
Genshin Impact: Fire Dragon God's Successor [Dropped]

Defeated by an Unknown God who also took his sister, Aether woke up 500 years later in the world of Teyvat. However, unknown to him, a certain Dragon God gained interest. xXxXxX I'm new to writing so don't expect much, my english is mid and my humour sucks. (Cover Art does not belong to me) Disclaimers: The updates would be inconsistent since I'm lazy. This novel is just made for fun, I did not really put any thought on this. All the things you see in this novel are inspired by other animes and novels.

Alanor · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: New Element

(AN: Alright, so before the story start. I'll just let you know that while this fic will only follow the Main Story of every nation like Stormterror, but there will be some changes. Aether will also meet some characters in a different way than in canon since this fic will be an AU, also, Ocs will start to appear and probably some crossover characters aswell. Anyways, that is all and thank you for reading this Author's Note.)

(Aether POV)

After telling Paimon my story and how I got here, we started to move towards the nearest city named Mondstadt. Paimon thought me how to write and she was surprise at how fast I grasped the basics of writing.

"Soooo, you do know the location of the city, right?" I asked quite worried about the fact that the two of us could get lost.

"Of course Paimon knows! What do you take Paimon for?!" Paimon complained with an irritated tone, before she flew over some rocks. I followed behind her, climbing some rocks before I eventually saw a really pleasant view.

I stood besides Paimon as I stared in awe at the view, I may have travelled far when I got here but not this far. I can see the walls of a city which I assumed was Mondstadt.

"Look, that's Mondstadt right over there!" Paimon said excitedly while pointing at the city sorrounded by a wall. "Paimon thinks that if we hurry up, we could arrive there much sooner!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said before turning around. However, something caught my attention.

It was a statue in the middle of a lake, drawn in by my curiosity I pointed at the statue before asking Paimon. "Hey Paimon, what's that statue over there?"

"Hm? Oh! That's the statue of the Anemo Archon, Barbatos! The people of Mondstadt worships him."

"Interesting, want to take a closer look?"



Paimon floated to cross over the lake, while I did the same by using my flames. I don't want my clothes to be wet.

"I'm confused as to why you managed to almost drown if you can float like that."

"Hey! Floating consumes energy too buddy!"

"And I'm tall." I rolled my eyes before walking closer towards the statue.

"Hey, Paimon has a feeling that you're mocking her!" Paimon shouted in the background, although I didn't really pay attention.

I reached my hand and touched the golden colored part of the statue that was placed near the botton of the statue.

The statue then began to glow a Teal color, before some particles came out of the golden part of the statue before going into the ball that the statue was holding. A transparent Teal colored ball with a wing symbol inside of it suddenly came out of the ball before it started to fly towards me. It suddenly got absorbed by my body, but instead of feeling uncomfortable, I actually felt relaxed.

"Did you just get a new power?" A bewildered Paimon asked.

"I guess so." I confirmed as the Teal glow tha sorrounded me started to disappear.

"How is that even possible!? First you became a successor from one of the Dragon gods and now you just got a new power up!? Now Paimon thinks you're the main character from a story or something."

(That actually seems kind of true. I feel like I'm a main character of an Isekai Novel.) I thought to myself before looking at my new element on my left hand, and my Pyro element on my right hand.

"Hey, why don't you try your new power againts those slimes over there?" Paimon suggested before pointing at the slimes. "Also try not to use your Pyro element this time."

Looking at the slimes at where Paimon was pointing at, I shrugged. "Sure, why not." I said before taking out my daggers from my waist.

"Ok, let's try this." Focusing the Anemo Element towards my leg, I was pleasantly surprise when I find myself infront of the slimes.

Acting quickly, I slashed one of the slimes with my right dagger, before stabbing it using my left dagger. One of them tried to attack me, but I boosted my jump using my Anemo Element pointing the dagger in my left hand and a sudden vortex of wind suddenly came out of the tip, killing two slimes at the same time. Landing on the ground gracefully, I killed the remaining slimes before putting back my daggers on my waist.

"Whew, it actually felt kind of awesome using another element instead of Pyro." I whistled in satisfaction.

"Woah! Paimon can't believe you beat them all so easily!"

"Eh? You... didn't believe that I'll be able to beat them? I should have just cooked you." I said as I started pretending to sob.

"E-eh!? W-wait! P-Paimon did not mean it like that! Paimon is so sorry Aether!" She said in a panick as she started to sweat.

I looked up at her with a smug smile before speaking. "Hehe. I fooled you Paimon." I said mockingly.

"Hey! You were only playing with Paimon's feelings!?" She complained as she pouted. "That's what you get for not helping me againts the slimes."

"Paimon was cheering you on, you know!"

"Oh really? Then I'm grateful for the moral support that I did not hear, oh graceful creature." I said mockingly while bowing.

"Why did it feel like a joke? Were you just mocking Paimon!?" She asked, however, I already flew away, leaving her on the statue.

"Hey! Get back here Aether!"


While I was playing tag with Paimon, I arrived inside a forest where I suddenly felt an ominous feeling. Further more, I can smell the scent of a Hilichurl further away from me although it felt more... dark. If that make sense.

"I finally caugth up to you Aether!" Paimon shouted as she grabbed my shoulder. "Hmm? What's wrong Aether? Why do you look so serious all of a sudden?" Paimon asked worriedly as she noticed me looking further into the forest.

"Lets go, I feel like someone needs our help." I said as I quickly ran away to the location of the scent, I could also hear arrows being shot and the smell of fire.

Paimon followed closely behind me as she did not want to be left behind in a random forest.

Hiding behind a tree, I take a look at what was going on. I saw a girl with long brown hair, a red bow shaped like bunny ears on her head and brown pilot googles. She was wearing a tight white shirt that showed her curves but those were hard to notice because of the red jacket with a brown bunny face behind it that she was wearing. She also wore brown pants and white boots.

She was holding a bow where she was shooting at some weird creatures that does not look like Hilchurls at all.

Deciding to help her, I quickly took out my dagger, before using Anemo to boost my speed. Igniting my daggers in flame, I slashed at the one who has the color of a snow?

The girl looked surprise by my arrival before quickly putting herself together before she started shooting at the purple electric looking one.

Igniting my right knee on fire, I kneed the creature's barrier around it causing it to crack. I grinned at this before sending a barrage of Fire enhance dagger strikes.

It was not long before the barrier completely broke. Taking this opportunity, I quickly stabbed the creature several times "MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA!"

I stopped stabbing it when I noticed that it slowly turned into particles. It fell on the ground where it completely disappeared, weird.

I turned around just in time to see the girl throw a doll copy of herself which then exploded infront of the purple one. That was actually kind of terrifying.

"Aether! Why did you decided to run off like that!?" Paimon said while quickly flying over me. "Well, I mean I can't just let someone fight on their own againts two opponents right?"

"Well, Paimon thinks you're right, but jeez, you had Paimon worried there for a second."

I look towards the girl who was walking towards us. She stopped infront of me before she spoke, "Thank you for helping me... em, Aether, right?"

"Yep, that's me, and this gremlin here is Paimon. Unfortunately she's my Mascot. And you are?" I said, I heared the girl giggle a bit while Paimon just shouted, "Hey!"

"Oh, right, where are my manners. My name is Amber Tùzi, Outrider of the Knights of Favonius!" The newly named Amber said to me, she puffed up her chest with pride visibke from her face as she said the last line.

"Knights... of Favonius?" I questioned while tilting my head. I have an idea about them in mind but it does not hurt just to make sure.

"The Knights of Favonius serves to protect Mondstadt and its citizens." Amber explained.

"Anyways, you don't looke like you're from around here, especially with your... err, exotic clothes."

"Yep, we are actually travel buddies, and we were planning to head towards Mondstadt!" Paimon answered eagerly.

"Oh is that so? Then why don't I escort you there. That is the least I could do for you." Amber offered, of course I did not take down the offer.

"Hmm. I'll also buy you a new pair of clothes, since you might gain some unwanted attention from other people here." She said with a thoughtful look.

"Eh? I-Is that really okay with you?" I asked.

"Yep, of course. You saved me afterall."

"Alright then." I am not about to turn down an offer about getting something for free.

And with that, we continued our way towards Mondstadt with a new person guiding us.