
Genetic Ascension

The people of Earth have been summoned once again Scientists document six extinction events in Earth's history, but none of them were as natural as they claimed. Sylas and his family have been called back to the Browns, a family of billionaire elites with assets reaching into the trillions. He isn't sure what to expect until he touches a floating bronze cube that changes his life. [Bronze City Stele] [Status: Dormant] [Time to Activation: 04:13:38] Unfortunately, there's only one Stele and the Browns have already decided upon their candidates. If Sylas wants to control his own fate, he'll have to enter the Trial. Now, woefully unprepared, and stuck in a world filled with the extinct creatures of Earth, he'll have to carve out his own opportunity... whether the Browns like it or not.

Awespec · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
253 Chs

Voice of a King


[Path Talent: Beast Totem Lv2; Insight Lv2] 


[Beast Totem (Path Talent)] 

[>Suppress <F-rank > Serpentes Beasts by <30% >

[>Forms Hibernation Realm where recovery increases by <200% >

[>Increase Fusion speed by <100% >

[>Buff Contracts by <40% >


Sylas took a breath, and just as the python was about to attack, it trembled. 

To Sylas' back, a pair of slit eyes slowly took shape. They were large, each one being at least half the size of his body. They exuded a gorgeous golden color and seemed to contain the explosion of equally as golden stars within. Their pupils were the only darkness about them, looking like a long and narrow fissure of space in the depths of reality. 

The moment the BOSS saw these eyes, it froze. Sylas could almost feel its spirit sinking and the fear pooling out from its eyes.