
Genshin Impact: I'll Subdue Raiden Shogun No Matter What

This is the story of a young man who wants to subdue Raiden Shogun at all costs. Even in a cunning way.

JuNn_ · Tranh châm biếm
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80 Chs

Ch. 55: Hidden Room

The aroma of fresh-baked bread wafted from the windows of the passing storefronts. The clamorous hubbub of the city mingled with the chiming of church bells.

I had returned to the City of Fontaine.

Rows of quaint houses lined the streets, their sturdy red brick walls topped by elegant curved rooftops adorned with wrought iron accents. Window boxes overflowed with trailing blooms in vibrant hues.

At a street corner, an approaching silhouette drew nearer.

A familiar face... prompting me to slow my stride. "Charlotte?"

Charlotte noticed my presence, her eyes widening. "Ah, there you are!"

She seemed to be in quite a hurry, just like the last time we crossed paths.

Was the life of a reporter really that hectic?

She studied me with an assessing gaze. "Would you be willing to help me?"

Oh, so now you're asking for my assistance?

How candid... I tilted my head, feigning contemplation as I tapped my fingers against my chin.

"Of course." A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I met her eyes.

Upon hearing my reply, Charlotte's expression slowly eased into a relieved smile.

Yet, it soon faded once more. As if remembering something, a pensive look crossed her features.

"I'm in a hurry, I can't explain right now. Just follow me!" She uttered quickly, whirling around to hurry off again, leaving me standing there.

I watched her retreating back grow smaller in the distance. Then, exhaling a sigh, I set off after her.

We wound through Fontaine's narrow alleyways. I surveyed our surroundings – the quaint houses with their curved roofs and robust red brick facades. Such quintessentially Fontaine architecture lined the cobbled streets.

Before long, we arrived at a modestly-sized home enclosed by an elegant wrought iron fence. Window boxes brimming with trailing blooms adorned the building.

I glanced towards Charlotte at my side.

"Whose home is this?" I asked, studying the structure with piqued curiosity.

For some reason, it sparked an odd sense of déjà vu...

She had led me here without any explanation. I simply followed in the dark.

Charlotte turned towards me, arching an inquisitive brow. "You don't know?" Her tone carried a hint of surprise.

I shook my head slowly. "No."

"I see. I haven't seen you around Fontaine lately. You must have been away somewhere?"

I fell silent for a moment. "I just returned from Liyue. I had business there."

Charlotte nodded, seeming to accept my explanation without further prying.

I wasn't sure what conclusions she might have drawn. After all, our perspectives differed.

Suddenly, Charlotte's gaze snapped forward again, her expression growing somber.

"The girl has returned," she stated solemnly.

I furrowed my brow... if someone just blurted out a statement like that, who wouldn't be taken aback?

Charlotte turned to regard me once more, tilting her head slightly. "Don't you remember?"

"Mr. Gloomy-Face's daughter, right?"

"Huh?" Charlotte cocked her head, her expression one of bewilderment.

Why did she look so confused?

Hadn't she been the one posing those loaded questions?

Had I somehow answered incorrectly?

Yet, a moment later, realization dawned in her widening eyes. "Oh, so it was her!"

Huh, I thought maybe I had the wrong person... I exhaled a long sigh.

"So, is it true then?" I murmured softly.

Charlotte affirmed with a nod. "Which is why we must apprehend her!"

"Apprehend? You and I aren't law enforcement, okay?" I reminded her. Then, drawing a resigned breath, I continued, "Whatever. So you want to look for evidence in this house?"

I turned my gaze towards the residence. As I suspected... the game system was clearly funneling me into this quest.

All that had transpired beforehand was indeed inevitable.

Charlotte then proceeded stealthily down the narrow side alley, attempting to gain entry into the house.

Truth be told, I didn't actually know whose home this was. But based on our prior exchange, I could hazard a guess. This was Mr. Gloomy-Face's residence. And the previous house we visited? Likely belonged to his wife... though that was mere speculation on my part.

After indulging my own musings, I tailed closely behind Charlotte.

Our footfalls were nearly silent.

We also managed to easily bypass the iron fence.

Once inside, I peeked through a small window that was slightly ajar. Carefully, I motioned for Charlotte to follow me through that gap into the premises.

Crinkle... creak...

One by one, we squeezed ourselves inside with difficulty. Within, an enveloping silence shrouded us in the dimly lit room's shadows. Only a sliver of illumination emanated from a small candle flickering atop a plate.

A lit candle... someone was home?!

I glanced towards Charlotte.

She only... shook her head.

What did that mean? I didn't understand!

I swallowed hard, then turned my gaze back ahead. Slowly, I retrieved the plate, using the meager candlelight to slightly aid my vision. I swept the tiny flame's glow around the chamber.

The first thing that caught my eye was a large, abstract painting mounted on the wall. Thick, seemingly random brushstrokes formed an unruly pattern of peculiar lines that seemed...strange, somehow.

Then, I angled the candlelight towards another, more captivating portrait. A beautiful woman rendered in elegant strokes.

Her exquisite features seemed to come alive within the alluring silk gown that clung to her form.


I started slightly as Charlotte suddenly materialized at my side. I felt the warmth of her breath ghosting my ear as she leaned in to whisper, "That's the owner's wife."

Her soft voice tickled that sensitive area, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. Reflexively, I turned my face away, putting a bit of space between us. It may have seemed abrupt, but she had unexpectedly invaded my personal space.

Why had she done that so suddenly?! It caught me off guard!

That wasn't exactly a laughing matter if I ended up striking out by accident.

Charlotte regarded me with a puzzled look at my reaction. I met her gaze steadily in the dim, flickering candlelight.

For some reason, despite the low lighting, I could feel my face growing warm.

Well, that could have turned dangerous. I may have attacked her in startled reflex.

I exhaled slowly... Thankfully, the scant candlelight was insufficient to highlight any reddening of my cheeks. At least, that was my hopeful assumption.

Shifting my attention back to the portrait of the woman in her stunning evening gown, I found myself momentarily entranced by her elegantly captured beauty.

"So that's his wife...absolutely gorgeous," I murmured, voicing my honest impression.

After appraising the painting for a few lingering moments, I began pacing around the shadowy chamber.

The small candle flame in my grasp illuminated the darkened nooks and crannies. I took stock of the various items and decor adorning the space.

An ornately carved antique wooden cabinet stood against one wall, its surface bearing several framed dried flower bouquets. So simple in presentation, yet arranged with meticulous care and refined taste.

In my peripheral vision, a small table in the corner caught my eye. I approached it cautiously, taking care not to make intrusive sounds. Atop the table's surface rested an aged, leather-bound book.

With careful movements, I brushed away the thin veil of dust covering it. It seemed to be a...

"Diary," I breathed, nearly inaudible.

Yet again, I had chanced upon a diary... but this time...

Might it contain some vital clue?

Just as I moved to open the tome, Charlotte suddenly tapped my shoulder lightly from behind.

I flinched slightly. Please... could she avoid giving me a heart attack like that?

Turning towards her, she gestured with a thumbed pointed in another direction.

I squinted at her disapprovingly before exhaling a resigned sigh. Moments later, I carefully replaced the diary atop the table's surface.

As tempting as it was to examine its contents, this time I was not alone. Charlotte accompanied me, obliging me to prioritize our shared objectives over personal curiosity.

Soon after, we proceeded in stealthy silence towards another section of the house.

Our footfalls were virtually inaudible, only the soft crackle of the candle flame providing an ambient undertone as it illuminated our path.

For ten minutes we meticulously explored every nook and cranny. Yet at the far end, we reached a dead end – no other rooms remained to investigate.

I had to admire the sheer size of this residence... it was remarkably sprawling!

After a while, a faint sound came from beside me.

Charlotte's hushed whisper reached my ear, "There seems to be a hidden room...perhaps an underground chamber?"

I glanced sidelong at her. This time, she refrained from leaning in unnecessarily close to murmur directly into my ear, maintaining a respectable distance after our earlier encounter.

"Maybe that diary holds the key?" she continued, directing her gaze towards the book I had discovered atop the table earlier.

Without wasting another moment, I approached that piece of furniture. For an instant, I swallowed hard.

Then, slowly, I opened the aged leather cover.

As the front cover fell open, suddenly the floor beneath us shifted and a staircase descended, revealing a hidden subterranean room below!

I peered downwards cautiously.

There was indeed a concealed chamber!

Glancing back towards the book...it was completely blank inside. So it hadn't been a diary after all?

Meeting Charlotte's gaze, she simply nodded without a word.

I exhaled once more... one step after another, I began descending the stairwell. Charlotte followed silently behind me.

Yet, abruptly, a powerful gust of wind erupted from below, extinguishing our candle flame in one forceful puff!

Pitch blackness engulfed us!


Please throw a power stone to keep me motivated!

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