
Genshin Impact: A wild Pokemon appeared

Genshin Impact X Pokemon One day, Loki suddenly received a main story quest from his boss. He had to go to a new world and create a foothold so that pokemon can descend. But the new world turned out to be much more troublesome than what he bargained for. The gods of Tevyat were extremely 'unique'. One was penniless. The other was a drunkard. The third was a shut-in who has not touched grass for nearly 500 years. How will Loki navigate this new world and complete his quest? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

NameLeSS · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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29 Chs

Do you want some Candy?

A day has passed since Loki came to this world and the sun has now set.

During this time, he had already confirmed his suspicion. This world was indeed Tevyat from the Genshin Impact game.

According to some rumors he heard around the city, he found out that Dvalin has recently attacked Mondstadt and a blond traveller repelled the frenzied dragon. Considering the time it takes for such information to spread, at least a week or more should have passed since this event.

'The plot of the game has just started. It will take a while before the Traveller arrives in Liyue.'

Currently, Loki was having dinner at the renowned Wanmin Restaurant. He had to admit, the food cooked by Xiangling was worthy of a 5 star rating.

He was feeling extremely satisfied with the food so the number of plates on his table kept on increasing. He was confident that he could eat all the dishes listed on the menu in one sitting if the food was this delicious.

The people walking past looked at him incredulously but he didn't pay them any heed.

Finally, after more than an hour, his stomach was finally full. He finished the last dish and put the plate down.

He didn't even have to wait before Xiangling and Guoba approached him. They were clearly ready for him.

"Customer, do you wish to order more?"

Xiangling asked with unconcealed enthusiasm in her voice. From her subtle demeanour, she clearly wanted to cook more food and serve it to him. She was eyeing him as if he was her long lost brother.

Loki could not help but lament. This little girl was asking if he wanted more food even after she saw the small pile of empty plates before him.

Did she think he was a foodie? He wanted to tell her that this was the first time he ate in 4 years. But in the end, he opted not to tell her.

"I think I am done for today. Thank you for the food. They were delicious."

Xiangling smiled at his praise. Guoba also raised his paw and called out. They were happy to hear that the food they cooked was delicious, even if it was obvious from the pile of plates on the table.

"I am glad you liked our food."

Loki stood up from his chair. "By the way, I have something to confess. I have just arrived in this place so I dont have any mora on me."

Xiangling widened her eyes for a brief moment before looking at him strangely. She looked at the elaborate suit and pants he wore. She found it hard to believe a customer that screamed wealth did not have any mora.

Seeing her stare, Loki knew what she was thinking.

'Have I become a wild Zhongli as soon as I got here?' This thought brought a smile on his face. But he decided to stop any stray thoughts and quickly added.

"Although I have no mora, I can barter with some of the unique fruits I have. I am sure you have never seen them before."

Xiangling reacted at the mention of fruits she have never seen. As a renowed chef, she has travelled to a lot of places and seen all kinds of products. So she was really curious about the fruits he mentioned.

"Is it from Natlan or Snezhnaya?"

She mentioned the name of the two nations that were relatively more isolated than the rest.

"Let me keep it a secret for now. But since I don't have the fruits on me right now, you would have to accompany me to my base. Is that okay with you?"

Since all the cutomers of the restaurant had already left, Loki was sure an enthusiastic cook and foodie like Xiangling will accept his proposal. Sure enough, she nodded her head and gave him a positive response.

Xiangling didn't think he would do anything to her. Even if he did, she was confident in her skills to fight back alongside Guoba.

"Please wait a moment. I have to clean up the table."

Saying those words, she began to carry the plates on his table and took them to the sink. Guoba helped her a step slower.

Loki stepped aside and waited at the side of the restaurant patiently. Various thoughts ran through his mind.

'Boss asked me to create a foothold for the pokemon if this world was suitable for living. And from my knowledge of the game, I am sure this world is more than ready to welcome Pokemon. The only problem being the 7 Archons and the Heavenly Principles.'

'I have to slowly introduce the concept of pokemon to this world. At the same time, I have to do something about the shut-in of Inazuma and the imprisoned radish of Sumeru. There is also the Cryo Archon and Heavenly Principles to worry about. The other nations should be relatively easier.'

Loki could not help but sigh. 'So much work to be done.' But the work before him did not diminish his excitement of a new adventure in Tevyat.

As he was making plans for the future, Xiangling and Guoba came before him.

"Customer, we are done. Let's go."

Loki heard the name she called him and realized that he never introduced himself.

"Miss Xiangling, my name is Loki. I hope you call me by my name."

She simply nodded her head in response.

"Then you should also call me Xiangling. Please stop with the miss." She then turned to Guoba. "And this is my friend Guoba."

"Barara." Guoba waved his paw in the air as a greeting. Loki smiled at the small mascot. He felt a bit amused that he understood the small orange panda.

"Nice to meet you as well, Guoba."


"This is the place you are staying in?"

Xiangling looked at the old two storied building before her. It looked shabby and abandoned.

"How should I say it? It doesn't fit your image at all."

"Well, I just arrived in Liyue. I am going to renovate this building first thing tommorow."

Loki hid his embarassment as he quickly stepped into the building. Xiangling and Guoba followed behind him.

"Please wait in this room for a while. I will fetch the fruits."

Seeing the two nod, Loki went upstairs and entered the GATE.


As soon as his vision returned, he saw his friends keeping guard around the GATE. They immediately called out to him after he returned.

"Calm down. I will explain everything in a while."

He spoke in an authoritative tone and quickly shared his objective.

"I am in a bit of a hurry. Can some of you bring a few berries and sacks here?"

Without inquiring about anything, a few of the pokemon rushed towards the distance.

Less than a minute later, a large pile of berries were presented to him. The corner of his lips twitched at the extravagance. He had clearly asked for a few berries but they piled a mountain before him.

A while later, Shaymin walked forward and handed him 5 sacks made from jute.

"Thank you."

He said as he bent down and started to gather the berries in the sacks. Shaymin silently helped him by his side.

A while later, there were a total of 5 sacks before him. Oran Berry, Sitrus Berry, Leppa Berry, Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry. The 5 sacks contained 10 berries of each.

"Well, I should return in a few minutes or an hour at most. I will explain everything then."

With those words, he returned to Tevyat.


Loki walked down the stairs with 5 sacks full of berries. Xiangling noticed him and immediately rushed forward.

"Looks like you are full of energy."

He smiled as he handed the sacks to her. Xiangling gently placed them on the floor and looked through each one of them.

The more she looked, the more excited she became. Guoba was also wide eyed as he looked through the sacks.

"So many fruits I have never seen before. Where did you get them? What are they called?"

Xiangling quickly lost herself in her monologues.

"These berries don't look like the ones from Natlan and Snezhnaya at all. I have looked through their pictures book. But they are not from the other nations as well-"

As she became more and more engrossed in her detective skills, Loki silently decided to just let her be until she calmed down.

He remained silent as Xiangling carefully held each berry and examined them. Guoba was beside her, doing the same.

A few minutes passed before Xiangling calmed down. Loki finally stepped forward. He knelt down and pointed as each berry as he spoke their name.

"This is an Oran Berry. Sitrus Berry. Leppa Berry. Pecha Berry. Rawst Berry."

Xiangling took out a note from her pockets and began to jot down. He gave her enough time to draw each berry as well. After she finished with her rough sketch, he began to explain the use of the berries.

"Oran and Sitrus berries are good for health. Leppa berry gives you energy when you are tired. Pecha berry can cure some poison. And Rawst berry is good for burns."

Xiangling quickly jotted everything. After reading through her notes, she looked up at him with surprise.

"These berries are medicinal? I cannot accept them. They are far more expensive than the mora you owe."

Loki smiled at her honesty.

"It is okay. Consider these a gift from me. You are my first customer so I should treat you well. In return, you can spread the information about my humble store."

"Humble store?"

Xiangling asked with a puzzled voice as she looked at the dilapidated walls of the room. Loki coughed awkwardly to hide his embarassment and quickly diverted her attention by sharing more information about the berries.