
Too Early

There was something particularly eerie about Grin's gaze. 

His actual face was quite delicate, almost cut, in a way. It was hard to tell if he was a grown man or a 14-year-old youth, but he had a liveliness to him that couldn't be denied. 

Large hazel eyes, an almost innocent school-boy cut for his brown hair, and a peculiar sort of curiosity for everything he looked at. 

However, no matter how disarming his appearance, it couldn't be denied that he was still holding a bloody knife in his hand. 

"You are?" Grin broke the silence. 

Morgan took a breath and steadied himself. 

"The snake will be under my protection from now on." 

He spoke strongly and assertively. Something about Grin made him feel as though he was having a staring contest with a wild beast. In such a situation, didn't they always say to make yourself look big? 

Grin blinked and looked back at the Basilisk King as though he was feeling sad about something.