
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Kỳ huyễn
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112 Chs

The Trial of the Ancient

Arachne's eyes seemed to bore into Ethan and Aria's souls, as if searching for any sign of deceit. After a moment, she nodded, her expression unreadable.

"Very well," she said. "I will put your intentions to the test. You will face a trial, a test of your worthiness to possess the secrets of this city."

Ethan and Aria exchanged a nervous glance. They had no idea what to expect, but they knew they had to pass the trial if they wanted to unlock the secrets of the lost city.

Arachne led them to a large, circular chamber deep within the city. The room was filled with a dense, pulsating energy that seemed to hum with ancient power.

"In this chamber," Arachne said, "you will face three trials. Each trial will test your courage, wisdom, and strength. If you succeed, I will grant you access to the secrets of this city. But if you fail, you will never leave this place alive."

Ethan and Aria nodded, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They knew that they had to be brave and clever if they wanted to succeed.

The first trial began immediately. Arachne led them to a large, ornate door with intricate carvings depicting scenes of battle and conquest.

"Solve the riddle of the door," Arachne said, her voice cold and detached. "If you can open it, you will pass the first trial."

Ethan and Aria examined the door closely. It seemed impossible to open without knowing the correct combination or password.

But Ethan, being a skilled puzzle-solver, noticed a small detail that others might have missed. He pointed it out to Aria, and together they worked out the solution.

With a soft click, the door swung open, revealing a hidden chamber filled with treasures and ancient artifacts.

"Well done," Arachne said, impressed. "You have passed the first trial. Now you must face the second."

The second trial was even more challenging. Ethan and Aria found themselves facing a maze of illusions and hallucinations, designed to test their perception and wit.

They navigated the maze together, using their combined skills to overcome each obstacle and illusion.

Finally, they reached the end of the maze and found themselves face-to-face with Arachne once more.

"You have passed two trials," she said. "But the final trial is the most challenging of all."

The final trial was a battle against an ancient creature from another dimension. The creature was powerful and ferocious, with claws as long as swords and eyes that glowed like embers.

Ethan and Aria fought bravely, using all their skills and powers to try and defeat the creature. In the end, it was Ethan who came up with a clever plan that allowed them to emerge victorious.

Arachne nodded in approval. "You have passed all three trials," she said. "You are worthy of possessing the secrets of this city."