

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Chapter 4

After I was discharged, the guy I met gave me a ride back home. As soon as I arrived in my room I checked the pills my dad gave me-they don't even have any information on them, they are blank. I don't know what to do, who to listen to, who to trust because I can't imagine my dad would want to hurt me.

I decide to call Lisa

" Hello Lisa"

"Hey, how are you girl "

"I'm not okay, I don't know who to talk to you, and I know we just started being friends, but I don't have anyone else to talk to"

''I'm coming hold on, don't worry I'm coming right now" she hangs up.

I hear a soft knock on the door, and I know it's Lisa, as soon as I open the door she instantly hugs me as I start to cry.

"I don't know how to say this, but I just found out my dad might be giving me medicine that's making me sick a-and," I said while trying to hold back the tears

" oh no sweetie I'm so sorry," she says and hugs me tightly.

I take deep breaths as I try to control my breathing.

"I just found out my dad might be weakening me with these drugs, and I don't know what to do, I went to the orientation and when I was coming back to the dorms-i was on my phone, and then I ran into this guy, and I got so scared then I ran away. A truck almost ran over me- the same guy who I ran into saved me and then I passed out. I woke up in the hospital. I told them about the headaches, so they advised me to get those pills checked out. I don't know what to do, I don't know what if I should call my dad because he's been the one that's been giving me those pills, I don't know who to trust anymore Lisa! "

At this point, she's holding me tightly, and she's trying to soothe me.

"it's okay, it's okay, we'll figure it out okay, just get those pills and we'll get them checked out tomorrow and see exactly what your dad has been giving you. If it's something that is hurting you then I suggest that you confront him, I think he might even go to prison. "'she says- instantly the thought of my dad being hurt or him going to jail hurt me.

"'no ,no, no please no we can't say anything to the police "' I can't live without my dad.

"Listen I understand it's your dad and he raised you, but he's going to have to face the consequences if he is guilty. I know it's pretty hard for you, but you're saying your dad might have been trying to kill you, and even if he's innocent, I think you should still try to break free from him because he is not a good parent judging by the way you turned out."

"Shut up!"

I say blindly in rage

"I said nothing will happen to my dad, he is my father, and I don't want anything happening to him, no one must hurt him. I will kill you if you try to hurt him"

She looked hurt and I instantly regret what I said.

"I am so sorry Lisa, I don't know what came over me - I didn't mean what I said"

"I know okay, just calm down I'm trying to help you. I understand this is hard for you right now, but I'm not the enemy here-I'm your friend okay"

I don't know why but I felt like taking a knife and stabbing her with it -her suggesting that my dad should be incarcerated made me go to this blind rage.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I found this about my dad -I don't know my mind is all over the place and I just can't think straight, there are times where I lose time, I won't remember what I was doing previously.

"I don't exactly know the full story', but I'm worried about what your dad did to you. You said he was a doctor right? He's been giving you medicine for years, and I don't know exactly how much damage was done to you already but we have to get your help. I know a good therapist, and she will help you but not with everything. I'll tell you exactly how the world is, we'll have a lot of fun this year, and you'll get to see the real world since you've been cooped at for your house all the time. You will get to see what you like, and what you don't like okay

"' it'll be fine, I'll be fine." I attempt to convince myself

I calm myself down as she whispers hopeful words to me. I hear a message coming into my phone and I see my dad asking me how I'm doing.

I look at it and I'm not sure if I want to answer. After a couple of minutes of looking at text debating, he calls me. I start to freak out, and Lisa signals for me to go ahead and answer it.

"'Hi Dad."

" Hey, sweetie how are you doing. How was orientation?"

it was good. "

"How was your first day at work?"

it was fine, the usual busy schedule"'

"I will send you some money so you can take a bus to my workplace this weekend"'

I look over to Lisa, and she signals for me to say yes,

"of course, Dad, cant wait to see you."

" I missed you so much already sweetheart."

"I missed you too."

I can't wait to see you, I have to go back to work, bye"


"you did good girl." Lisa praises

Tomorrow is Friday, so we are going to find out exactly what is in those pills and what they are for. As soon as we find out, then you have to confront him regardless of the outcome. if you want me to be there with you, I'll be there."

I reach out to hold her hands.

"thank you, I've never had a friend before, and I'm glad you're my first friend."

"me too."

As we are gathering up all the medication my dad gave me and trying to put them in plastic so that tomorrow we can go to the clinic to get them checked out. My phone rings, and I see it as an unknown number.


"Hey, it's the guy that ran into you and saved your life, I'm calling check up on you."

"How did you get this number?"

"I found your Facebook profile and hint-don't display your number on socials if you don't want thirsty guys calling you, Genora" he chuckles.

I blush.

" Thank you for all your help. I'm sorry about the way I treated you.

I don't know how you make it up to you."

"I'm James, do you want to be friends? "

I take a deep breath, and I realize how far I've come ever since I've moved here. I didn't think I'd make friends. I didn't want to make friends but now...

"Yes "