
Genetic Ascension

The people of Earth have been summoned once again Scientists document six extinction events in Earth's history, but none of them were as natural as they claimed. Sylas and his family have been called back to the Browns, a family of billionaire elites with assets reaching into the trillions. He isn't sure what to expect until he touches a floating bronze cube that changes his life. [Bronze City Stele] [Status: Dormant] [Time to Activation: 04:13:38] Unfortunately, there's only one Stele and the Browns have already decided upon their candidates. If Sylas wants to control his own fate, he'll have to enter the Trial. Now, woefully unprepared, and stuck in a world filled with the extinct creatures of Earth, he'll have to carve out his own opportunity... whether the Browns like it or not.

Awespec · Kỳ huyễn
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253 Chs


Mark blinked in confusion but picked up a javelin anyway. His aim wasn't the best, but since Sylas had said so and he didn't want to get scolded by his sister again, he did as he was told.

By this point, Nazgul had already entered a 20-meter range. It saw the hand chainsaws rushing forward. They spiraled through the air, swinging like pinwheels in hard-to-predict patterns.

With a savage glint in its eyes, Nazgul swung one of its blades toward the chainsaw, but this time the result was unexpected.

The hand chainsaws were long enough to wrap around the thick trunks of trees. A usual handheld chainsaw would at most be around three feet or a meter long. These, however, were twice that, likely to take advantage of their added Strength compared to normal humans and the fact they were cutting down quite substantial trees.