
And Then...

Sylas felt a world of possibilities swimming about in his mind. It was like he was experiencing something fascinating for the first time, only to realize that that wasn't exactly what he was thinking. 

This wasn't the feeling of experiencing something new. No, it was the feeling of something that had once been an overly complicated, amorphous blob of everything in his mind suddenly finding a root in something tangible and very real. 

The feeling of the Blackened Claw fusing into his body was very similar to what he had experienced with the Scorpion Warlord Runes. 

The difference was that the Blackened Claw was far simpler, not just because its Runes were less complex, but also because it had taken a part of the process that Sylas struggled with—the integration portion—and executed it for him. 

This was one of the biggest issues that Sylas faced with the Scorpion Warlord Rune Mesh system. He didn't quite know how to integrate it into himself.