
Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

After enduring a sorrowful life confined to hospitals, Kurogane Kaito passes from this world at the age of eighteen. However, instead of finding rest, a mysterious goddess from the realm beyond presents him a singular opportunity. He may reinhabit a new land of his choosing, endowed with certain "cheats." Kaito selects the world of Teyvat, setting of the game Genshin Impact. What he knows not is the goddess' blessing includes sway over time's manipulation. Reborn in Mondstadt, he must discern his uncommon powers and acclimate to this novel existence. Yet soon he discovers Teyvat's true nature proves far more intricate than initially perceived. In this new beginning, he decides to live freely under his own volition. ××× Join my Patreon to read advanced chapters. Patreon.com/OlwinMoriarty ××× Hello everyone! My name is OlwinMoriarty and I welcome you to my story. First of all, I want to say that English is not my native language, so please excuse me if I make any mistakes. I will do my best to communicate clearly. I hope you can join me on this journey as I develop the plot and characters. I promise to do my best to entertain you. I would be very grateful to read your comments and suggestions. I hope you enjoy the reading very much. ××× This work is a fiction created for entertainment purposes. It has no purpose other than to entertain. The characters, settings, and other recognizable parts of Genshin Impact are owned by them.

OlwinMoriarty · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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21 Chs

Chapter 21

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked. My hand was still closed around the spear.

The strange woman gave me a confident smile, as if we had known each other forever. "Ah, so it's you. I knew you'd come. I've been expecting you."

My mind worked twice as fast trying to remember her, but my memory was blank, "Excuse me? Have we met before?"

She sat gracefully, as if she were the owner and mistress of the wagon. Her movement was so fluid and graceful that it looked as if she had slid into the seat instead of sitting down.

"Not yet, but that will change. I am Mona Megistus, an erudite and proud Astrologer."

Mona Megistus―where had I heard that name before? Then I remembered: I had seen her picture on one of the banners in the Genshin Impact game. So this woman was one of the characters in the game?

I felt a little calmer. It was unlikely that she was an enemy. I relaxed my grip on the spear and had a chance to take a closer look.

The figure that entered the wagon was a young woman, delicate and graceful in appearance. She was strangely dressed, in a purple and black clothes covered with gold ornaments. A purple witch's hat crowned her head, and her long, dark blue, almost black hair was tied in twintails that hung down either side of her back. The ends of the girl's twintails were decorated with two golden compass ornaments that seemed to be slowly spinning.

Her face was so white it looked like freshly fallen snow, and her intense eyes seemed to scan everything with a sharp gaze.

But my attention did not stop at her face. I noticed that she was wet from head to toe. Her clothes clung to her body, revealing the shape of her small breasts, but her ass and thighs were quite large and looked smooth and round, as if they had been sculpted by a skilled artist.

'Umu. Blessed are the ass and thighs. Amitabha.'

I felt as if I had attained enlightenment at that moment, as if the entire universe had stopped to allow me to admire the perfection of her anatomy. But of course it wasn't. It was just me being an idiot.

Putting such ungentlemanly thoughts aside, I returned my gaze to those pale green eyes. "How do you know who I am?"

"Ah, it's because of Astrology," Mona explained with a nonchalant gesture. "I can read destiny in the stars, and they have led me to you."

"Excuse me..." When the old coachman looked back, he looked me straight in the eye. "There's a little problem..."

"Go ahead."

"You see, the lady has to get off at this stop. But with the storm out there..." He scratched his chin, unsure.

I glanced sideways at Mona Megistus, sitting across from me. Her face darkened as she heard the coachman's words. Then her head bowed dejectedly. Even the top of her witch hat was drooping. It was obvious that the prospect of facing the raging waters and winds did not fill her with happiness. In fact, she looked more frightened than a cat cornered by a pack of dogs.

For a moment I felt sorry for her. After all, who in their right mind would want to walk in that deluge? Only an insane person or a masochist would find pleasure in it.

Although, on the other hand, the delicate, trembling thighs of a drenched damsel have their charm... I shook my head and pushed those thoughts away.

I settled back in my seat and stared out the window at the rain curtains whipping outside. A clap of thunder rumbled in the distance. "Yeah, not exactly a day for a walk, is it?"

So I leaned forward and said to the coachman, "Don't worry, let her come with us. When we get to the next village, I'll pay you extra for your trouble."

The coachman hesitated, but finally shrugged his shoulders with resignation. "Well, if the lady has no objections..."

I turned my head to Mona with a knowing smile. "What do you say, would you like to avoid the storm a little longer?"

She kept a deadpan face and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before feigning a graceful cough. "Well, I can thank you for that."

"Bah, it's nothing." I dismissed with a nonchalant wave of my hand. "Then it's settled. A little more pleasant chatter to keep the wind and thunder away."

The old man seemed to sigh, but finally nodded his head, and soon the wagon resumed its march.

"Achu!" Mona sneezed loudly and rubbed her reddened nose. Her whole body was shaking as she hugged herself, as if she wanted to get warm.

Then my eyes wandered to the small device hanging from her waist, just at the level of those delicious hips. It was smaller than a child's fist and made of excellent quality materials. Inside an elegant gold metal was a blue crystal, and inside that crystal, the symbol representing water.

Hydro Vision.

It is said that Hydro Vision is only granted to those with a great sense of justice and unwavering loyalty. Visions themselves are a gift from Celestia to those who have overcome, or wish to overcome, extreme and complicated situations. In addition to gaining an elemental affinity, this source of power allows them to perform feats beyond their ordinary limits.

Of course, seeing Mona shivering from the cold and hearing those sneezes meant that the Vision didn't exactly make her immune to water. In fact, if we didn't find a dry place soon, she was going to catch a bad cold.

I wondered absently if she would like me to warm her up a bit?

I had no choice but to smile and resist, pushing those thoughts to the corner of my mind.

"So even an Allogen can't get a little sniffle, huh?" I looked at her with a grin.

"I'm cold. My powers don't make me immune to sickness." Mona replied with absolute honesty, unaffected by my condescending tone.

Mmngh... that's okay, I guess. Frankly, her lack of reaction was a bit disappointing. Still, I couldn't stand by and do nothing while she shook like a leaf.

"If you want, I can dry you with my Anemo Element. It would be foolish to let you catch a cold."

Mona nodded her head. "I'd appreciate it."

I shook my head as I conjured a gentle warm breeze around her. The air currents began to swirl, slowly drying her soaked clothes and hair.

Before long, the atmosphere became almost cozy as Mona closed her eyes and let the wind envelop her. I shot a sidelong glance―was she enjoying this little show too much? She even smiled as if it tickled her!

When I was finished, Mona thanked me again. Then I quietly enjoyed the nice views my travel companion had to offer in those tight clothes. Mona's curves definitely deserved to be admired without reservation.

But unfortunately my visual enjoyment was interrupted when Amber started to stir.

"Mmfh~ this is nice..." She mumbled as she rubbed her cheeks against my thigh before opening her eyes.

"Oh, Sleeping Beauty finally decided to wake up?"

"U-Uwah? W-What...?"

Amber was so disoriented that she barely managed a gasp as our eyes met. Although I don't blame her, having her head resting so comfortably on my lap must have been a rather compromising position for her mind.

I could see the blush spreading adorably across her cheeks as she sat up with a start, waving her hands frantically to keep the heat away from her face. "I-It's not what it looks like, I just fell asleep, I swear!"

"Ohhh, really? Because it looked to me like you were enjoying your personal makeshift pillow." I gave her an innocent smile. "But don't worry, I don't mind lending my legs for whatever you need..."

"K-Kaito!" Her face was burning with such an intense blush that I thought she would smoke out of her ears at any moment. She was extremely cute...

It was then that she seemed to notice Mona, who was watching us with a neutral expression. Well, she gives Amber a neutral look. And to me? Like she's looking at a pervert!

"You know, I can imagine what you must be thinking about me right now," I said with a forced smile.

What the hell would be going through her head, that I'm a pervert having fun with Amber? That's not true! Or at least not completely!

"Hey, Mona, long time no see!" Amber's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

But the expression on her face was stiff, as if she was thinking, "She saw me in that embarrassing position with Kaito!"

To be honest, this situation could easily be misinterpreted. On the other hand, Mona being Mona, she probably wouldn't care. And so far, she hadn't said anything.

Well... a lap pillow isn't a big deal either. It's not like it's one of those Japanese light novels―'


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