" Faced with Takumi's question, Eula didn't know how to answer.

No one had ever... understood her to this extent. It seemed that the [hatred] between her and Takumi could no longer be resolved with mere words. Eula just wanted to surrender herself to the man in front of her.

On this night, the ice melted, and Takumi truly felt the gentleness and wildness of the Wavewalker.


"Boss, I'm thinking... if those people in the family continue to be blind and even continue to harm Mondstadt."

"Then they and the Lawrence name should be erased by my own hands."

Eula lay on the bed, her hair a bit messy. But her eyes were clear and determined at this moment.

"...This is probably the only [family duty] I want to fulfill."

"After that, I'll casually change my last name, Boss, you can decide!"

Looking at Eula like this, Takumi couldn't help but smile. "[Lawrence], this name originally symbolized [cold, noble, fearless flame, and unyielding determination], once involved in the Freedom War against the Fatui's tyrant."

"It's just that the descendants were corrupted by power and became the old aristocracy that poisoned Mondstadt."

"I think you are the only one inheriting the glory of our ancestors."

Hearing these words, Eula showed a relieved expression. "Is this your affirmation of me, Boss...? It seems like we'll have to have more nights like last night in our revenge."

"How about right now?"

"Uh... not now, my stomach still hurts..."

After resting upstairs for a morning, Eula began to work again. After all, as a holder of the Vision of the Frost, her physical strength and recovery ability were much stronger than an average person. Takumi also made an announcement in the mobile game.

At twelve o'clock noon, there would be a non-stop update, adding a legendary quest for a new character. This news immediately sparked discussion. In the past few days, players had already completed the legendary quests for four 5-star characters. Now, Takumi suddenly made such an announcement, seemingly with a hidden agenda.

Many people speculated that this was a prelude for the new 5-star character. According to 073 Takumi's revelation, the new version will open the storyline in Mondstadt. Could it be that the protagonist of this legendary quest will be a Mondstadt character?

Among the speculations of numerous players, noon arrived. A new legendary quest appeared.

"It's actually Eula's legendary quest!?"

"My goodness, Boss Takumi actually created a legendary quest specifically for his employee!"

"Don't stop me, I want to be Boss Takumi's servant!"

"Speaking of it, Eula is still from the Lawrence family. By adding more screen time for them in the game, isn't Boss Takumi worried it will affect the player base?"

"I don't have any prejudice against the Lawrence family, but I also can't say I have a good impression. If it weren't for the primogems, I wouldn't even bother doing this legendary quest."

"Don't say that, after all, Eula is also a member of the Knights of Favonius..."

Eula's "Frostborn Miracle" chapter caused controversy upon its release. Most players didn't have strong feelings about Lawrence, but since there was a legendary quest, they decided to give it a try. Even if the story was mediocre, they could at least gain some adventure experience and primogems.

So, the story began. Players who initially approached it with a "let's give it a try" attitude quickly immersed themselves in the narrative.

This Schubert was familiar to many, as he was one of the prominent figures of the Lawrence family. But players didn't expect him to dare to ally with the Foolish People.

"They really aren't good people, the Foolish People and the Lawrences."

But soon, players discovered that Eula, also a Lawrence, seemed somewhat "different" as Amber had mentioned. Despite being from the Lawrence family, she didn't exhibit the same arrogance and self-importance as the others.

While she talked tough about "holding grudges" and "seeking revenge," her actions were gentle. She helped the Traveler fend off a surprise attack and patiently taught the nobles etiquette and manners. In response to people's accusations, she chose a forgiving attitude.

Players only then realized that although Eula had always been seen as a "dangerous person," she had always followed the rules and never harmed any of Mondstadt's citizens. Even as a member of the Knights of Favonius, she had achieved remarkable feats and flawlessly completed all missions. Such accomplishments, if achieved by any other Knight of Favonius, would likely have been highly praised.

Such a kind and strong person had not received recognition for such a long time. When the story reached this point, many players felt a sense of guilt. After all, they were ordinary people. In the face of the prevailing trend, they had no chance to truly understand this "traitor" from the Lawrence family. Now, through the mobile game, they were finally getting to know the real Eula.

This sense of guilt reached its peak during a powerful speech by Eula at the Foolish People's stronghold.

"But I have the ability to judge right from wrong, and I deeply understand the meaning of 'freedom' to the people of Mondstadt."

"The Lawrence family cannot and should not become what you envision in your heart!"

When players saw this, they were filled with tears in their eyes, deeply moved and excited, unable to help but cheer for Eula's speech.

"Well said!"

"Miss Eula, why didn't you say these words earlier?"

"So, our prejudices have caused such great harm to someone who wanted to prove herself. Sob, Miss Eula, I'm sorry!"

"I also want to apologize to Eula; she is a truly qualified Knight of Favonius!"

"Knight of Favonius Eula, deserves our respect!"

"If it weren't for the storyline in the mobile game, we might have carried this bias and misunderstanding about Eula forever."

"Compared to that, it seems to be Boss Takumi's intention... He wants us to know that Eula is actually a gentle and strong person..."

Behind the counter, Eula heard these comments, and her eyes couldn't help but glisten with a hint of luster. Fortunately, that night, she had already vented her years of grievances and unwillingness. At this moment, she could control her emotions.

She showed a faint smile. It seemed that from now on, she would have more "enemies" in Mondstadt. But for Eula, the most special enemy was only one: her own boss.

In the evening, the bar counter in the main hall was already filled with letters. The release of Eula's legendary quest had a profound impact. Among the hundreds of letters were also specimens of dandelions or Cecilia flowers, symbolizing the people's affirmation of Eula. However, Eula was not present at the bar counter at this moment, nor was Takumi.

The two of them were currently in a concealed location outside Mondstadt.

"Don't worry, I will complete the city defense plans on time. However, recently, some Knights of Favonius have noticed my contact with you. I hope you can..."

"For us, the Foolish People, this is certainly not a problem..."

In the video on Takumi's phone, he had already recorded the transaction between Schubert and the Foolish People. In addition, before tracking Schubert to this location, Takumi had also informed Captain Jean, specifying where Schubert had sketched the city defense plans. Now, the Knights of Favonius should have gathered evidence there.

With both eyewitness and physical evidence, there was no need to wait for the transaction; they could already make a conviction.

When Eula saw her own uncle negotiating with the Foolish People, she had already been thoroughly disappointed with this elder relative. To achieve her noble dream, he was willing to betray his own country's secrets, and he didn't even care about the lives of Mondstadt's citizens. This had already crossed a "bottom line."

After Schubert and the Foolish People parted ways, as they were about to leave the hideout, they spotted Eula at the end of the exit passage.


Schubert was quite surprised. He had never expected to encounter this rebellious junior here. However, he quickly changed to a stern expression.

"Why are you here? Come back with me."

Eula stood there, gazing at her uncle with a cold expression.

"Uncle, for the sake of your noble dreams, are you willing to abandon the glory of the Lawrence family?"

"What are you saying...!?"

"Someone told me that Lawrence symbolizes [cold, noble, fearless flame, and unyielding determination]..."

"How could outsiders possibly understand the glory of our family? Only when the Lawrence family's banner is once again raised throughout Mondstadt will it be true glory!"

Eula sighed. It seemed like she had made a decision at this moment.

"Since you are still so stubborn, then I'll personally take action."

"What... What do you want...!?"

"It was never 'us.' Lawrence isn't just a family; it's a determination."

Eula shook her head and said calmly, her greatsword emitting a chilly light, step by step approaching Schubert.

On the other end of the hideout, more than ten members of the Foolish People lay prostrate behind Takumi, forming a small mound. In front of Takumi, three individuals dressed in Mondstadt attire were sprawled on the ground, looking at Takumi with fearful expressions.

"I never expected to see you again."

These three individuals were the same troublemakers who had come to the game center that day. The leader of the group, Takumi remembered, was named Duke. Initially, Takumi hadn't taken their actions seriously and had used them as tools for free publicity for his game center. Later, when he heard they had been dismissed from their jobs, Takumi didn't pay much attention to it. He hadn't expected to encounter them again today in this hideout.

"Takumi Boss, it's a misunderstanding, all just a misunderstanding!"

"We won't dare to do it again; it was a momentary lapse in judgment!"

The three of them kept pleading on the ground. With so many members of the Foolish People already subdued, they had no thoughts of resisting now. However, the response they received was only a cold laugh.


A red lightning bolt struck down, and all that was left in that spot was a faint drifting dust.


After the incident with Schubert was announced by the Knights of Favonius, it shocked the entire city. People were amazed by Eula's determination and methods. It turned out that the storyline in the legendary quest was not just fiction; it was a real event. Perhaps, Boss Takumi had adapted the events based on the original incident.

In any case, the people of Mondstadt had undergone a complete transformation in their attitude towards Eula. They widely recognized her character as a Knight of Favonius! Even Eula's experiences had been crafted into poetry by the bards. A stubborn ice flower that grew amidst adversity. She had become synonymous with both strength and gentleness. All these changes had their origins in the game storyline. This game was no longer just a form of entertainment and leisure. Some players found inspiration in it, while others found love, some uncovered secrets, and some gained wisdom. Takumi's game center had brought about significant changes to this city of freedom and poetry.

On this day, Takumi, Eula, and Noelle had breakfast together. After finishing, Eula didn't rush to clear the tableware, and Noelle didn't tidy up the chairs and tables. They both looked at Takumi with a reluctant gaze.

"Boss, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure... Today, it's time to head to Liyue."

Tears welled up in Noelle's eyes. Over these past few days, she had received a lot of guidance from Takumi and had already come to consider Takumi as the most important person. Now that they were parting, she felt a deep sense of reluctance.

"Noelle, when you can say goodbye with a smile someday, that'll truly be a sign of your growth."

Takumi patted Noelle's head and then turned his gaze to Eula.

"I'll miss you," Eula said gently.

Takumi nodded but still had a somewhat helpless expression.

"By the way... I'm just going to Liyue to expand the market for our game center, but why does it feel like we're saying our final goodbyes?"

"Haha, there should be a bit of a ceremonial feeling to it."

Eula helped Takumi straighten his collar and smiled.

"Alright, I'm counting on you to look after the shop. While Noelle is efficient at work, she still lacks experience in managing the main aspects."

Upon hearing this, Noelle didn't feel disheartened at all; instead, her eyes shone brightly.

"I'll work hard to learn from Senior Eula!"

"Boss, you can rest assured."

Hearing the second part of Noelle's statement, a faint smile tugged at Takumi's lips.

He stepped onto the balcony. The weather was nice today. In the gazes of Eula and Noelle, Takumi transformed into a red lightning bolt and soared into the clouds. Mondstadt shrank beneath his feet. He flew over the Cider Lake, past the Wolfendom, and past Dawn Winery. The mountains and rivers receded behind him. He crossed Stone Gate and followed the road to Liyue along Dihua Marsh. Takumi saw the iconic structure of Liyue: the Wangshu Inn. It was a building seamlessly integrated with tree trunks, rocks, and houses. A marvel of craftsmanship.

Takumi couldn't help but admire the people who designed and built this inn. In fact, he was even thinking that at this moment, on the top floor of the inn, there might be a young adeptus secretly looking up at the sky, showing a pensive expression as a red lightning bolt flashed by.

"It won't be long before we meet."

After crossing the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, Takumi chose to land at the foot of Mount Tianheng. Although he could have flown directly into Liyue Harbor, Takumi was concerned that he might be targeted by a Geo user. Despite his strength, even facing the peak Archon in his prime, he didn't want to provoke unnecessary trouble. After all, the old man was a deity deserving of respect.

Soon, the unique landscape of Liyue Harbor appeared in front of him: the cobblestone streets, hanging houses, bustling vendors... The feeling of entering the city could only be described in one way—it felt like coming home!

Takumi strolled around the city for a bit. This port city was much livelier and busier than the one in the game. He decided to have a meal at Wanmin Restaurant and ordered two dishes: Mapo Tofu and Jade Parcel. They were absolutely delicious! While Mondstadt had its fair share of delicacies, the cuisine in Liyue was more satisfying to the taste buds.

After satisfying his hunger and thirst, it was time to get down to business. Takumi had letters exchanged between Jean and Ningguang in his possession, and the details about the game center had already been explained in the letters. Ningguang had expressed great interest in the venture, and there were even thoughts of investment and partnership.

The decoration of the shop, its size, the furniture, and equipment had all been arranged in advance. Takumi just needed to come over for the handover. He made his way to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

There, Takumi met three of Ningguang's secretaries. Normally, Ningguang wouldn't personally involve herself in property transactions like this; she would leave it to her secretaries to handle. However, this time, Ningguang specifically instructed that when the "young owner from Mondstadt" arrived, she wanted to be informed and receive him personally.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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