

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

Genora... Run, run!

I suddenly wake up gasping for air, I put my hand on my chest trying to control my breathing.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" she asks while getting up as well.

" Yea, bad dream"

It's weird, a few months ago I could not imagine that I would be sleeping in the same bed with another naked girl but here I am.

Did you enjoy last night baby?

"Yes," I lie giving her a fake smile.

"Where were you yesterday afternoon? I thought maybe I would wait for you after your lecture but you weren't there."

"Yeah I decided to take a walk I just needed some fresh air" another lie

"I don't wanna tell Lisa that I've been going for therapy sessions, I want to be better for her and be the best girlfriend I can be."

To be honest last night I was uncomfortable. We initially decided that we were going to take it slow but she said her love for me was too much and the only way she can show me was with physical contact. Till today I feel this overwhelming guilt for not remembering her and the way we were together-its been a month, I assumed back then my memories would come back but nothing. I give her a quick peck on the lips and start to get ready for school.

I enter the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, suddenly I am hit with this painful headache that causes me to lose my balance, I hold on to the sink for balance. I look for the pills and take double the normal dose, as I am gulping down the water I remember what my father said-" Listen if you start getting really bad headaches , double the amount of pills you take each morning"

An hour later I arrive on campus, I decided to stop at the food court to grab something to eat before I drink some of the medication I got to help ease my headaches.

I order a simple chicken wrap at this Italian fast outlet, as I am walking out I suddenly hear a voice call out behind me.

"So do you still think I was trying to hurt you?" I turn back and see that it's James.

"What do you want?" I say while slightly backing up, making sure there is enough distance.

But as usual, he walks over my personal space and looked down to me in the eye for a while, it seems as if time is passing a bit more slower-his eyes say a thousand words.

" If you ever want me to tell you, what was in those pills... I'm a phone call away" He says as he slips a small piece of paper in my jacket pocket and walks away as if nothing happened.

My heart is pounding, he was so close to me.

I reach out to my pocket for my phone to tell Lisa what just happened but I had a strong feeling not to, it's not as if I doubt my father.

I look down to the watch that Lisa got me, to realise I am 15min late to my first lecture. I enter the lecture hall and take the furthest seat at the back, 30min into the lecturer and I am finding it really hard to concentrate - I keep thinking about James. He fills my mind, thoughts and sometimes dreams.

I take out the piece of paper that James put in my jacket pocket-his phone number.

I decide to save it and text him.

"Hey, its Genora"

" I certainly didn't expect you to text me that soon"

"Can we meet in a discreet place after 2pm?"

"Sure come over to my apartment, its at 22nd brindston Street. apartment Nr23"

thirty minutes before 2 pm I am walking, using google maps to find the place James resides in. I felt odd, my muscles feeling weak and my mind feeling quite foggy. My arms swayed, simultaneously, back and forth, as my stilt-like legs seemed to be carrying me from point A to point B; mechanically in motion one leg thrust forward as the other tried, rhythmically, to catch up. I am pushing myself-I had come this far, why stop now. I knocked on his door and he answers on the 3rd knock.

"Hey," He says with a slick smile


He motions for me to enter, as soon as I do, I am hit with the smell of his cologne. His living room is amazing, he must be very well off to be able to afford this.

A dark forest green rug, with two couches, both are love seats. A wooden coffee table with three open portals under the tabletop. A desk containing a computer, monitor, keyboard, phone, two lights (one is a magnifying light), a Klipsch subwoofer with two speakers, miscellaneous work papers, a cup, and a small Plankton stuffed animal. A large two drawer lateral filing cabinet with a fax machine and 3in1 printer. This place is quite appropriate for a university student.

A 49inch LCD TV mounted to the wall, located about 1 foot below the ceiling. Two walls mounted shelves directly below the TV. Two glass coffee tables with metal framing. A trash can. A leather recliner. A spider lamp, 2 additional lamps with shades.

" So this is my place..." He says from behind me. I turn around to face him, I didn't account for how close he was so I back up but he closes the distance and eventually backs me up against the wall.

Before I could withdraw my mind from its far places, his arms were around me. I felt again the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth that left me limp. The quiet face of Genora Davis was blurred and drowned to nothingness. He bent back my head across his arm and kissed me, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made me cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting my shaking lips, sending wild tremors along my nerves. Evoking from my sensations I had never known was capable of feeling, before long I find myself kissing him back.

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