

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 18


With palms sweating and body trembling- Lisa felt uneasy on the Uber ride back to the residence. Was it a good idea to leave her there, What did she think of me now? Will she ever forgive me? The thoughts that were running through Lisa's head were making her feel quite uneasy and frustrated. Her heart racing and she could feel her cheeks getting hot, she gripped her skirt tightly with sweaty hands as she tried to breathe slowly and tell herself that everything was going to be alright.

"Is everything alright mam?" the uber driver asked looking at Lisa from the rearview mirror his brown eyes look at Lisa's.

"E-everything is alright," she assures.

"Listen, Im heading for a bar after this, so if a fine lady like yourself would like to-, "The driver says but is cut off by Lisa.


"Chris," he says and Lisa sighs, and says "Thanks Chris for the offer but I like girls."

"Oh, that's okay, how about just a friendly drink, you look like you need one right now."

" Again thanks for the gesture, I just want to be alone right now," she says snd he just nods and turns up the music. As the car is pulling up by Lisa's residence she notices James standing outside the building seemingly waiting for something. What is he doing here? she wonders and she pays the uber driver and exits the car slamming the car door hard. James notices her coming and quickly makes his way to her.

"Why the hell are you here!" she shouts at him drawing near.

"Where is Genora?" James asks completely ignoring her initial statement.

"Thats none of your business, Why are you here!" she says as she shoves at his chest in anger, trying to turn him away. Because of the towering frame that doesn't do much to him and he grabs her by the shoulder and gives her a good shake.

"Listen Genora might be in danger, is she with her father?"

"What if she is, what's it to you?"

"Where is she?"

Lisa just folds her arms and remains quite. James sighs out of frustration and says, " I know what you and her father did to her, if you have any remorse in you then please tell me where she is?" James begs and hesitant at first, Lisa eventually cracks and tells him.

After she tells him, James scoffs and shakes his head disapprovingly to Lisa. "Were you really that desperate for her that you turned to lie to her?"

"I really liked her but she saw you and liked you instead. I saw it as a second chance to get her to love me." Lisa says with regretful teary eyes as she looks down and James walks off to his car in a hurry.


"So you're just going to leave me tied up like this? What about school?"Kade asks as he hears Katherine coming down the stairs.

"Thats, not my main concern now, the sooner you talk, the sooner all this will be over," Katherine says as she sets a plate with a sandwich right next to him and she takes a seat opposite him. He devours the sandwich starved as Katherine looks down on him like an animal.

"Its been twelve hours dad, why not tell me what you're planning?"

"No can do sweetheart," he says and Katherine sighs from annoyance. She couldn't keep this up forever, sooner or later there would be peopling looking for him and her. She opens her phone and sees the countless missed calls from James, she sighs as she texts him that she's okay and will call him later. Another message from Chris but decides to leave it for later. She opens her emails, some messages from a module and a couple from Dr Hougvart consistently asking when she will come in. What's her deal why is she so desperate to see me? Katherine wonders while she puts her phone away.

"Okay at least tell me why you lied to Genora about life, people and why did you want her with Lisa and not James?"Katherine asks and he laughs. He keeps laughing hysterically for the next 2 to 4 minutes and slowly dies down.

"Are you done?" Katherine asks and he clears his throat but continues to say nothing.

"You are as bold as your mother" is all he says and Katherine gets up and sits next to him on the side. "What was her full name, till this day you have never told me much about her."

"Selena Hougvarts." he says and Katherine's eyes widen in realisation and he adds on, "I wouldn't go looking as I killed her entire family," he says and lets out a menacing laugh.

"Of course you did," Katherine says and stabs her fathers left leg with a kitchen knife making him scream out in pain.

"AHHHHHHHHH, you bitch ahhhhh" he continues but Katherine grabs a cloth from the garage cabinet, rolls it up and ties around his mouth preventing him from making too much noise. Sweat slowly ligers down his face as he lays on his side groaning in anguish as Katherine takes out the knife that was embedded deep in his leg. She grabs the table that was folded and placed at the side of the garage and places it right next to the garage support pole. She helps him stand and walks him to the table with him limping and his leg trailing blood along the way. She uncuffs him but cuffs his right hand to the pole and sits him down the chair, she tears a piece of cloth from her shirt and ties it around his leg to try to stop the bleeding.

"So will you talk now?" she asks her father that was breathing hard and sweating but through it all continues to giggle. She scoffs and takes his let hand and sets it on the table flat, grabs the kitchen knife and puts pressure oh his thumb threatening to cut it off.

"Will you tell me now?"She daringly asks and he immediately nods not wasting any more time which brings a smile to Katherine's face.