

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 5

"So you and that guy from earlier are friends now?"

"yeah he said his name is James"

That's nice she says with a small smile

"When is your dad coming?"

"'Not sure if you should come with me because I'm thinking now he's going to be angry that I have a friend because he doesn't like me having friends you know "

"so we just found out that your dad has been giving you Antiseizure drugs, but you still want to listen to him. You need to break from his hold over you. Listen I am coming with you no matter what, you have to be strong as well -be bold, you have to stop depending on your dad. Your a grown woman now, you're past 18- you can make your own decisions."'

"You're right. "

"We are going to meet your dad tomorrow, and we have the whole day today to enjoy yourselves. Go out and have fun, let loose Chika!"

"I'm not so sure if we should go out the day before I go and see my dad "

"You're in college girl enjoy, I will invite some of my friends," Lisa says excitedly.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to just, you know go out there just yet, this is quite new to me and is a lot for me to take in. We should just go for something ice cream tomorrow, that would be nice and also maybe invite James."

"Do you like James?"

"'Yes, he seems like a good guy''

''I mean romantically? "she asks while folding her arms

"Ummm, I don't think so"' I murmur while slightly blushing.

She just nods and says

"' okay, okay we'll just invite James''

I spend the rest of my day getting ahead of studying since my lectures are going to start next week Monday. After studying I tried to pick an outfit to wear for tonight but I don't know what to wear I don't have a lot of clothes that are Outdoor friend gathering worthy.

I just owned alot of sweatpants, jeans, and normal shirts. I don't have any makeup and accessories either.

Lisa comes over around 6 pm and she came over with few outfits.

" I had a feeling that you wouldn't have anything to wear, so you can borrow some of my stuff.

We spent 2 hours just getting ready . After 8 pm we meet James at this cute little ice cream place just right across the street.

James and Lisa finally seem to be getting along , initially, it didn't seem like Lisa liked him but now she seems to be warming up to me.

This is the first outing I've ever had and it was good. James and Lisa will time they were carrying a conversation most of the time it sometimes I would add to the conversation. I found out a lot of things about my friends- Lisa has a boyfriend his name is Carl and he's into some drug business. James told us about his past relationships but now he doesn't do relationships- he's all about one-night stands. I found it fascinating how different they were-Lisa is more outgoing, bold, and loud but James is more reserved and calculating.

After we ate ice cream, James decides to drive us around in his car to see the city, take pictures together and goof around. I was sitting in the back seat and both of them were in the front, I look at a friend's and I smiled because I thought they were bad and but now I've realized they're good. Life is strange, by midnight we decide to head back and call it a night.

"'Are you ready?" Lisa asks with a concerned look on her face.

We arrived where my dad works.

" I'm scared Lisa but I'm ready'' I said with a small smile

I softly knock on the door and I hear my dads voice

"Come in"

I take a deep breath and enter his office. The first thing I look at is my dad's eyes and instantly my eyes start to water. Lisa is right behind me.

"' hello sir, I am your daughter's friend Lisa''

he's Furious we can see it on his face.

"Dad, I-"

"obliviscatur," he says

Suddenly the room starts spinning as I fall back and everything just goes dark.


I am surprised when Genora suddenly drops on the floor right after her father said the strange word to her.

"what did you do to her," I asked panicked and rushing to her unconscious body.

Genora, Genora, Genora!! I call out urgently trying to wake her up.

" Nothing can suppress a humans curiosity," Genora's father says while getting up and walking towards us.

I turn around to face him. I won't be able to defend myself against this guy and also protect Genora.

" I believe we have not met, I'm Kade and you are? "he says while nonchalantly extending his hand for me to shake as if none of this phased him.

"Lisa! now answer my question what did u do to your daughter huh?" I yell.

"ahh Hispanics, so brave" he sighs.

At this point I cannot believe this man, his daughter just fell on the floor and he's just pretending as nothing happened. he just continues to have this conversation with me, and on top of that he is mocking me- I am up to here with this man.

"tell me something Lisa do you think you're free?''

"yes, but unlike your daughter, Déjala ir, idiot!"

"Such a spiteful tongue you have, if you were truly free you would not be here begging me to let her go, you would take matters into your own hands correct?"

I am shocked by what he saying, is he implying that he wants me to fight for her he wants me to kill him, is this man crazy?

" I grew up in a household with no freedom, my father expecting so much for me wanting me to live out my life the way he wanted me to. I could never understand why parents thought they were entitled to do that. They thought wrong and they paid the price for their sins. All of you think you are free but you're not free you are controlled by a government, you are sheep simply following the shepherd. If you were truly free Lisa you would just be able to kill me right now and not look back, but you won't. "

" Alright, Kade since you love freedom so much tell me how is your daughter free when you giving her drugs to weaken and you tell her lies, and you kept her indoors for eighteen years-if you loved her you would want her to be free?"

" She is, but I'm also free to do whatever I want"

He moves closer and I move back till I'm backed up against the wall, I start shaking in fear, heart-pounding as he leans close to my ear and whispers.

"And again you are free to stop me, so the question is what are you going to do about it?"