Everything has an end. All must return to oblivion. His life's end had arrived. But his journey's end did not. In his new life, he is Boris. A Snezhnayan kid who is in the fatui. He finds himself in Mondstadt at the starting around the time of the Traveler's arrival. Watch the second part of his journey, as he breezes through the ranks of the fatui.
It was cold, very cold, so cold that it felt like I would freeze to death anytime now. The coat and clothes didn't make any difference, the weather here was so cold, that it even made someone like me shiver.
The wind howled, cold and thick, strong enough to make someone fly away. The wind tickled my skin, it's cold making me shiver even more.
I stared at the giant mountain, it's clouded peak and the visible floating rocks around it.
I knew exactly what this place was, what danger it had, hidden in the caves and mountains, which I eventually had to go to, seeing my mission.
And only one thing came into my mind, What did I get myself into?
A soldier behind me pushed my shoulder and yelled, "Can't handle the cold, kid?! You may as well return now, I don't know what's so special about you."
I looked back at him with narrowed eyes, "Shut the fuck up before I create a blue inside your body, that will shut you up forever." I said.
His confidence melted and he stepped back, looking again, whispering, "What a fucking brat, can't even take a joke.".
You may be wondering what happened? Well, after I fell down on Jean from the window, she took me back to my room and scolded me for more than an hour, then she left.
It took me some weeks to fully recover, and now that i had recovered, I went and got the highest paying mission without actually seeing what it was.
When I learned what it really was, it was too late.
Here's what the mission paper said;
Task : Investigate the strange occurrences in dragonspine, and gather information about the dead dragon, Durin, the ancient civilization that inhabited Dragonspine and the strange shards.
Expedition Duration : 10 Days
Payment : 1,500,000 Mora.
Your role : Defend the scientists and researchers. Carry out secret investigation on the remains of the dead body of the dragon Durin,
I received the payment right after, so i couldn't even go back now.
And, this was also around the time that the Traveler defeated Dvalin and freed him from the control of the Abyss Mages along with the help of Jean, Diluc and the useless god, Venti. So, Signora had also taken the Gnosis and left Mondstadt, taking most of the Fatui stationed here with her.
This would also be my last mission in Mondstadt, because then I would probably be stationed at Liyue.
As I was thinking about the events that had happened in the last few weeks, one of the researchers called out to us, "Hey there! You Fatui people! Come here and help us! There is a giant Ice Lawachurl blocking our path, get it before it kills us!"
I sighed, recognizing where we were, I looked at the soldiers beside me and they nodded at me and drew their weapons.
Nodding, I walked over towards the resting lawachurl with the other soldiers behind me.
"Blue." I said in a low voice, holding my palm outwards, aiming at the Lawachurl. Slowly, blue energy swirled and formed a small ball and i moved it towards the Lawachurl before fully activating it.
As I soon I activated the Blue, the Lawachurl flew towards the ball alongside the surrounding debris and structure, which was mainly a hilichurl camp. Before it was completely destroyed by the Blue, it stood up and held onto a giant rock, stopping itself from being sucked in.
I narrowed my eyes and moved the blue closer to the Lawachurl before throwing it the towards the mountain, making the Lawachurl crash into the mountain, hard.
Seeing an opening, one of the soldiers charged forward and swung his hammer down onto the head of the Lawachurl, killing it.
The Researchers stared in shock, their eyes wide with surprise and awe, mainly because my blue, before quickly diverting their attention to the giant strange tree in front of us, quickly rushing to it, to examine it.
But I already knew what it was, so I paid no mind to it, but seeing that the tree was here, I was sure of one thing.
Lumine had been here, and she thawed out the shard, awakening the crimson tree. If she hadn't left by now, she would be most likely be creating the spear crafted from the dragon's remains, probably investigating the heart of Durin. And that was gonna be a problem for me, as I would have to face her like the Fatui did in the game near the heart.
I needed to befriend her, get as close to her as possible, because I knew that she would be useful, and being the friend of the Main Character always has its benefits.
"Hey Kiddo," One of the soldiers called out to me in a quiet voice, "Look what I found here." He said sitting down near a pile of snow.
I raised my eyebrow and walked towards him before crouching down and looking at what he was holding.
A small golden box, with intricate designs on it.
I recognized what it was, and I looked at the soldier with dead serious eyes, "Do not tell anyone about this."
He raised his eyebrow, "Alright, but it seems like you know what this is."
I nodded quietly and took the box from him and hid it in my coat, "I'll tell you about it later, keep quiet for now and dont tell anyone about it. I'll share the reward for this with you."
The soldier raised his eyebrows, but immediately nodded when he heard the words reward and share.
I nodded and went and sat on a nearby patch of snow, waiting for the researchers to complete their work.
Half an hour later.
I looked up at the researchers and yelled, "You guys done yet?!"
One of the researchers yelled back, "Yeah! We are packing up the equipment right now, we gave the samples to one of your subordinates, make sure to tell him to be careful."
I nodded and got up, "Now, we will be heading higher, towards the summit, we will take stops in between the way, so make sure to do as much reason as you can."
The researchers nodded and I started walking towards the path leading up, with the soldier from before beside me and the researchers following us with the other soldiers guarding the back.