

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 16

"You're not dressing up today?" Lisa asks as Genora combs her hair in the bathroom.

"It's just brunching with my dad nothing major," she says. Genora exits the bathroom and can't help to notice how nervous Lisa is. "What's wrong," she asks.

"Haha, nothing just nervous meeting your dad," she says while twidling her thumbs on Genora's bed.

"You guys have met before right, and he likes you-so chill"

"Yea, uhm would you mind as well if you don't go anywhere alone with your dad, "Lisa asks averting her eyes.

"Why?" Genora asks in confusion, "I just don't want you to leave me alone"

"Well after the brunch I was planning on spending more time with him, "Genora says.

"Nice hmm Ill be right back," she says and exits the room. Genora takes her phone and calls James, "Hey"

"Hey, Im glad you called how are you"

"I'm great..."

"Listen what happened with Talia was just a mistake, I like you and only you"

"Yet, you cannot control your urges..."

"Im working on it, I-" he says but Genora interrupts.

"You know I was going to end everything today so that we could be together"

"What do you mean end everything, what are-"

"Goodbye James," she says and immediately drops, leaving him talking through the phone.

At James apartment, he is walking left to right trying to call Genora back a few times but she doesn't answer. In his mind countless possibilities run through his mind, worry fills his head as he doesn't know what she is planning. I thought we were in this together-he thinks to himself. Wasting no more time, he leaves his apartment and drives to Genora's place all a while trying to call her multiple times. He stands in front of the entrance thinking of a way he could get in and get her room number, thankfully he sees a girl exiting the building and approaches her.

"Hi," he says while approaching her

"Hello," she replies warily of him.

"Do you know who Genora is, she forgot her phone and I want to give it to her," he says politely.

"Hmmm, I don't think I do, but I think my friend Lisa is dating a girl with that name"

"Yes, that's her! Do you know which floor she might be, or better yet Lisa"

"Sorry but not too long ago I saw them leaving in a cab," she says making James' eyes widen in shock."Do you know where they went" he desperately askes. "No, sorry," the girl says and walks away leaving James in front of the building still attempting to call.

Meanwhile, Genora and Lisa exit the cab in front of a restaurant opposite the hospital her dad worked in. They exit and enter the restaurant and is met by the receptionist.

"Good day ladies, table for two?"A black middle ages men ask, wearing a normal black tux.

"No, we have a reservation for Davis?"

"Oh, of course, this was, "he says and leads us to our seat. This restaurant seemed to be gourmet and had a homestyle feel to it. Classical music playing in the background which made this place seem more refined. We are lead to the table right at the back, close to the window with the view of traffic.

"Your father says he's going to be running late but will join you shortly, here are the menus, "He says while placing the menus on the round table then taking his leave to serve other tables.

"This place looks very expensive Genora, I don't think I'll be able to afford it, "Lisa says as she scans through the menu.

"Relax, my father will pay for it" Genora reassures her making her feel a bit at ease.

The two wait for approximately 20 minutes until Genora's father arrives. Still, in his work attire, he approaches the table, Genora being the first to see him she gets up to greet him.

"Dad!"Genora says as she gives him a warm hug.

"Hi sweetheart," he says while embracing her in a tight hug. They take their seats and Kade says, "It is nice to see you again Lisa" while he extends his hand to her. She shakes it and gives him a small smile and mumbles, "It's nice to see you too."

"Have you two looked at the menu yet?" he asks and Genora shakes her head, "No we were waiting for you to come so we can all order together."

The three-sit for a while browsing through the menu until they all decide they know what they want, Kade signals for a waiter to come.

"My name is Carl and Ill be your waiter, Are you all ready to order?" he asks

"Yes, I would like the Ham and Egg Crepe Squares with green leaf tea, "Genora's father says as the waiter begins to take notes. "I will have the Crepes with Vegetables and Goat Cheese with orange juice," Genora says, "and I will have the same as her," Lisa says referring to Genora.

The waiter takes down the orders in his booklet and collects all their menu's, "Your food will be ready in 30 minutes" he says before walking away.

"So how are you two doing, Are you treating my daughter good?"He asks directing the question more to Lisa. Lisa glares at him in response and answer, "Im treating her well" through her gritted teeth. There is tension in the room but Genora's father simply ignores her reaction and turn his attention to his daughter.

"So Genora how was your test yesterday," he asks as he clears his throat.

"I didn't write it" Genora simply says as she inspects her nails nonchalantly.

"B-but you said you wrote it yesterday," Lisa says surprised."Well, I lied" Genora answers causing her father to become enraged.

"Why!" he raises his voice drawing other peoples attention from the other tables.

"I dropped out daddy because I realised Im doing something I don't like" she sassily answers.

Genora's father starts breathing heavily trying to calm himself down and Lisa's eyes widen in shock. She slightly scooches her seat further away from her father as if trying to create some distance in fear of his reaction. Genora reaches out to both of them, holding both of their hands, she smiles at them as if she did not just tell them she dropped out.

"What I would actually like to know is why my father and girlfriend are meeting in secret?" she asks, Lisa's hand start to shake, her face pales in shock as she looked tongue-tied while her father seemed to have calmed and put up a calm expression on his face, one that Genora was unable to read.