
Genshin Impact: I am developing a mobile game in Mondstadt

Takumi arrived in the continent of Teyvat and activated the most powerful mobile game development system! In Mondstadt, a mobile game lounge was opened. The mobile game being played there was none other than "Genshin Impact." "What?! I actually pulled Jean, the playable character? I'm going all in!" "Jean is not that impressive. I heard someone pulled Diluc, that's the real deal, slicing through enemies like butter!" "Ah, ah, ah, I want both Jean and Diluc." "The recharge system? It's just a month's salary, I'm going to top up!" "Still pulling for Jean and Diluc? Yesterday, Mr. Takumi, the game's developer, updated the game and introduced a brand-new limited character called 'The Poet of the Vortex.' Seems pretty powerful." "Oh no, I've been deceived! This is that guy who often sings in the square. I'm losing big time!" "Wait a minute! In this new storyline, his identity seems unusual!" "He couldn't be..." Venti: "???" Note : "Genshin Impact: I am developing a mobile game in Mondstadt." This novel and its characters are purely fictional.

Ulimate_random · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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37 Chs

Ch 20

"What kind of plot is this...!?" Eileen's three companions eagerly explained, and Eileen roughly understood the current situation. This was Venti's legendary quest. The main party was observing other people's imaginary friends, and she had become the subject of observation in the game. Although it wasn't an important storyline appearance, Eileen was still quite satisfied. However, it was a bit embarrassing that her own imaginary friend was Acting Grand Master Jean, and her companions had discovered it.

"By the way, Honorary Knight, can you deliver a message to Jack for me?" Eileen asked. "We had plans to discuss our adventure tonight, but I'm too exhausted. Could you please tell him that we'll meet another day?"

"I think he should be at the Anemo Archon's temple in Mondstadt today, with Mr. Stanley," she continued. "He's a legendary adventurer who once reached the Jueyun Karst."

Mentioning this great adventurer, Eileen's tone was filled with admiration. As an Honorary Knight, she naturally took on this task without hesitation. Seeing this, the four players behind Eileen, including her, were very excited.

One of them exclaimed with excitement, "Sure enough, great adventurers like Mr. Stanley can also appear in the game's storyline!"

If the Anemo Archon was the object of people's faith, then Stanley was the idol of young adventurers. That's why they seemed so thrilled. Lisa, on the other hand, remained calm. Her knowledge and experiences far surpassed what these young kids could comprehend.

In the temple of the Anemo Archon, the team welcomed the appearance of the fifth character, the trial character - Venti. Although players could briefly try out Venti during the main storyline's battle against Dvalin, that situation didn't allow Venti's true power to be fully utilized. Now, in this secret realm, players were given the chance to use Venti under normal conditions.

However, for many players, whether Venti was strong or not didn't matter. After all, he was the Lord of Mondstadt! How could you not wish for him? Furthermore, Venti's banner was limited, and if you didn't pull him during the limited time, you might never get another chance!

In this secret realm, there were also many Hilichurls, Slimes, and other monsters. Lisa, with the intention of testing Venti's abilities, started the battle. With just one use, she realized that Venti was overwhelmingly powerful. As long as she activated his Elemental Burst, all the monsters in the area were wiped out. His ability to gather and attack was unparalleled. He was incredibly powerful, beyond imagination!

After experiencing it, even Lisa admitted that having Venti in the game made it significantly easier, whether in battles within the open world or in secret realms. It could be said that having or not having Venti was like playing two different games!

In recent days, many players believed that after obtaining Diluc, they could rely on him to breeze through the open world and secret realms, making progress in the storyline much faster than those who didn't have Diluc. However, Lisa didn't agree with this notion. In her view, from a skill mechanism perspective, Diluc wasn't irreplaceable. With a certain level of skill and proficiency, even a four-star character could perform as effectively as Diluc. However, the appearance of Venti as a character made Lisa realize that this character's skill mechanism was truly irreplaceable. With powerful crowd-control abilities, decent damage output, and the ability to recharge elemental energy for the team, Venti's design was unquestionably deserving of a limited five-star character, fitting his identity as the Anemo Archon, Barbatos.


Hearing Lisa's high praise for Venti, the three young players who had been hesitating about whether to pull for Venti immediately decided they must obtain Venti now. They had originally planned to accumulate enough primogems to try and get Diluc from the standard banner. But now, even Lisa, their teacher, was saying so. Venti, it was settled!

Returning to the storyline, after clearing several waves of enemy camps, the group discovered Jack and Stanley in a concealed room.

"I thought I was going to die just now," Jack said, catching his breath.

"Indeed, it was close... Oh, you must be Adventurer Jack, right?" Venti asked.

"We're here to find you," added Lisa. "Eileen asked us to give you a message: She can't discuss the adventure plans with you today, so it will have to wait for another day."

Hearing this, Jack scratched his head with embarrassment. "Uh... I see. Sorry for the trouble, and thank you for coming to find me... and for saving me."

However, Stanley, who was standing nearby, seemed rather displeased. "Hah! Meddling in affairs that didn't need meddling. I could have easily handled this simple situation myself!"

"Wow! You're the legendary adventurer who once reached the Jueyun Karst, right?" exclaimed Paimon in amazement.

"That's right, I'm Stanley!" the middle-aged man proudly puffed out his chest.

"Haha, it's an honor to meet such a legendary figure," Venti chimed in.

Perhaps due to everyone's politeness, Stanley and Jack regained their spirits. The danger from the Hilichurls just moments ago seemed to have been forgotten, and they intended to continue moving deeper.

"So, you all want to hear my adventure stories, too, right?" Stanley asked in an unsurprised tone.

"No, we're just here to find Jack," replied Lisa.

"What? Young people, I'm Stanley, the most famous adventurer in Mondstadt!" Stanley exclaimed.

"Yeah, we already knew that," Paimon interjected.

"Ah, come on, this attitude isn't right! I'm a living legend, a warrior who reached the Jueyun Karst, Stanley!"

"Ah, we get it, we get it, you don't have to keep repeating your name!" Even Paimon was starting to get impatient.

With the Traveler and Venti accompanying them, there were no unexpected events on this adventure journey. As they neared the end, Venti pulled the Traveler aside and whispered, "Traveler, I've made a small discovery. Can you please activate the detector for me?"

With the detector's observation, there was no imaginary companion around Jack, but surprisingly, a man with scars all over his body appeared by Stanley's side.

The man had a determined expression, appearing like a seasoned warrior.

"Seems like it matches Stanley's description of himself."

"It looks like there's more to Stanley's story than meets the eye."

Venti seemed to have noticed something amiss.

At this point, Stanley greeted everyone and then left. Jack approached the protagonist's group and asked, "Do you have a moment?"

"In fact, a few days ago, Mr. Stanley got drunk and told me some secrets that no one else knows."

"The weapon he used during his adventures was none other than the relics of the great hero Vanessa, the 'Blazing Courage Sword' and the 'Radiant Will Shield'!"

"I'm afraid you won't believe me, but both of these weapons are still within Mondstadt, right in the Dadaupa Gorge!"

"You're all so capable. Can you accompany me to find these two divine artifacts?"

"Such powerful weapons?" the Traveler expressed doubt.

"Of course! After all, it's Mr. Stanley!"

"If I can find something sufficiently powerful to prove myself, my family might support me in becoming an adventurer..."

"I didn't dare tell Mr. Stanley about this selfish idea, but I promise, as soon as we find them, I'll return the weapons to him!"

"Poor guy... Well, let's help him," Paimon said with a touch of sympathy.

"Alright... Venti, are you in?"

Venti rubbed his chin, showing a hesitant expression. "Well..."

"Two years ago, I acquired a precious bottle of wine for you. If you help me find these artifacts, the wine will be yours!"

"Dadaupa Gorge, right? There's no time to waste; let's move now!"


Indeed, as the Anemo Archon, he had an immediate change of attitude upon hearing there was wine to be had.

Next, following the mission hints, they arrived near Dadaupa Gorge.

After clearing out the hilichurl camp, they found what was called the 'Blazing Courage Sword.' However, it was nothing more than a worn-out, oversized iron sword.

The 'Radiant Will Shield' they found next was similar, being a battered and cracked piece of metal.

Even Jack, who had been initially enthusiastic, thought the shield was a bit too worn.

Venti then began his act.

"By my bard's intuition, this is the 'Radiant Will Shield.'"

"Warriors take pride in their battle scars, and shields are no different."

"The more intact a shield is, the farther it has been from the battlefield. A worn-out shield is proof of enduring countless battles, isn't that precious?"

Whether the Traveler and Paimon believed it or not, under Venti's words, Jack became completely convinced.

With clasped hands, he sincerely said, "Thank you, thank you! I've found what I was looking for!"

"Mom, Dad, look at the divine artifacts I've found!"

Excitedly, Jack ran off, probably eager to show his family his achievements and recount Venti's words.

After Jack left, Venti pointed out Stanley, who had been hiding behind a tree, observing them all along.

Faced with the group's questioning, Stanley appeared somewhat guilty.

He casually chuckled and hastily left.

"I'm starting to think that Mr. Stanley might be a fraud," Paimon said with frustration.

"I think so too..."

"So, Stanley set up the sword and shield here in advance to avoid hurting Jack's feelings?"

"Well, he did brag to Jack..."

Venti seemed to have perceived something and his expression became serious as he half-closed his eyes.

"However, taking another look, it's quite interesting."

"People who don't want to forget the past and abandon the present... If they're forced to take the first step towards the future, in which direction will they go?"

"Um, what are you talking about?" Paimon asked in confusion.

"Haha, just talking to myself," Venti quickly resumed his nonchalant demeanor.

"By the way, tonight, let's go to 'Angel's Share.'"

At this moment, including Lisa, the players watching the story weren't aware that they were about to witness a divine moment with Venti in the tavern.

This was also one of the most moving scenes in the Genshin Impact legend mission.


The time came to the night. Following Venti's instructions, they arrived at the tavern as planned. Today's bartender happened to be Diluc.

"Today, are you here for 'Angel's Share'?" Diluc asked.

"The tavern isn't too crowded today, and I'm quite enjoying the atmosphere."

As Diluc put it, the first-floor hall was indeed quiet today. To be precise, there was only one person, Stanley, who was drinking alone and muttering to himself, slouched over the table.

The Traveler, Paimon, and Venti chose a table opposite Stanley's. They casually ordered some drinks and focused more on the drunken man's ramblings behind them.

"Stanley... tell me, what should I do..."

"Huh, why is he calling his own name?" Paimon wondered.

"Could there be someone else named Stanley?"

"Is there some hidden story?"

At this moment, the self-talk of Stanley suddenly turned into sobbing, and he continued to mutter the name Stanley with a sob.

No one expected that Mr. Stanley, who had experienced countless legendary adventures, would lose his composure like this.

Immediately after, as if he were confessing in a church, Stanley revealed an astonishing past.

"Why did you die back then in the Jueyun Karst... Why wasn't it me?"

"Why did you let me use your name? Why didn't your soul stop me? Stanley!"

"If it weren't for protecting me, you wouldn't have died in that windless place!"

"You already had the title of a great adventurer, but... just for the sake of a waste like me, you couldn't become a legend again..."

The Traveler and Paimon were both shocked. Venti, on the other hand, appeared unmoved, as if he had already anticipated this.

"What... what on earth happened?"

"I think, back then, he did find the Jueyun Karst, and the crisis he encountered there was real," Venti replied.

"However, that companion who adventured with him is the true 'Great Adventurer Stanley.'"

"The real Stanley died to save the 'Stanley' we know, right?"


Paimon took some time to digest this information.

"So, this 'Stanley' is called Stanley because he 'stole' someone else's name?"

"It's probably the case."

Venti's expression became somewhat dim, and it was unclear what he was thinking.

On the other hand, Stanley seemed to grow more emotional.

"Stanley... I've been afraid for so many years, afraid that the people of Mondstadt would completely forget you, so I told your adventure stories everywhere."

"I want to make sure that everyone in Mondstadt remembers that Stanley reached the heart of the Jueyun Karst... he's the greatest adventurer, and he's still alive!"

"Stanley won't die, because I am!... Because I am... Stanley..."

As his emotions reached their peak, he broke down into tears as if on the brink of a breakdown.

"I'm sorry, Stanley... even I've grown old, even I've grown old..."


After a moment, Stanley suddenly questioned, "How long do you guys want to eavesdrop?"

He could also sense that people around were listening, suggesting that Stanley wasn't completely drunk. Perhaps he wanted to take this opportunity to reveal the secret he had buried in his heart, a secret that felt like a cage to him.

"Let's go, don't ask anything. Let me have some quiet time alone."


At this moment, a young man suddenly burst into the tavern.

"Honorary Knight, Venti, and Paimon! It's great that you're all here!"

The newcomer was an excited Jack.

"I've been looking for you everywhere! I've come to thank you. Thanks to you helping me find the sword and shield, my parents agreed!"

"They even said they'd pay to have the 'Brilliant Courage Sword' and 'Glorious Will Shield' repaired for me to take on my journey!"

"That's great."

Venti smiled and asked, "Jack, are you leaving Mondstadt and setting off for the Tevat continent?"

"No, not for now. With my current abilities, I'm afraid I won't get very far."

"Besides, I want to hear more of Mr. Stanley's stories... hehe, after all, he's the starting point of my dream."

"Mr. Stanley..."

Jack looked towards the figure at the table and hesitated for a moment.

"Ah... he's drunk again."

"See you tomorrow, sir. When you're sober, tell me some more stories, okay?"

Jack left.

A moment later, Stanley also "woke up" from the table.

The drunkenness from earlier had an element of performance to it.

"Jack has gone back."

"Is that so... Well, thank you for not revealing my secret."

"Huh? Suddenly facing reality? That's not like the old you," Venti sighed.

"I... I didn't dare to look at him just now. His sincerity towards adventure is pure."

"I'm a tired and useless fraud, but that boy still shines brightly as a newcomer. We mustn't shatter his dreams."

"It's not fair to call him a fraud, is it? Because, the adventure stories and experiences of 'Stanley' are all real," Paimon comforted.

"Stories... experiences... well, let it be."

"I've grown old, and no matter how unwilling I am to let go, I can't hold on to much anymore."

"Actually, at this point, my memories of adventure, of Stanley... have all become blurry."

"These years, I've lived for his stories, but his personality, his life, I can't remember them anymore, hehe..."

"The only thing I can't forget is that he died in the Jueyun Karst, and the wind couldn't take away his soul!"

The Traveler and Paimon exchanged glances, feeling a sense of nostalgia.

This man before them had been engulfed by guilt in his life.

Only the "fantasy friend" remained.

Venti nodded slightly.

"Yeah... the real Stanley, in his memories, isn't even the vivid friend anymore."

"He's forever frozen in the image of a battle-scarred warrior, shackling his entire life."

Just as Venti said,

At this moment, Stanley was lying on the table, tears streaming down his face, no longer resembling the adventurer he once was.

He seemed to be complaining and confessing all at once.

"But... adventurers can't die like that... they can't..."

Suddenly, everything around became extremely quiet.

Only the sound of a gentle breeze remained.

A voice softly asked:


Stanley, who was lying on the table, trembled all over.

He raised his head, a look of shock on his face.

"How do you know my real name!?"

He had abandoned that name for many years, and he even felt unfamiliar with it himself.

But the young wandering bard in front of him accurately spoke his complete name.

The young man didn't answer, but behind him, a continuous breeze blew towards the direction where Hans was.

"The wind...!?"

"It's the sound of the unattainable wind in the Jueyun Karst!"

At this moment, Hans finally understood.

The young man in front of him wasn't just a simple wandering bard.

He was Barbatos, the Windborne Bard, the Anemo Archon who watched over every citizen of Mondstadt!

No wonder the other party knew his real name.

Hans stood up from his seat in excitement.

He reached out towards the radiance before him.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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